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Dr. Death

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Everything posted by Dr. Death

  1. i lack words to say because when i think that this mod is just cosmetic and think that the way the rooms are made end up by making the ship look somewhat bad with rough edges, i end up looking at some of the works of people that dont suck (like me) and i realize i was wrong. Yes, landing legs should get an upgrade, but i am more a fan of flat floor. And while i COULD .cfg this, some of these things i cant, and that's just part of the problem. Maybe i just need to see how can i make solar panels look good with a hex-design ship. Try also making versions of the labs and scientific stuff that sticks up with the design, one of the biggest cosmetic problems was to make a ship that was partially a cylinder and part... well, your parts. For the record, this may be just MY opinion, but althought i didn't knew this was just a pioneer of your tries (you did it great) the lag i experience with some of you parts (mostly those wich animate) is not... small.... i do have a powerful PC, maybe its just my ATI card, but the FPS problems affect me a lot
  2. Well.... i have to say that if these parts look futuristic, are balanced, yet they work for comsetics then i am not sure where is this heading, if everythign is cosmetic just for the sake of it then it would be better to use hyperedit to put your ship on orbit, but then it would have little purpose. Its not that i find a problem that parts are balanced, its that they are as balanced as a stock KSP part is, and KSP appears to be "set" in an age around the 70's/80's (based on gauges, parts, etc.) and this looks like ****ing 1k years ahead and.... i was just surprised that you were aiming for the balanced approach. (altough, rooms, while useless, do store kerbals, and they look fantastic). I would just say that i DID noticed the way the airlocks doors open/close (appearing out of the sides and getting magically bigger until they close) And i am 80% sure you DO know this.... but cargo bay part lags..... BAD. just used 2 of the 1 meter ones and my FPS went from 60 to 25
  3. i thought that because of the way gravity worked in the game you couldn't add more than one single gravity?
  4. what can i say... i love this mode, my kerbal glitches and get stuck because sometimes the ship is too small, but i love it. However, when all its said and done, when you have a nice star-citizen-like ship, nothing else can be done. No landing strut/wheel looks good with it, so you can just leave it as it is, wich works, but the real problem is the engines. No engine looks good with this ship, and even the smaller engines dont fit/dont look right. This is a problem because the aspect of the ship makes it looks like if it comes from an era where there are small engines with the power of the mainsail that require no fuel/a type of fuel that can be harvested like the solar one. Besides that, i am using the small command pod, and damn, dude, JUST 50 electricity units? i think you should have them to at least 500, i am making these suggestions based on the fact that this mod is to bring futuristic and advanced pieces rather than balanced ones, same goes to the point of stability, as the aircraft its not aerodynamic at all (i am using FAR mod). I REALLY hoped to see the gabinet do.... something, but instead it just waste space. I also actually expected the cockpits to have hidden solar panels (wich actually would be cool) I dont really know why the airlock part, but unless it is compatible with TAC life support, unlike the cargo structure, its just a nice looking part. What should really make the whole thing about going inside the ship better would be an artificial gravity system, wich if i am not wrong would need to almost remake the game's gravity data. Just 1 final suggestion: try to add more info to the cockpits, 1/2 MFD its not enough, usually a ship that should be able to play with no HUD at all should have at least 2-3 MFD, (5-6 maximum), a physicall navball on the cockpit, and if possible, an MFD showing the % of the thorttle (as shown with the MFD in the ASET addon). I guess a resume of this comment would be that while i love this, it looks that the mod its more of a cosmetic one rather than actually add parts to make it work normally. I still want to know how the mod goes, and trust me, IT IS hard to go around the ship using the EVA suits with the camera control against you, and it would be a small fix but a fix nonetheless to be able to turn on/off the lights of the cockpit.
  5. i know about them, but that doesn't stop the fact that while 0.23.5 is a public relase, its still just a mid point, or a dev build for the actual 0.24
  6. actually i just checked the build, its 395, but it wont let me patch it
  7. i am using the version 0.23, maybe i should have mentioned that (i dont plan to update until the ACTUAL .24 is relased)
  8. when i start up the game there is a message telling me that the mod is incompatible because its outdated, this happened when i updated the mod. Any idea?
  9. cant do much more, i am using a stock plane on stock points. And i have observed the missiles for the submarine aren't as powerful as someone would wish, and if you talk about float code, i have seen how several big chunks of the carrier even cutted at half can float by themselves, maybe this can be fixed by making a code or a script that forces the aircraft to float if it has X parts together. Thanks for the work you are doing, not many mod-makers would actualy answer most of the feedback users give them. I would honestly suggest for a more realistic-based aircraft carrier (4-5 wires, angled deck, maybe catapult, etc.) or to make a better way to spawn in the water due to bugs and glitches, but its up to you.
  10. I had my carrier flip out and literally go belly up once i had 3 planes docked, and i am still having problems with the attaching ports of the aircrafts getting off from the planes. Sadly there is no buttom to fix the aircraft or to stick it again. On another note, with FAR mode, i was able to go around the world with the naval shark. That extra 50 fuel liters in the attachment port was a life-saver.
  11. my problems still persist, but as much as i barely tried it with FAR, the only problem would be the over steering, no matter what, without the SAS, it would become uncontrolable. Besides that, flies perfect.
  12. Well.... these "problems" are random, instead of having problems with the cockpit, now all the kerbals became floating heads with no eyes. Yes, it was creepy, REALLY creepy.
  13. I am having problems, the cockpit walls from IVA are invisible, some of the dependencies are making my kerbals faces on the exterior view appear blank (just a simple color) and some fonts are messed up. I will just really suggest you to make smaller dependencies to increase compatibility
  14. is it compatible with deadly reentry and Ferrum Aerospace mod?
  15. Ok, i have some problems, it for the most happends with both the subs and the runabout EVO. they either splash and explode or are send to the void with the kraken attack again, tried modifying the M2W (thinking it meant move to water) and used the Firespitter "spawn on water" and tried everything possible. Still it had the same results. There is no way to launch some of the watercrafts. Its not my computer, of that i am sure.
  16. um.......... can i haz dat list of mods to have both boat and tomcat in the game? they look fantastic
  17. You're just not handling the SR-71 right. It needs to pick up speed first so that you don't have to push the AoA too high and to get enough air. It's perfectly capable of going up to 25 km. Ladders aren't normally my main priority. Besides, it lowers the part count. This is actually completely correct. The SR-71 actually should be in danger of flying apart at mach 3, and I have caused it to disintegrate at those speeds. Let me add the caveat that you neglected: all of those apply in a safe, well-designed plane that doesn't compromise stability for performance reasons. Most spaceplanes sacrifice stability for performance reasons; if you build a Cessna 172 it'll fly like a Cessna 172, including the pitch-down tendency even in a deep stall due to the weight of the engine at the front. Well, if I made the air thicker, that would result in all the forces scaling up... including the ones keeping the plane in a stall. All that would do is allow you to take off at 20 m/s and run into the same issues at lower speeds. @Castun: yeah, it turns out there's a bug in the Turbojet module manager fix. It needs to be changed to this: @PART[turboFanEngine] { @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @maxThrust = 200 @velocityCurve { @key,0 = 0 0.7 0 -0.00098 @key,1 = 140 0.63 0 0 @key,2 = 400 0.7 0.00049 0.00049 @key,3 = 900 1 0 0 key = 1800 0 -0.00098 0 } } }
  18. I will try steamgauges and i will practice my landings, but then again, there is the problem that the attaching ports for the aircrafts to attach to the carrier breaks and the planes are left there on top of the deck. Wonder how is it if we can add angled-deck runway or a catapult.
  19. there are several things i dislike, so i will just post them as feedback: -After your last aerodynamics update, most of the aircrafts that come with the mod flip out very easy, as all of them have just too much lift. (the aircrafts that i think are the most stable are the transport one and the blackbird, nice aircrafts BW) -Planes not made for supersonic speeds should have severe damage when doing supersonic, the husky transport should experience tearing because of the effect and pressure. -Husky transport reach up to 20 kilometers of Alt. while the black bird reaches 13-15 k -The blackbird should be able to reach for 20 kilometers, but that's more of the atomsphere limit. -Many of the aircrafts have problems when you want to get back in, there is no way to do it Now, those are the problems that i think can be fixed. But i have 2 more suggestions: 1- try to get a more aerodynamic air intake for the blackbird, with the deadly reentry effect mod (wich if you dont want to, you dont need to do this because its about co-operation between 2 mods) the blackbird can't reach more than Mach 6.2 or around that speed before tearing itself apart. Also, the blackbird loses control at 13 kilometers and after 15 kilometers over steering it a little bit can cause severe stalling and lose of control. 2- the wind in real life its not something the pilot has to deal with to avoid stalling, its the other way around, in real life a pilot wont stall unless going really slow because the air is avoiding the pilot to get into a stall by forcing the plane to aim for the direction the air speed is going. That's why if you see pilots before fly-by-wire they had to pull the stick with a lot of force, because the air was not letting them move the plane. With this mod, you are the one that have to aim for the ball all the time if you dont want to flip. TL;DR: Air is too light, it should be stronger and force the plane to avoid stall.
  20. I suggest you make also space clouds, you know, the clouds that are at the border of space made out of light gases and such, just to add realism. and PLEASE let us disable the city lights or to change them, i had problems navigating trough the plane with the amount of clouds, but for the most i blame the cities as they didn't allowed me to look at the ground below and orient myself.
  21. I have a problem with docking, the docking ports of the aircrafts detach from the aircrafts and they end up detached on top of the carrier, this happened when i tried escape and go to space station several times to put several aircrafts (3) on the carrier. And i suggest you make landing easier, and try to make some kind of indicator for landing, its quite hard to land aircrafts in the carrier at the first try with just 1 arresting wire (or its just that i am using Ferrum Aerospace Research mod).
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