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Everything posted by Castille7

  1. After building Station MK9 I now have a nice launcher for a Lander to go places. Did a test run to Duna..........Let's say....I just made it!
  2. Today I did something I haven't done in a very long time.....A Mun Landing
  3. I've been wanting to build a huge Castle but the best looking parts are very tedious to work with and part count gets very high.
  4. So awesome man! I think we should all be charged at least $10.00 a Month for being able to watch Kerbal TV
  5. These are probably my two closest to Cinematic Films "DeepCore-7" and my most recent "Station MK9. I have to say a true Cinematic Film is very challenging. DeepCore-7 Station MK9
  6. "Station MK9" Celebrating my 200th Craft Release! Take a 29-Ton Space Station Called "Station MK9" to any planet in the Kerbol System. Most of the travel will be with 5 Dawn Engines. Station MK9 got it's name from the 9 Lander Cans being used. It's a Core/Station that can be added on to it's couplers. The craft was built in 2015 and never released because the Launcher was still needing lots of testing and tweaking. The early stages of this build is the Jebediah Version of this Station that can be found on Kerbalx. Often this project was put aside to complete other projects and recently I decided to do some space travel. Got myself motivated during this time to work on the Launcher. As time went I was getting better with building and it's now doing great for travel. I hope you enjoy it! From Moho....... To Eeloo... 200th Craft Release!! https://i.imgur.com/jkHbpBP.mp4 Photos Craft File: Station MK9 Parts: 433 Mass: 1,731.857t Height: 47.6m Width: 17.4m Length: 22.2m
  7. Soon I plan to release a Space Station and would like your opinion. I have the early stages of the build and its very challenging to Orbit. Structure is weak, too much speed and catastrophic failure is a sure thing, staging is not complete, unnecessary amounts of fuel. With all this your Launch has to be a very mindful one of speed, gravity turn and staging...etc. Should I release a Jebediah Junkyard Version?
  8. Exactly what I did but my last F5 wasn't there when I restarted my game. It referred back to an F5 from about three F5's saves previous to the last one. No big thing just a little venting going on Avatar still the coolest cat in town
  9. Finally going to Moho for my first time and.............Moho is a No Go.... twice! Third trip took all day and I didn't save the game I only used F5. Welll F5 works great for the time your playing but once you exit the game that F5 save is GONE! Gotta have a game save or you could lose hours of your travel. Yes this is what I did today in KSP . Also getting close to my 200th Craft release and I plan to release an old craft build that's getting a new Launcher and many other tweaks. When complete you should be able to single launch a 29t Space Station to every planet in the System.
  10. My first time to Dres, I heard that it was lonely . This Station is an old build called "Station MK9" the name comes from the MK1 Lander Cans I am using, there are 9 in it's core. 99 Years Later (My Kerbals are kinda old now)
  11. Messing with an old VTOL I built "Jiffy One" and got this cool picture
  12. There are many great craft builders on KSP and I often find craft that motivates me to create a video using them. Many thanks to LABenterprises for allowing me to make this video with his impressive Super Sports Car L.A.B. 37 GT. You can find many of his cars like this one on Kerbalx. ***Notice: The car was modified for this video***
  13. Congratulations everyone! Nice to see the forum staying lively!
  14. Docked the K&S Diving Vessel on a Dock, thought it would look cool
  15. It's from an old TV show, if you don't have grey in your beard you may not recognize it
  16. We (K&S Technologies Group) made another video of a Historical Aircraft, also Legendary!
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