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Everything posted by Jofe

  1. Interesting. I had this problem too. I discovered it was related to Kerbals that came from contracts, as if their sorta existence conflicted with the game. I fixed it by disabling any contract that created them (Tourism and Recovery in my case). Gonna try removing Roster Manager and see if I can reactivate the contract types
  2. Well, found a solution, although one that I don't like. While the solution I linked didn't work for me, the problem seems to be relate to Kerbals that have some kind of, ermm, physical presence on the game but I don't own (They seem to exist in the world in some way or another). At first I thought it was a problem with Contract Configurator: Tourism Plus, because the problem happened as soon as I accepted the first contract that appeared from that mod. I removed it and effectively didn't get the bug for some time. But then it happened again and I noticed that it was as soon as the Recover Asset contracts appeared. Loaded a previous save and disabled that type of contract and so far I haven't run into the issue again. I Would prefer another solution as I like that type of contracts and would like to use Tourism Plus D:
  3. Hello, I'm running into this issue and I have no idea what might be causing it. After some time playing I can't go into any VAB or SPH, launch any vehicle from either the runway or the launch pad, if I'm on the VAB or the SPH I can't exit them or launch anything from them, if I'm on a launched vehicle I can't go back to KSC. I tried using the solution posted here, but it seems like it doesn't apply to me as I haven't fired/killed any kerbal. Still checked and I only have the 4 starting kerbals and 2 that are part of contracts that I haven't accepted yet. Also read somewhere that apparently Texture Replacer had something to do, but after removing the bug still happens. Since I'm using S.A.V.E and Dated Quick Saves I've been able to go back to points where KSC hadn't bugged yet in order to see if it was the case, but still after some time playing it happens again. This is my list of mods KerbalEngineerRedux ScienceAlert StationScience ChuteSafetyIndicator ActiveTextureManagement-x86-Basic AdjustableLandingGear AlternateResourcePanel AmpYearPowerManager AsteroidDay AviationLights B9 B9AerospaceProceduralParts B9AnimationModules BetterCrewAssignment BetterScienceLabsContinued CapCom Chatterer ColorCodedCans ColorfulFuelLines CommunityResourcePack CommunityTechTree ContractConfigurator ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch" ContractConfigurator-InitialContracts ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech ContractConfigurator-Tourism" ContractsWindowPlus CriticalTemperatureGauge CrowdSourcedFlags CrowdSourcedScience CustomBarnKit DangIt DatedQuickSaves Kopernicus DockingPortAlignmentIndicator EnhancedNavBall ETT EVAEnhancements EVAOK ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads FieldExperience FilterExtensions FilterExtensionsStockRework FinalFrontier Firespitter FirespitterCore FirespitterResourcesConfig" ForScienceContinued GregroxsColoredEVAIVASuits InfernalRobotics InterstellarFuelSwitch InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core Karbonite KarbonitePlus KAS KerbalAircraftExpansion" KerbalAlarmClock KerbalJointReinforcement KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems KerbalScienceExchange KIS KSPInterstellarExtended KWRocketry KWRocketry-CommunityFixes LandingHeight LSPFlags ModuleManager NavballDockingIndicator OuterPlanetsMod PortraitStats RasterPropMonitor RasterPropMonitor-Core" RCSBuildAid RealChute RemoteTech RosterManager SafeChute SAVE SCANsat ScienceFunding ScienceRevisitedRevisited Service-Compartments-6S SETI-Greenhouse SETI-RemoteTech ShipManifest StageRecovery StockBugFixPlus ThrustIndicationModule Toolbar TweakScale UKS UniversalStorage USI-ART USI-Core USI-EXP USITools VNG-Parachute VNG-Parachute-EVALoading VNG-Plugin WaypointManager xScience FuelTanksPlus KerbalStats FilterExtensionsDefaultConfig TextureReplacer BDAnimationModules REPOSoftTech-Agencies B9-props KlockheedMartian-Gimbal SmokeScreen CrossFeedEnabler SpacetuxSA MagiCore KerboKatzUtilities DMagicOrbitalScience I appreciate any help you can provide
  4. Same deal. Was about to post this. However the "Full Screen" tip won't fix it for me. If I try to run the game at 1920X1080 without full screen on it will crash the game. Mod list as shown by CKAN, minus the spaces and versions. KerbalEngineerRedux ScienceAlert StationScience ChuteSafetyIndicator ActiveTextureManagement-x86-Basic AdjustableLandingGear AlternateResourcePanel AmpYearPowerManager AsteroidDay AviationLights B9 B9AerospaceProceduralParts B9AnimationModules BetterCrewAssignment BetterScienceLabsContinued CapCom Chatterer ColorCodedCans ColorfulFuelLines CommunityResourcePack CommunityTechTree ContractConfigurator ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch" ContractConfigurator-InitialContracts ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech ContractConfigurator-Tourism" ContractsWindowPlus CriticalTemperatureGauge CrowdSourcedFlags CrowdSourcedScience CustomBarnKit DangIt DatedQuickSaves Kopernicus DockingPortAlignmentIndicator EnhancedNavBall ETT EVAEnhancements EVAOK ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads FieldExperience FilterExtensions FilterExtensionsStockRework FinalFrontier Firespitter FirespitterCore FirespitterResourcesConfig" ForScienceContinued GregroxsColoredEVAIVASuits InfernalRobotics InterstellarFuelSwitch InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core Karbonite KarbonitePlus KAS KerbalAircraftExpansion" KerbalAlarmClock KerbalJointReinforcement KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems KerbalScienceExchange KIS KSPInterstellarExtended KWRocketry KWRocketry-CommunityFixes LandingHeight LSPFlags ModuleManager NavballDockingIndicator OuterPlanetsMod PortraitStats RasterPropMonitor RasterPropMonitor-Core" RCSBuildAid RealChute RemoteTech RosterManager SafeChute SAVE SCANsat ScienceFunding ScienceRevisitedRevisited Service-Compartments-6S SETI-Greenhouse SETI-RemoteTech ShipManifest StageRecovery StockBugFixPlus ThrustIndicationModule Toolbar TweakScale UKS UniversalStorage USI-ART USI-Core USI-EXP USITools VNG-Parachute VNG-Parachute-EVALoading VNG-Plugin WaypointManager xScience FuelTanksPlus KerbalStats FilterExtensionsDefaultConfig TextureReplacer BDAnimationModules REPOSoftTech-Agencies B9-props KlockheedMartian-Gimbal SmokeScreen CrossFeedEnabler SpacetuxSA MagiCore KerboKatzUtilities DMagicOrbitalScience
  5. I don't remember what the plan was, I only remember I had to rescue a Kerbal that got stuck on Mun.
  6. Kinda cheating because I went to space and it was a weird bug, but when coming back to Kerbin ran into this weird thing, I had set mi PE to around 30 km so I would slow down a little. Yet for some reason I failed to lose altitude. Reload and try again, this time set it to around 5 km. Same issue, this time you could see the reentry animations as I gained altitude. Tried again but didn't set off the previous stage, this time I would drop like a rock and nothing I did would slow the craft down. Had to sacrifice a Kerbal because I found no wait to fix it.
  7. Guess better find a way to get used to it, it makes weird to do the initial contracts. As said a single rocket booster would get me the first altitude record. On NEAR I get to orbit, or would get if I had better control but that's another story. Edit: Tried with a liquid fuel booster and must ask if I should use less than 100% thrust, the fuel was consumed sorta fast but I gained a crap ton of velocity.
  8. Just to be sure, its normal then on NEAR for a single RT-10 to send me up around 90-100 km and have an orbital velocity of around 2.5 km/s. Because on stock it sends me up around 20km and gives me a surface velocity of around 450-500 km/s. Its odd for me because the numbers change so much.
  9. I got this mod because of another mod that needed either this one or FAR and I'm having this issue where a single solid rocket booster and a capsule will go up to the atmosphere and anything that is more than that is very hard to control. With the single solid rocket booster I end up gaining more than 2km/s of velocity. Any idea of what might be causing this issue?
  10. Hello, I'm having a small issue with this mod, or at least I'm highly suspicious that its because of this mod. Anyway, I'm having some big fps drops during reentry with pretty small ships (Mk1 command pod and 2 quad cores and 8 different modules from US). I'm suspecting that US is at fault because I casually switched from the pod to a part I had recently decoupled to see how it burnt on the atmosphere . When I switched and the pod wasn't on sight I would get normal fps, but as soon as I either switched back or looked at it the fps would drop again. I tried launching a very simple ship to test if by itself would drop my fps and it didn't. I'm using deadly reentry.
  11. The last version isn't dropping my fps anymore, thanks for fixing that. Now if I could find out what mod is now causing a fps drop during reentry... I think its Universal Storage, but not sure yet.
  12. I don't know if I did something wrong, as far as I know I didn't, but after getting the last version I experienced a notable fps drop. I was getting around 20-25 fps everywhere and after removing ATM it went back to the usual 50-60. Forgot to mention I was using the aggressive version.
  13. This seems like a nice alternative to Remote Tech. I love the idea of Remote Tech but managing all the antennae can be annoying at times and overwhelming. You get distracted for one second and you lost control of a probe or as tend to happen when I start again and try to land a probe on the mun I lose signal because mun blocks it and crash the probe.
  14. Yes, yes it does. On another note using Alt+Enter actually switches to fullscreen, however whenever I use Alt+Tab it goes back to a window. Ran into another thing. When I rocket is going through 9 to 13km approximately my fps are tanking very hard. Usually I would lose a little during this same space but with OpenGL the drop is big.
  15. Was having the same results with a Radeon HD 5770. Updating the drivers fixed, apparently since still behaved a little weird while loading. Have some anomalies though, fullscreen isn't working I still get the game in a window. However right of the bat (just having started the game) I went down from 2.5GB of ram to 1.7GB. Been getting ram related crashed lately so will update later if I managed to avoid them with this method.
  16. Rage quit till the mods are updated because I've become too dependent on them.
  17. That fixed it. Went down from 15 mins (placed B9 and KW again) to 3. Thought I had already disabled Hamachi since I haven't used it for a long time. But I guess I hadn't done it properly as the network it creates was still there so I just removed it completely since I don't use it anymore. Thanks for the help.
  18. I stopped playing KSP some time ago while waiting for the .24 update. The update came and I forgot about it . Anyway I took the old install (after updating), deleted everything and downloaded the game from Steam again, just to be sure that nothing would screw anything by accident. Downloaded again most of the mods I had before and a couple of new ones. I start the game and it takes so long I think the game crashed on the background. I time it and it takes around 15 mins to load initially. If I remove B9 aerospace and KW Rocketry it goes down to 12-13 mins. If I don't use mods it takes around 5 mins (which I feel its still long for stock ksp). I'm already using Active Texture Manager. I'm wondering if everyone gets similar loading times with mods or if maybe something is wrong on my end. If anyone needs my specs I have an i5 650 @3.20 GHz, 4GB of ram and a Radeon HD 5770 and I'm using Windows 7 64bit but running KSP 32 bit. Thanks for any help/advice you can give me.
  19. Hello, I haven't played in some time and I'm updating my mods. I remember that when scanning for Kethane the vessel should be active for the scanner to work. So I must ask if this is still the case or if the scanning now works also when using other ships.
  20. Doesn't matter. Will try anyway (Not the best image since its against the light but it makes it a little more dramatic) Landing wasn't very difficult. The rockets worked very well even without limiting them. Just gave them a little thrust and that was enough to reduce my vertical speed without making me go the other way. One funny thing that happened was that I got distracted on an attempt and landed too fast. The rover didn't explode but it lost all the wheels. Normally this isn't a problem, but due to the low gravity repairing a single one would send it flying halo tank flipping style. Another weird (well comparing it to normal circumstances) was that the back wheels would tend to lift just from going down a hill, they wouldn't go down even with rcs. I had to lift of a little (a couple of meters) in order to touch the ground with the four wheels again. (Landed on the dark side so had to tweak the image a little or it was just barely visible) Lifting up and making into orbit was easy and in a couple of hours the rover was reunited with the main ship with a lot of fuel to spare. Thanks again.
  21. Success! (or so it seems so far). I followed yours and RedDwarfIV advise and now it flies straight (mostly). I added a probe (not pictured because apparently I uploaded the wrong image) to be able to orientate the navball properly for flight and I think it shifts the weight a little to the side but its not very noticeable. Also had some trouble balancing the CoM around the CoT. As noted on the image had to reduce the quantities of fuel and oxidizer and then lock them to not risk having the CoM moving when its consumed. Also added a reaction wheel and extremely easy to control when compared to what I had previously. Also on the last point. How effective would be to limit thrusters so I don't fly to orbit when barely using them. Its just that I don't want a stranded Kerbal. So I just usually overshoot it to not risk it. Thanks for the help.
  22. Well I finally unlocked some wheels (I'm extremely slow) and so attempted to build a rover. After looking a little around found out that some people don't build rovers separately, but as part of the lander. So I went to try it in an attempt to maybe save some time in a trip to Minmus and the result is this monstrosity that we'll call a rover to give it some sort of denomination. For now ignore the parachutes and the ladder, I placed those to do some testing in Kerbin. Now I went to try it out so in case of emergency I don't leave a Kerbal stranded in Minmus. When I turn on the engines the rover lifts of (success). However even with SAS on it tends to tilt a little to the front (maybe its because of the position of the center of mass?), but thats ok, its not biggie. The problem comes when I try to correct that tilt or even turn. I pretty much lose control of the rover and have to use rcs to regain it, which tends to be a little expensive. Since I will need that mono propellant in order to reunite with the main body. Any ideas of how to fix this loss of control?
  23. I'm having this weird issue. I'm not exactly sure from what point forward it happens, but whenever I accelerate time beyond 10x the lines that represent signal get separated from wherever they were coming and move around when I change the camera orientation. Quick loading will usually fix it, but if I save after this happens on the next quick load everything disappears and I have to restart the game.
  24. I see. That fixed it thanks. Also it is known why it triggers? Or its kinda luck with it? So I can try to avoid whatever makes the bug appear.
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