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Everything posted by somewhatcasual

  1. Yup, this is what it looks like for me. If you grab the pod that changed and attach it via symmetry, it stay that resource for a while, u'know until it doesn't. Glad I'm not crazy!
  2. I had to go to work, so I wont be able to followup for a while. We're you able to confirm symmetry is the issue? I suppose I could make a subassembly for the left and right side of my craft to get around this, but still sounds like a annoying challenge.
  3. I may just do a reinstall when I update kspi extended and install tweakscale. Perhaps this issue will self resolve. I've only been designing vessels for my planned missions, so I won't lose progress. I have a feeling ksp will hit 1.0 and break everything anyways soon enough.
  4. I always clear out the parts when assigning a new action group, so it's not like I'm leaving parachutes in my assignment when working with thrusters. A clearer example would be that I have 8 Attila thrusters from kspi assigned To toggle on/off. I notice after launching that not all of them are toggling. Revert to sph and check the ag and see that instead of 8 toggles there are 29 Attila thrusters( only 8 Attila parts are on the craft) set to toggle, so some are toggling multiple times and as a result, just not working after launch. I can try for a screen shot later after I get home from work. Given the issue, I am not sure it will be too helpful. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gzk1xox84hcbzp6/Screenshot%202015-02-23%2020.26.06.png?dl=0 As you can see, from the parts list I selected the ATTILA, which I only have 8 attached to my craft, and yet the actiongroup has populated itself with 30 of the them, and this completely screwed up my flight, hence my finding it. Weird!
  5. I am using the firespitter that is bundled with MKS, dated 1/27/15 4:08pm. FTT's is dated 12/16/14, so I used the newer version. Thanks for you speedy reply
  6. I am having an issue where my action groups are replicating at some point, either after saving or launching and reverting to SPH. I am having to re-do my actions quite frequently during build and test phase of my ship design. Is this a know bug or mod conflict? I'm running mostly USI , and KSPI extended for parts, and the vast majority of the other mods are ones that affect gameplay mechanics, such as your mods or tacls as examples. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  7. I'm not sure if this has arisen before or been addressed, searching this thread yielded no results. I have an issue with the honeybadger or other switchable fuel containers in FTT. They keep reverting randomly or at launch to another fuel/product, such as ore. Switching textures affects which fuel is in the container as well. My work around to get the desired fuel is to attach in symmetry and I switch the fuels, only one of the pair will change to the correct fuel type. I can then grab that one and reattach and it will stay that fuel for a while, otherwise at launch the fuel will switch back to default for the selected texture, (often ore.) My trick above works if I haven’t buried my tanks deep in my ship. I’m not sure what the heck is going on here. Is it a firespitter bug or perhaps a mod conflict? I am running a few mods, but mostly USI. (USI, KSPI extended for parts, but otherwise just mods that affect mechanics of the game, such as diazo’s mods, tac, etc) This just happened to a craft I’ve spent a few days designing and testing, and I have next to no desire to tear it apart to fix the tanks, just to have it switch again randomly. Any help or guidance is appreciated.
  8. Thanks for the response. The large fusion reactor put out high teens in gw, but I take your point. I'll try it with an antimatter reactor. Previously I mainly used monoprop and the 2.5m plasma thruster (I think). Regarding the methane rocket part. I've had craft heavier then than the one which gave issue. When I took the part off and flipped it 180 so it attached incorrectly to the fuel tank, it gave no issue. Just a weird bug I think. I never liked that part anyways, so not a problem really, just an observation. Glad I stuck with the mod. I've gotten enough sorted out again that I can play. I like the higher output changes that are being made and look forward to what is to come down the line. I saw a post somewhere back there about multiple attachment nodes/options for thermal output on reactors. I think it would be great if we weren't limited to directly attaching to the reactor linearly. Perhaps a modified fuel line that could link parts and transfer thermal energy, call it a heat pipe? Maybe not a realistic approach. Anyways...thanks for all the work.
  9. Ok. Dummy mistake on my part. Magnetic nozzles worked once I attached to the other side of the reactor, and only out of atmosphere. Still leaves the methane rocket part having issues. Plasma thrusters used to work in atmosphere. I imagine this was changed, which is fine as the attila works.
  10. My craft had two parachute modules and 2 ejection modules. I reduced these to 1 each and it seemed to resolved itself.
  11. I have this issue after using eva parachutes on a decently modded save. Were you able to sort it out, short of reloading ksp?
  12. I am having an issue where I am unable to change scenes after ejecting and deploying chutes on my kerbals. Anyone having this issue or aware of this? I have a decent amount of mods, so support I suspect will be difficult. Thanks
  13. Hello, Just out curiosity, Is it known when we might expect a .25 update? I'm about to set out on a .25 playthrough with this mod as the final missing piece. Thanks!
  14. Just saw the movie interstellar. Need to colonize things now. Also need somewhat whitty computer sidekicks. Ill start tomorrow.
  15. Wow. Great input guys. Lots to consider now when I send my kerbals to their doom.
  16. Hello all, I've decided to play ksp differently then I have in the past. Instead of the fun mechanic of constantly updating mods and never playing I've decided to start self sufficent colonies. I will be using many mods but the main ones will be mks, tacls, and kspi/lite. I'm looking for cool/ideal/good/rationale locations for bases or colonies throughout the system. If you, an intrepid and experienced explorer, can provide specific locations on a celestial body that would be even better. The locations could just look cool or perhaps they provide a great logistical rationale for the spot. I'm open to all suggestions. I think I'll set up a practice site somewhere on kerbin first before venturing out of kerbin's soi. I'm not very interested in the mun/minmus. Atmospheric bodies are more interesting but like I said open to suggestions. Thanks a bunch for your input.
  17. I think more points of interest would be great! Perhaps if there is enough interest, some kind soul will develop it. Additionally with more biomes on the horizon squad will add them.
  18. Maybe this could be accomplished with animation and mesh/collision toggle in unity. I've never tried to mess around with mesh render via animation before, so dunno for sure.
  19. After looking at B9 cfgs, I've determined that they employ firespitter to accomplish fuel switching. You were right about fuel being dumped when switched. This shouldn't pose a problem as long as it is not accidental. If one were fuel switching, it would be reasonable to expect a fuel supply to fully replace lost fuel. Below is an excerpt from the cfg. Thanks for the tip. I use firespitter already, so this will help keep dependencies down. // If true, the user can switch resource types while playing. This will empty out the tank. Makes sense for converting a tank from LiquidFuel to Kethane after landing a mining base for instance. Default is off of course. availableInFlight = false
  20. Thank you everyone for the replies. I wasn't aware of B9's functionality. EVA would be a cool feature. I'll dig into it. I know Modular fuel systems can somewhat do this in the vab/sph but not after launch. Seems there is room for someone to develop a plugin for this, as it could potentially save weight for vessels, though perhaps not all that realistic. Thanks again
  21. Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew of a mod or method which allows the type of stored fuel to be changed after launching the craft. An example would be using LFO in a multi fuel engine (think KSPI/Lite) and then landing on another body and mining for a different fuel and filling the tank? Ideally this would be based on storage volume and fuel density. Thanks for the help
  22. Found a work around If I cycle through the vtol angles in the vab/sph, then detach & rotate the part to the right orientation again, and re-attach, the part works as intended at launch. weird stuff. ideas? Original Hi all, Regarding the FSVTOLrotator module, and a custom part. I am having difficulty setting up the part axis and having it rotate & display properly in game vs sph/vab. Is there a way to change the axis of rotation for this module? Or is there a better way of setting the part up in unity that I am missing? When in the vab/sph, the part appears to be placed correctly. Once I launch, the part rotates 90 degrees out of place. I appreciate any and all help on this, Thanks! FSvtol mods in use: firespitter, toolbar, ThrottleControlledAvionics, MM, DavonTCsystemsMod, BDAnimationModule and the following by diazo: extended action grps, RCSLandAid, TWR1 My part cfg so far PART { // --- general parameters --- name = ep_1 module = Part author = TTDesProd // --- asset parameters --- mesh = ep_1.mu rescaleFactor = 1 // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 // --- editor parameters --- TechRequired = start entryCost = 0 cost = 3600 category = Pods subcategory = 0 title = Engine Pod manufacturer = TTDesProd description = Getting places slowly // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 15.321 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.15 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 100 breakingForce = 5000 breakingTorque = 5000 maxTemp = 3400 // --- node definitions --- // x y z x y z node_stack_attach = 0.0246, 1.267498, -0.102023, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1 MODULE { name = FSanimateGeneric animationName = gear_deploy startEventGUIName = Open Gear Bay Doors endEventGUIName = Close Gear Bay Doors startDeployed = True startDeployedString = Start Deployed? availableInEVA = True availableInVessel = True EVArange = 5 layer = 1 useActionEditorPopup = True moduleID = 0 playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = True } //Engine MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateHeat ThermalAnim = heat_2 } // --- FX definitions --- fx_exhaustFlame_blue_small = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, power fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout // --- Sound FX definition --- sound_vent_medium = engage sound_rocket_hard = running sound_vent_soft = disengage sound_explosion_low = flameout //engine stuff MODULE { name = ModuleEngines thrustVectorTransformName = thrust exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 1000 heatProduction = 800 fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.0 PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = Oxidizer ratio = 1.1 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 390 key = 1 270 } } MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = thrust gimbalRange = 2.5 } //prop spinning MODULE { name = FSplanePropellerSpinner // the gameObject to Spin around its forwards axis. Can be a parent to other sub objects. propellerName = intake_1 // the propeller rotation speed in RPMs when the engine is ignited, independent of throttle. Positive or negative values can be used. Use 0 for a wholly throttle controlled rotation. rotationSpeed = 20 // the propeller rotation speed in RPMS that are added to the rotationSpeed according to the final thrust of the engine. i.e., higher throttle makes spinny thing go fast. thrustRPM = 70 // Normalized value to spin the propeller if the engine is shut down/flamed out, but moving fast. If the craft is moving beyond windMillAirSpeed, the engine will spin at the speed you //would expect in a running engine * windMillRPM. This means a purely thrustRPMcontrolled //engine will not windmill. windmillRPM = 0.1 // If the craft is moving beyond this speed, and atmospheric density is above 0.1, the windmilling will start. It currently does not scale with speed above the minimum threshold. windmillMinAirspeed = 20.0 // divide engineResponseSpeed by this amount for dramatic effect. Slows the spin up time of the propeller spinUpTime = 1 // //The rotor disc swap, when enabled, will swap out the blades for a slowly spinning blurrydisc graphic when the engine is spinning at top speed. // whether the blade/disc swap at high RPMs is used useRotorDiscSwap = 0 } MODULE { name = FSplanePropellerSpinner // the gameObject to Spin around its forwards axis. Can be a parent to other sub objects. propellerName = intake_2 // the propeller rotation speed in RPMs when the engine is ignited, independent of throttle. Positive or negative values can be used. Use 0 for a wholly throttle controlled rotation. rotationSpeed = 20 // the propeller rotation speed in RPMS that are added to the rotationSpeed according to the final thrust of the engine. i.e., higher throttle makes spinny thing go fast. thrustRPM = 70 // Normalized value to spin the propeller if the engine is shut down/flamed out, but moving fast. If the craft is moving beyond windMillAirSpeed, the engine will spin at the speed you //would expect in a running engine * windMillRPM. This means a purely thrustRPMcontrolled //engine will not windmill. windmillRPM = 0.1 // If the craft is moving beyond this speed, and atmospheric density is above 0.1, the windmilling will start. It currently does not scale with speed above the minimum threshold. windmillMinAirspeed = 20.0 // divide engineResponseSpeed by this amount for dramatic effect. Slows the spin up time of the propeller spinUpTime = 1 // //The rotor disc swap, when enabled, will swap out the blades for a slowly spinning blurrydisc graphic when the engine is spinning at top speed. // whether the blade/disc swap at high RPMs is used useRotorDiscSwap = 0 } MODULE { name = FSVTOLrotator deployedAngle = 90 //the starting max value maxDownAngle = -90 // Allowed rotation below the default parked state stepAngle = 10 // How much each action group button press will rotate the engine targetPartObject = rotate availableAngles1 = 90, 130, 45 //max three values, use 0 to skip the value and shorten the list. The first value is the default, so smaller than default values should be the final numbers. availableAngles2 = 0, 0, 0 // more angles, for a max of 6 invertYaw = True } MODULE { name = FSengineMenuCleaner } MODULE { name = FSpropellerAtmosphericNerf disableAtmosphericNerf = true } }
  23. Hello, I've made some parts and I wish to incorporate tacls. I've calculated the storage volume of my parts in meters cubed. I was going to use the resource density to calculate how much resource to incorporate, but I wasn't sure of the units in tacresource.cfg. Additionally could you folks confirm that L (liters), would be the unit for my part cfgs? A side note, only one of my parts contains a cmd module, the rest are fuselage style parts. Thank you for your time!
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