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Everything posted by Probus

  1. Excellent work Medieval Nerd! A couple of suggestions if I may: On the probes with large amounts of electric charge, can you reduce them to say 100 and reduce the probe charge use rate by the same factor to simulate the real probe's longevity. I am tempted to use those probes as batteries... Can't seem to find the MultiSpectral Scanner for the mapping satellite. Where do you have that bugger hidden? I love the Soviet Engines. They are AWESOME. May I suggest that you spread them over the large booster tech tree. I find myself using them for everything too early. I had to go in and edit the mod to use them in the tech tree to begin with. If you like, I can send you my settings from the stock tree.
  2. Awwggghhh!! I was playing my game, lovin' this tech tree and today when I loaded my save, the tech tree went horizontal and was back to the stock tree. Several tech's were still checked green, but it was the stock tree. Can you give me some quick advice as to which file setting I need to change? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  3. Sweetness!!! Just what I was looking for! Awesome Mod. I'll let you know if I find any bugs.
  4. I posted this in addon requests but I wanted to ask Nathan. I figure you know exactly how hard it would be to I've been playing RSS and love it. How hard would it be to create a mod that randomly does the following: 1 rearranges the planets and moons with randomized names and orbits. 2 alters gravities. 3 alters planet/moon size. 4 alters atmosphere heights and densities. 5 alters low and high altitudes. 6 Randomized biomes on each new planet (already a mod) w/mapping support. I've found it adds a huge amount of fun discovering all these features with probes instead of just looking them up in a wiki. I don't know how hard it would be to implement any/all of these features but it would be wonderful if the mods are not too difficult.
  5. I found it today. It is a Science Remaining script compatible with 23.5. With ScienceAlert its a slam dunk for forgetful Kerbalnauts: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75716-0-23-5-See-Science-Remaining http://kerbal-science-remaining.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ Just mouseover the boxes to see which instrument.
  6. I found it today. It is a Science Remaining script compatible with 23.5. With ScienceAlert its a slam dunk for forgetful Kerbalnauts: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75716-0-23-5-See-Science-Remaining http://kerbal-science-remaining.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ Just mouseover the boxes to see which instrument.
  7. Thanks for the info Senshi. I reposted in a different forum. I think the tool had biomes crossed by experiments.
  8. I am sure I read on the forum somewhere that someone had created an add on that reads your save file and gives you a report on what science is left to be discovered. Can someone link it here if they have it bookmarked? One of the guys pointed out http://oarcinae.us/ScienceParser/kspScienceParser.html (which is really nice) but I am sure I read about one that had biome support. Thanks, Probus
  9. I am sure I read on the forum somewhere that someone had created an add on that reads your save file and gives you a report on what science is left to be discovered. Can someone link it here if they have it bookmarked? Thanks, Probus
  10. I love your tech tree. It is awesome! I do have one question. I read that "In the current state of MFT, you NEED TO manually increase your tech level to match your highest researched tier. IE, tech level 0 rocket fuel engines need to be set to level 1 once you've unlocked Rocket Fuel Engines TL1. And so forth." I think I just figure this out. You do it in the action configuration screen, right? Thanks
  11. I love this mod! I have gotten completely addicted to it. When building, its a must. Which brings me to my question. I am trying out the Real Solar System mod pack and SPO has quit working. The buttons are there and they even can be pressed, but nothing happens. Is it a incompatibility with stretchy tanks or something like that?
  12. Love both the MCE and KCT mods and they play well together. The real point of my previous message was if you two could link them or combine them into one mod using both of your part cost/build time algorithms and recycle features. It is probably too difficult at this time, but I thought I would ask. It would add a lot more flavor to the already awesome game.
  13. I would like to see MCE combined with Kerbal Construction Time (KST) with settings to turn it off and on. Also, integration of the KCT algorithm into the pricing algorithm used in MCE. That would be AWESOME!! I have tried playing with both of them on and it is a bit difficult, but doable. Keep up the great work! Thanks a bunch for MCE.
  14. I love this mod!!! XOXOXOXO. It is the best mod i've used because it lets me load all the mods I love!!! Thank you so much!
  15. Is there a simple list of mods that work with linux 64-bit or did I just miss it?
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