If you mean it is very easy with it to achieve orbit, then (when the ship is well designed) you are right. Delta-V for LKO can be even half of what it normally takes on vanilla KSP. This makes challenging the designing of the rockets, but piloting is trivial. I was in the same boat as you, until I found KIDS: another ferram mod that changes the Isp of all the engines so FAR goes back to intended KSP difficulty. It is fully customizable, can be chosen per saved-game, and has some nice Isp-changes-thrust-based-on-height configurations available if you like them (which you should since it is more challenging and realistic). It is compatible with most part mods too. Kerbin is not the only body with an atmosphere. Not that you said that, but I thought you would eventually try a landing on i.e. Laythe, or aerobraking. Now, if you excuse me, I must ask someone to pay me for the advertising.