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Everything posted by Claw

  1. Since I heard Laie say my name, I figured I should appear. Docking ports are indeed a difficult beast to tame. Editing the save file can be tricky. Adding a second docked connection itself isn't easy, but possible. The other problem is that the first connected port must also have the correct rotation/orientation in order to keep the dual docking ports from ripping themselves apart. And I think the rotation vectors are stored as quarternions, which require some extensive math and understanding. (You can't just simply input a turn of "2 degrees" or equivalent radians or fraction thereof, for example.) It's not impossible, just be prepared to do some homework and trial/error (and be patient). Give the quicksave/quickload trick a try. That's the usual method I do and you can get very good docking alignment with it. If you angle the camera right, you can also provide some input while the magnets are doing their thing to aid in getting everything latched on. There are also several docking alignment add-ons that might work if you're not opposed to mods. I can't recommend any in particular since I don't use them myself. Stock multi-dock is an art in itself. Cheers, ~Claw
  2. Perhaps if you can provide a save through mediafire or dropbox. I'm not sure if there's a cutoff, but I've certainly accepted many contracts. Sometimes they don't pop up for a while if you don't complete enough of them. What I'm not sure of is what kinds of bins the contracts are grouped into. I've noticed at times that I can complete a whole slew of "text XX landed on Kerbin" and no new contracts will show up. But then I go complete one "text XX in flight over Kerbin" and 3 to 6 new contracts will appear. Maybe try a different style contract compared to what you've been doing recently. Good luck, ~Claw
  3. It's not like that. The community exists to help anyone and everyone enjoy the game. Cheers, ~Claw
  4. Yeah, this isn't really a bug so much as how the editor is built. It always shows the composite CoT regardless of staging. As was suggested, if you want to see the thrust vectors separately, you need to tweak the limiters to zero. Just don't forget to put them back. Cheers, ~Claw
  5. Yeah, it happens sometimes. I don't think the exact cause has been figured out yet. It seems to involve a kerbal going EVA and touching/falling onto the ground. Restoring a quicksave is pretty much the only way to restore the lost ship. Cheers, -Claw
  6. Yes, stock fairings are very buildable and in a variety of styles. Some examples: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43086-Open-Source-Construction-Techniques-for-Craft-Aesthetics?p=718412&viewfull=1#post718412 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43086-Open-Source-Construction-Techniques-for-Craft-Aesthetics?p=973749&viewfull=1#post973749 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43086-Open-Source-Construction-Techniques-for-Craft-Aesthetics?p=970847&viewfull=1#post970847 If you like them for aesthetics, then do it. Just because it isn't "ideal" doesn't mean you must go without. You can also build them out of things like antenna, I-beams, and radial parachutes. These all come from this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43086-Open-Source-Construction-Techniques-for-Craft-Aesthetics Cheers, ~Claw
  7. Moved to modded support, where you might get some help solving this. This does happen in stock, but I've only ever seen it on the launch pad. If it's happening constantly, then perhaps we can narrow it down further if we know what mods are in use. I recommend that, in order to best run this problem down, you read this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29 Providing some (if not all) of the info makes it easier for people to track down the bugs. Cheers, ~Claw
  8. You can built things that look exactly like that. What's not entirely clear by your question, though, it exactly what kind of structure you want that thing to have. Most everyone jumped into creating a loop, but if you're trying to build a shroud, you should connect the panels to the object below instead of trying to connect them to each other. You will need struts depending on how long you make it. If it's just 1 panel high, you probably don't need them at all. And, as a bouns! Capi showed off the circular station, but remember, it's never truly a closed loop. Struts and fuel pipes to not "close" the structure. In other words, they do not somehow cheat the tree structure of the craft. They do provide a means for it to act as if it's closed, but the second end that gets connected isn't actually attached in the same manner as all of the other components. Which leads me to docking ports. You can use docking ports to "close" off loops (or connect branches), but they are also not connected in the same manner. Docking ports that have been multi docked store their information in a different manner than docking ports that are attached (via surface or node attachment). The only exception to this is when you pre-attach a docking port (when you connect something to the docking side of a port in the VAB/SPH). In this case, the part that is pre-attached to the port becomes part of the tree structure. This still can't be used to circumvent the tree structure.
  9. Hey Flexo (is that a Futurama reference?), For your first post, that's an excellent bug report! Thanks for that. It's a known bug that's been around for a version or two. You can find an additional fix for your save file in the thread below (in case you find yourself in need of rescuing a quicksave). http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92235-Cross-Platform-Issues-Thread If you want to upload pictures, you can take a screen shot with F1. The screenshot will then show up in your KSP_Install/screenshots directory. Upload those files to any image sharing site (such as www.imgur.com) and you can post the link on here. If you put code tags around the file URL, it will embed the picture in your post. It will look like [noparse][/noparse] Welcome to the forums! ~Claw
  10. If you are playing in a mode that doesn't have contracts (like sandbox and science) you won't get any messages. Right now only finishing contracts triggers a message. ~Claw
  11. Science has also proven that women's eyes suffer less damage and deterioration while on long duration space missions. So now we can flip the argument upside down. In either case, my point is that we don't need to pull in physics as a means to discuss sexism and discrimination. Thanks for the point out, but these topics are not allowed for a reason. Sorry, but thread closed... Cheers, ~Claw
  12. I believe FAR specifically reduces the stock jets capabilities. The basic jet and TurboJet are overpowered for what they are, so ferram reduced their capabilities. I don't know if NEAR followed suit. The problem with that (in my opinion) is that the game does not come with a scramjet or ramjet part. So for now I'm happy to have an overpowered jet that fills that gap. If you are using FAR, you simply aren't going to get the same performance out of then as you did in stock. Which is fine, but you'll have to design the rocket portion to match up with that. Cheers, -Claw
  13. Hmm. I don't think there are pictures/description of them. But if you are curious, you can throw up a picture of which ones (or describe them) and I'm sure we can clear up what they are for. The best place for that is probably my 0.24 FAQ thread. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87518-21-Jul-KSP-First-Contract-%28v0-24%29-Frequently-Asked-Questions Glad your ship is free. Cheers, -Claw
  14. Yes, that actually helped a whole lot. The reason why the fix isn't working is because you're using the shielded docking port. The game is smart enough to know that you can't PreAttach that port. Here's what you need to fix: PART { [COLOR="#FF0000"]name = dockingPort2[/COLOR] uid = 665474283 mid = 3763059155 launchID = 0 parent = 136 position = 0.177622318267822,12.1255493164063,13.3565616607666 rotation = -0.6179113,-0.3443054,0.344789,0.6170577 mirror = 1,1,1 istg = 0 dstg = 0 sqor = -1 sidx = -1 attm = 0 srfN = None, -1 [COLOR="#FF0000"]attN = top, 136[/COLOR] attN = bottom, 183 Right click on what used to be the shielded docking port to decouple them. After you've disconnected the ship and flown a safe distance away, you can change the "dockingPort2" back to "dockingPort1" if you wish. Good luck, ~Claw
  15. To answer Kasuha's question, all of the bug threads are now linked in this main "Self Help" sticky. Specifically the thread you are referring to is linked as the Cross Platform Bugs thread. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92228-Known-Issues-Self-Help This was done because the the forum started to fork operating specific bugs threads, and also in anticipation of future releases. So links to the threads are now collected in this sticky. The threads all still live in this forum, just a bit further down the list. Cheers, -Claw
  16. Hey David, I haven't abandoned you. I downloaded your save but I've also been busy (and getting distracted). 6MB isn't a few K, so it's taking a little bit to wade through your file. I might have to install KER or try another text editor to help out because Mediafire hashed up your save file. Plus I might delete some of your other ships to help me out. I will try to look at it tomorrow. Hopefully this isn't causing you a complete stand still. Cheers, ~Claw
  17. Here you go, example of what I'm talking about. Using the transfer windows I talked about don't cost much (if any) additional dV as compared to any other Munar polar orbit insertion. You can see the transfer timing in the first two pictures. I'm sure you could probably shave off a few dV from this method, but to me it seems to be the lowest dV while being straight forward and maintaining flexibility.
  18. Oh yeah. I guess I was thinking of shifting into any polar orbit, instead of matching the station. But then I suppose you're not minimizing dV usage. Yes, a munth. I like that. Cheers, ~Claw
  19. Hi Jimmy, If you don't mind providing a little more information. You can check this thread on the kinds of information we need: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92230-Stock-Support-Bug-Reporting-Guide You can also check here for known problems, depending on your operating system: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92228-Known-Issues-Self-Help Right now, 64-bit has a known right-click problem. So if you are using the 64-bit version that might be the problem. Also, some versions before 0.24.2 had right-click problems. So if you haven't updated to 0.24.2, you might want to do that. Welcome to the forums! ~Claw
  20. Geschosskopf's suggestion also seems reasonable to me. I don't know if it would be minimum dV, but it shouldn't be too expensive either. Maybe the key point for you (if you didn't already know) is to adjust the inclination when you are at AP, and to keep that AP as high as is practical when capturing around the Mun. You don't fire straight toward the Mun like a bullet. Orbits swing around the sides. So while most of your time appears to be spent pointing straight at the Mun, you need to do the midcourse correction so that it swings over the poles while approaching Mun from behind or ahead (whichever you prefer). By the way, tangent is what you want because tangent applies to curves. You want to come in tangent to the orbit where you're intersecting it. Parallel is for lines. If you prefer, one could imagine coming in parallel if viewed from above, but it should be noted that the approaching craft's trajectory isn't going to be a straight line when it's reaching the Mun's SOI. Really it comes down to controlling exactly where you hit the SOI transition if you want to minimize dV consumption. You can open up the transfer window more as you get better at adjusting the midcourse correction to put you on the right trajectory to match up with the station. However, I think worst case is if the station orbit is "pointed at" Kerbin when you arrive. You'll have more maneuvers to accomplish, and need more dV to spend. I mean a Kerbin month, not an Earth month. 1 Month = 1 orbit by Mun around Kerbin. I suppose it's not a standard ingame measurement, so sorry for the confusion. Cheers, ~Claw
  21. Well, I'm sure you'll get replies like "Don't put your station in polar orbit." (My response is do it if you want. ) If you don't want to spend a lot of dV, what you've really done is limited yourself to two departure windows per Kerbin month. Since it doesn't take that long to get to Mun, you basically have to wait till the polar orbit is near tangent to the Mun's orbit (so that it's nearly a circle when you look at it from Kerbin). Personally I would still launch in an equatorial Kerbin orbit, then do a midcourse correction to a polar Munar orbit half way there. That should keep the overall dV low while still providing flexibility and the ability to recover from a mistake. Realize that at the two times during the Kerbin month when you can transfer, the polar orbit will be going opposite directions. So you'll have to pay attention to if your station is north-bound or south-bound on your approach trajectory when you set up the Munar encounter for the inbound ship. Hopefully that makes sense without me making a picture. Cheers, ~Claw Edit: I should also recommend that you might want to set your station orbit so that the transfer windows happen during the full and new moon times (when the Mun is in-line with Kerbin and the Sun). This will also ensure your station has maximum sun exposure while you're trying to rendezvous and dock with it. So in the image below, you want your station orbit matched up with the Munar terminus during the New Mun and Full Mun. Then it will receive sun during it's entire orbit while you rendezvous.
  22. Dropbox, Mediafire or File2web all work, but you certainly aren't limited to these. They should give you a link that you can post here in the forum. Looks like it's all stock? ~Claw
  23. Kerbals without EVA propellant are pretty much completely frozen in space. They pretty much can't do anything. If it's happening with quicksaves, it sounds like you may have left over bits from a previous mod. Did you ever have any other mods installed? If so, you may want to consider copying your save games somewhere safe and doing a reinstall. Beyond that, we would need more info such as save files, logs, screen shots (you can find out how to get that info in the support guide sticky). http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92230-Stock-Support-Bug-Reporting-Guide Cheers, -Claw
  24. Yes, I agree that it sounds like a monitor adjustment or video card adjustment issue. I also agree that your brightness and contrast settings are out of whack. Especially if you fiddled with them to see into dark places. If you see high gradients, your contrast is probably way too high. Just make sure to adjust the settings on your monitor AND video card. Many video cards and monitors also have gamma values. I recommend you reset the settings both, then calibrate one at a time. As for dark ships, space is dark, you aren't going to see things without lights. I too put the brighter portions of the night sky in the background and use silhouette if I need to dock or do other maneuvers. If you find yourself in the dark for too long, you can also raise the orbit (if you don't want or can't add lights). Cheers, -Claw
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