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Everything posted by Die_Kartoffel

  1. Already a DL? I need this so so so much! This all looks so...i can`t say it in words!
  2. Donwload Link please!!!! That looks awesome! I wonna use this Pack in my next KSP Movie, but I NEED THE DOWNLOAD LINK!!!
  3. If I install the Volumetric Clouds, theres nothing when I start the game. Can anybody help me please?
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmOJrxqfMbA&feature=youtube_gdata_player I'm working on a new Movie, called Space Station". This Link directs you to the Trailer;) Feedback is welcome!
  5. Hello! Yes, I'm here already a bit longer, but I decided to say hello on this way . I am from Germany and I play KSP since Version 0.9, so I can seayI know how it works:P I must say too: Excuse me, if my english isn't so...good :S Here you can find a link to my newest Video, a trailer for my new KSP Movie "Space Station". Feedback is welcome;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmOJrxqfMbA&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  6. So, I've tested the mod. Actually, I like it fine, but if I want to build Geweldete parts on another fuel tank, these are built into the tank! I do not know why that is ... does anyone have advice? ***translated by Google***
  7. Does the actual version not work in KSP 0.23 or am I doing something wrong?..
  8. Nassault!! http://m.youtube.com/user/Nassault630?desktop_uri=%2Fuser%2FNassault630 And my own YT Channel, i wonna to make a "two language channel". At the Moment my Videos are on german, but I plan to translate them to english too. What do you think about that idea? =) http://m.youtube.com/channel/UCvEftEP1HK3N8YtGYG85-_Q
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