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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. Aeronautic parts are still problematic, at least. Code example or craft would be good at this point. And 2.3.0 is still a beta and this may be so until SQUAD has published the planned patch.
  2. At least you get it to orbit, I can not manage to get there with an SSTO, even with OPT parts.
  3. That is pretty ambicious, but the current parts are alredy great, even better and there will be Players blown away
  4. No Logs no help. The KSP.log from the main folder please.
  5. That is pretty ambicious, do you have and prototype or testing area? Welding during flight sounds great, might maybe even be good to separate such a feature. That will be a lot of math to calculate the volumes and masses correct at runtime.
  6. Yeah but a download link in all his threads for the different mods would be great. It is the first point where ppl are going to find it.
  7. The link for USI Catalog Page is broken and no longer working. I would like to try ART but getting it, is quite difficult with broken link.
  8. Maybe Squad should give the employed modders some time, they burn them up quite fast. B9, C7, first they make mods, then they get to work for Squad, and then they leave and do not return. Now there are Porkjet, Aronside and TriggerAU, lets hope for the best.
  9. Guys keep it nice here. this is not a place for such things. Update is in progress, but it is not that easy.
  10. The stuff in the scene, the models, with the colliders. everything that was there and showed you the Performance loss of the weldment.
  11. Hey, can you provide me with the unity assets for such a case? I would like to take a look at it maybe I can find a workaround.
  12. That is a question for Squad, it happened to some players in the pre versions too.
  13. Does look like your GPU does not like the shader of the decals in the hangar; the button is actually the mod.
  14. Update to the FSHangarExtender 3.4.8 Hangar hides now by Default, as the game model is no longer scaleable. Download at Github
  15. Do I understand that correct, you make new .mu file out of the existing parts? About the colliders do they require a lot of eyeballing or can they maybe created automatically?
  16. I'm working on an update, don't panic. You just copy the fshangarextender folder into the gamedata folder and start up the game. But the 3.4.7 has some issues with parts of the scene.
  17. First of all the 1.1 release is not posted here yet, as I'm still improving and adding things. Welding is no magic tool that can make everything go super fast, you can increase your performance by 10 to 25% based on the size and part count of the object. Weldments will work as long as the original parts that were used in them are still there. Oh and 2.2.2 was tested and it does not work with 1.1 but the weldments will still work.
  18. Isn*t a simple borderless window mode enough? I always just use fullscreen so I never encountered these things.
  19. Strange because something is reloading the gamedatebase corresponding to the log. What do you mean by popupwindow, running the game in window mode? So far I never welded any radiators; so I need to test that, an expected bug might be that the visible heating in the radiator might be broken after welding multiple. FuelCells, I will look it up, when back home, might simply be a missing entry in one of the config lists.
  20. I can really not see anything beeing out of place, but you should really disable the database autoreload, or even better use the stock config of the mod. Also there is something in the log spamming that some GUI would be too much, but it does not tell which one.
  21. That is still referencing the output.log The settings for the advanced debugging should be in the settings part of the welding main menu.
  22. You have the database reloading activated. this is likley to cause Problems. The writing of the file seems to be ok, it writes everything correct in the log. Please enable the advanced logging and provide me the ksp.log.
  23. Yes please. Such a behavior is so far known to happen under Linux.
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