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  • About me
    Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.
  • Location
    Mustang, Oklahoma
  • Interests
    KSP, Spaceflight, Ancient Coin Collecting

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  1. Very nice. Thanks a bunch @frizzank!
  2. I'm glad y'all like it. I really enjoy it also. KSP is not the same without it. I would like to finish updating it. It has many improvements and partpack updates semi-done but not spiffied up enough to release. I have more time now. I wouldn't mind knowing how many people use it.
  3. Step 2 is <DEL> to enter docking mode. What is the key to enter target mode, step 3? I've totally forgotten. EDIT: Click the yellow tab next to the nav ball...
  4. You need to use it on a part that already has symmetry.
  5. I'm really excited about the new science update \o/ but yeah, what's up with the overlapping windows? Why did someone not figure this out in play testing before the release? In KSP1 we had a bunch of "Experimental" testers with all different configurations of computers testing the releases. Is this not happening this time around?
  6. I've been playing Kerbal Space Program for 10 years now. I am so excited about the new science update and started playing KSP2 again. But for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to remove symmetry from a pair of antennas. So I googled it. It turns out you have to press left alt, left shift and then left click to remove the symmetry. Please tell me there is an easier way? Maybe I missed it? Come on now, that's like knowing how to press ctrl-alt-del the first time you set down to a computer. We need a button or option to do this that only takes a one or two mouse clicks. I'm way too lazy to press buttons on the keyboard.
  7. When is KSP2 Science supposed to drop today?
  8. Thanks for the offer! I'm in the process of moving houses and I don't see me doing any work on this until the new year. If you are still interested then, I will run it by you. Wow! A 4090! I'm jealous!
  9. Right now its kinda broken. You can only have one tech tree file in the GameData directory. So if you install ETT right now, you have to rename GameData/Squad/Resources/TechTree.cfg to TechTree.old. This will fix this problem. But you may want to make a backup of the Kerbal Space Program directory.
  10. Has anyone happened to see when KSP2 is going to get a career/science mode?
  11. Have anyone heard if KSP2 will have binary star systems? I was wondering how the planets would orbit the pair. Seems to be several types of orbits. It will make for some interesting Hofmann transfers.
  12. Thanks a bunch LGG!!! I’ve had my eye on this mod for a long time. Can’t wait to try it out.
  13. Well, as a quick workaround, I rename the stock tech tree to ".old". There may be a betterer way, but this works. You might ask @linuxgurugamerif he knows of a better workaround.
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