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Everything posted by Rob2222

  1. Hello Claw, I can totally understand that you cannot push a update for one fix. But could you maybe offer it as downloadable hotfix for those who have issues with it? This would be nice. When one has a install with much mods and loading times over 5 minutes, this issue is annoying. BR Rob
  2. @IgorZ Found it. The mod that is causing that I cannot put probe cores into KIS containers is "Stock Bugfix Modules & Stockplus". As soon as I have it installed I get NREs while trying to pack probes. All other mod's uninstalled for this test. Only KIS and Stock Bugfix left. Hope you can reproduce it. Log in the last post as spoiler. BR Rob EDIT: In detail it's the PilotRSASFix.dll module that causes this.
  3. Hello Igor, I have a highly modded install. 140 Mods. I had NREs placing solar panels into KIS containers. I debugged it, cause I wanted to report the incompatible mod... for me it was definately KSP Interstellar. As soon as I removed Interstellar I was able to put the solar panels into the containers. I readded Interstellar, NREs again. As I wanted to report the find in github, I saw the issue was found. I waited for the fix. Now I downloaded the dev-dll have renamed it to KIS.dll and have directly overwritten kis.dll in kis/plugins. The DEV dll must be active, cause I can now put solar panels in KIS containers without NRE. However, I still can not put octo and other probe cores into it. I never used deadly reentry. However, tbw, I don't really want to start debugging again... mhh.. maybe I give it a try... BR Rob Edit: Heres the log: Still testing, which mod causes it.
  4. I am using this snapshot. Fixed the NRE's wihle putting in solar panels into a KIS container. However, I still get NRE's when putting probes into KIS containers. Should stock OCTOs / VEN's Stock Revamp Octos should be puttable into a KIS container?
  5. @dalgo86: Us the screwdriver (not the wrench) for node attachment.
  6. Is it intended, that the mainsail engine only gimbles in 1 axis anymore? Very frustrating until I've found out... BTW, it's caused by the change from "gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform" to "gimbalTransformName = Nozzle" BR Rob
  7. Hello, does anybody know, why my orbital period keeps sinking slowly by itself? I just did a clean 1.12 install with Kerbal Engineer Redux only. Got to 776.6km circular. As soon as I am "on rails" (non-physics-warp) the numbers stay. However, as soon as I am out of timewarp my orbital period / AP / PE start sinkling slowly... Apsis are sinking roughly by about 0.1m per second and the orbital period is sinking by about 0.001s per 5 seconds. Is KSP modelling atmospheric drag at this altitudes now? Edit: I think this is the most matching answer... BR Rob
  8. Hello. Yes, this nice mod (thx for it) does not work with Stock Part Revamp at the moment. Revamp mods the docking ports with expandable bumpers. As soon as KOAS is installed, this bumper gets an stucking ghost bumper and does not retract. So we can not dock. However, as quick fix I have deleted MM_DockingTargets.cfg from KOAS and can play now. I assume this is a clipping problem with the DockingTarget and the Revamp-Bumper. Maybe the docking target can be made a little smaller / better aligned? See also: BR Rob
  9. Hello, first, thx for the nice mod. However, I hava a small problem... As soon as I add the KOAS Mod ... The docking port bumpers do not work correct anymore. Each port seems to have a "second" bumper that will not retract. The original bumper goes in, however, the "ghost" bumper stays out and I can not dock. Any hint how to diagnose this further? Edit: Looks like deleting the MM_DockingTargets.cfg file (the dockingtarget config) from KOAS fixes the problem. However, it also deletes the dockintarget marker. I assume thats a clipping issue. BR Rob
  10. Hello, this CKAN issue is strange... I don't get it. I have a 1.1.0 install, installed penty mods at 1.1.0 (incl much USI mods), updated that install to 1.1.1 and now to 1.1.2 and I am updating the mods via ckan as soon as updates come... ckan looks so at this moment: I am wondering, why USI Core is listed as 1.1.1 and MKS as 1.1.0. ALL has 1167 mods listed However, if I change CKAN to a completely new 1.1.2 KSP install folder, it only lists this: Catergory ALL has 1154 mods listed. Both pics taken with filter to ALL. Something is strange here, since 1.1.1 / 1.1.2 but I don't know what... Roverdude: Could your meta file have some enconding ckan doesn't like, atm? However, even when, I am not sure if this would explain the issue. BR Rob
  11. Hello. Does anybody know the problem / a solution / workaround, that RemoteTech breaks the Tracking Station? At least at my install/mod combination. I have a modded install, a fresh career and a test satellite in a orbit. When I have Remote Tech installed, loading the game, tracking station, then to the sat, focussing kerbin, go back to the space center and then into the tracking station breaks the tracking station. There is not the test satellite loaded anymore, it only shows a "Space Station One" which is unjoinable and obviously bugged. When I remove RemoteTech the problem does not occur. It throws three exceptions... I've opened a issue. I habe some more mods installed, so it can be a issue that only occurs in a combination. [WRN 02:44:31.359] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From SPACECENTER to TRACKSTATION ===================== [EXC 02:44:31.659] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object RemoteTech.UI.FocusOverlay.OnVDestroy (.Vessel v) EventData`1[Vessel].Fire (.Vessel data) Vessel.OnDestroy () [EXC 02:44:31.856] NullReferenceException FloatingOrigin.setOffset (Vector3d refPos) FloatingOrigin.SetOffset (Vector3d refPos) PSystemSetup.SetTrackingStation () PSystemSetup.OnLevelWasLoaded (Int32 level) [EXC 02:44:32.269] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object KSP.UI.Screens.SpaceTracking.buildVesselsList () KSP.UI.Screens.SpaceTracking.Start () BR Rob
  12. I know this problem from when you have to much mods. I also thought partXY is the problem, however, the parts are fine, only modloader stops due to a bug or out of memory. When you try more often / clear the modulemanager cache, you see it stopping at another part. I notices that problem, while the game still has only occupied around 3GB RAM, so there should be still memory free for use. Maybe it's a bug in the modulemanager. One thing that often solves the problem for me is to add the Active Texture Compression mod (any maybe delete the modulemanager cache files in GameData).. BR Rob
  13. Hello, can it be, that BIGMAP in V6 has problems with "+ [dev] Support for changing what you define as 'sea level'. Compiled to be default (ie, 0)." (from changelog). At least my Kerbin BIGMAP has the wrong colors according to the scale bar. It looks like the color is offset to about +6000m. EDIT: OK, forget it, resizing the BIGMAP windows reloaded the map and solved the problem. BR Rob
  14. Hello Bill, Maybe read this, this and this. And have a look at the postet DIFFs, too. The server code must be correct, cause the received file is OK. However, after the received file put into the game engine and when you then do a quicksave and analyse it, it is not OK anymore. So imho the receiving part is still ok but the received information is not put correct into the game engine. If you want you can maybe approve this observation by testing with the posted debug version. BR Rob
  15. OK, I made some tests with the tools. I used the same world file as before (shuttle is already parked next the station). 1) - docked and quicksave. quicksave is ok 2) - quit the client - sendvessel is ok 3) - this time I did not restart the server (as it seems it is enough to restart the client to reproduce the bug) 4) - started the client and connected - receivedvessel is ok (it is binary identical to the send one) 5) - quicksave. quicksave is not OK. here we have the swapped dockingports. 6) - client send the same vessel in background to the server - it's in sendvessel once again - bad version with swapped ports. So for me it seems the problem is anywhere between receiving the data and put the data into the game engine. Here is the diff: (Just CTRL-F for "docked") http://www.diffchecker.com/8yr8yjcm On the left side you see the first sent version which is fully identical to the first received version. On the right side you see the second sent version. This is a funny thing... you can't reproduce it while I was never able to undock from my station after restarting the client. BR Robert
  16. OK, I created a savegame before server restart (good, "undock"able) and a savegame after restart (bad, not "undock"able anymore) and diffed them. First, the docking port that has the "undock" menu on it changed from one ship side to the other ship side. I was able to see this in the savefiles, also. There are 2 dockingports with differences. In the good case they have: state = docked (dockee) state = docked (docker) undock - active = false (on 1st) undock - active = true (on 2nd) undocksamevessel - active = false undocksamevessel - active = false Now, after reload this changed ... (I did not even try to undock as I created the savegame) The bad case: state = docked (same vessel) state = docked (dockee) undock - active = false undock - active = false undocksamevessel - active = true undocksamevessel - active = false So it seems the right way to undock is to trigger the event "undock". However, after restarting the server I am only able to trigger the event "undocksamevessel". And the state of both ports changed. See the diff: http://www.diffchecker.com/keszgf5o Does KMP build these files / the ship setup? Full SFS set is available, if wanted. Maybe this helps. BR Robert
  17. Is it a problem when I use my old "serverworld" from Feb 2014? I freshly started the space station and the shuttle new, today. So just my playerstats are from the old "serverworld". I would put server, the 2 vehicles and my client-pluginconfig into a zip file and could upload it for you to reproduce it. Just start the server and launch the shuttle, dock, quit both, restart both, done. Would this be helpful for you? BR Rob
  18. Hello godarklight, do you still want help reproducing this? I can reproduce it any time. I just tried it with the dev version of today. However, I used my old savegame. I put the station into orbit, then I put a shuttle into orbit, docked. Quit KSP, quit KMP, start KMP, start KSP. Switch to station, undock possible. I can put the Server and my KMP-hostfiles in a ZIP and can send it to you if you want. BR Robert
  19. Hello, I am using the latest DEV server and client and have the problem, that I am not be able to undock. It works when I directly undock after dock. But when I dock and then reconnect to the server I am not be able to undock. I can click "undock" once, after that the undock menu item disappears it just doesn't undock. The only mod in use is Kerbal Engineer. Is there any workaround? BR Robert
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