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  1. can you add another download link, comodo wont let me download it
  2. weird..metaphor's texture pack kinda does nothing to ksp, some of the planets have the same texturee (i dont know about the same names if that supposed to happen) and the asteroid are too close to the sun
  3. i created a space shuttle releated to this, failed even with mechjeb auto ascent guidance
  4. good good...now he have to wait 5 light years till he reach to Kerbin
  5. i know where it is its just like wherner is gone and its like my i didnt do my reports but i did
  6. i have created a post before but this bugs me the most...WHERE THE HECK IS WHERNER VON KERMAN AND MY SCIENCE REPORTS!
  7. GP4 can be named as Arin which is roughly the size of jool and has 2 major moons Mul and Stov Arin looks like a barren planet Mul is a lava planet which is extremly difficult to land on Stov is just like laythe but with more green land and maybe plants
  8. the planet was a gas giant called Arin and has 2 moons,Stov and Mul Mul was a lava planet and is about the size of titan,due to gravitational friction Stov and Arin made Stov was a Earth-like Planet and was a bit more bigger then ganymede Arin: Mul: Stov:
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