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Everything posted by Sonny_Jim

  1. I'm interested to see a review from someone totally new to the game and not someone who's been playing it for years already.
  2. Apologies if this question has been asked before, I only flicked through a few pages of this thread; I'm massively lazy and can't be bothered working out where I've been or what I've done, would it be possible to have a downloadable version (either as a mod or standalone) that automatically generates the ribbon based on a save file?
  3. There's a mega-thread somewhere that I can't for the life of me find, that explains it all. For now, here's a link tot he Wiki page: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Ore#Mining In essence, to mine ore and convert it into the different types of fuel you'll need: A drill and an ore tank to mine the ore. An ISRU converter (possibly on a separate craft) to convert the fuel. It's not possible to convert the ore straight into fuel without having an ore tank, so a craft with a drill and an ISRU wouldn't work, you'd need to add an ore tank. EDIT: You don't necessarily need a trained engineer, but it will increase the mining efficiency. Personally I just have a robot do the mining EDIT2: This thread explains it better: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119354-Step-by-Step-Mining-Guide
  4. I've always had this, in fact in space I have to orientate my view to a particular bit of sky so my framerate doesn't drop through the floor. Another trick I've found is to switch to map view and zoom all the way out, which makes my framerate suddenly increase for some bizarre reason.
  5. Err, you do realise you don't actually have to fill up the space station with kerbals, just have room for X amount of kerbals? Personally I think the money you get for the tourism contracts is a little too low if it's anywhere past Minmus. Also the wording for some of the Sun contracts. It says "Flyby the Sun" which sounds like a sundive to me, when in reality all you have to do is leave the SOI of Kerbin.
  6. Shouldn't the title be "un-nerfed" rather than "re-nerfed", which would imply that they need nerfing more? Personally I like the way the other engines are slightly more important rather than "Leaving Kerbin system? LV-N!" as it was before. I've never used the poodle so much as I have with v1.0.2. My main gripe is that they introduced a heat system without giving us any parts who's purpose is to dissipate that heat (aka radiators) nor (at first) did they give us any way to monitor the heat produced. Gimme some radiators and cylindrical tanks that are liquid fuel only and I'd be a happy camper again.
  7. It's now turned on by default (in v1.0.1 I think?)
  8. I've found a curious bug, where all the resources in an asteroid will instantly disappear the second you start mining them. Note the time difference in these two pictures, according to the game I mined 8 tonnes of ore in 12 seconds with a craft that only has 600 ore capacity: (Ignore the black asteroid texture, it's a problem with my graphics card (i945GM) that's been present ever since asteroids were introduced) I've noticed this when mining a planet for ore as well, it manifests itself as your ore tanks jumping instantly to full.
  9. The trick is to set the parachutes to open at a very low altitude, otherwise they don't land before you end up outside of 22km
  10. You realise you posted this in the "Support - Unmodded Installs" section, right?
  11. Yup, just confirmed it on my install. Good spot! Someones got an off-by-one error in there somewhere.
  12. I think it's a regional thing, as I can still access it but for other people the link responds with:
  13. The game 'pauses' the transmission and doesn't finish sending it until you switch back to the craft in question.
  14. Build a craft with a manned MPL, a load of science experiments and bind them to an action key. Get into orbit and when you pass into a new biome, repeatedly hit the action key you assigned them to. You'll find that you get multiple experiments back for each biome (works especially well with the gravity scanner). Normally this wouldn't be a problem, as the science goes down when you transmit return them. But it works just great for filling the MPL up with data :-) For example, I have 4 experiments on my craft, if I hit the key quick enough I can get back 16 experiments back. I have an inkling it has something to do with the amount of time it takes for a mystery goo/materials bay to open and report back the science. EDIT: It seems the MPL allows you to store more than one copy of a experiment/biome combo in the same place, unlike other pods. So a really easy way to fill up the MPL to 500 data is to put one of the kerbals on EVA on the lab ladder, do an EVA report, store it, then do another, store it etc etc.
  15. Very easy to replicate this one, process an experiment in the mobile processing lab, pause the game and it'll carry on processing it. Not sure how this could be exploited but it's a bug nonetheless. It'll drain the batteries but because the game is paused, your solar panels/nukes won't charge them back up again.
  16. I've got a very nice lab running in orbit around Minmus and I've been busy feeding it science experiments to work on. I've run into a problem, where I'd like to remove the experiments that I've processed in the lab (and thus are no longer useful to it) to return to Kerbin. The issue is that I cannot do this without removing *all* the experiments, which I don't what to do as I'd like to leave the unprocessed experiments in there. Any ideas? Is there a mod that can help me with this?
  17. I started another thread about this, but just wanted to add my voice to the others and say it's a little perverse to add heat effects and not give us a dedicated part to deal with the heat.
  18. The trade off is that radiators have mass and cost money. Any extra mass = less dV. As with any game mechanic it will need balancing, but it seems silly to me to have to add wings to a craft that is destined to spend 99.99999% of it's time outside of the atmosphere.
  19. Whilst I think it's great that they introduced a new game mechanic with heat being a thing we have to worry about, I find it slightly perverse that they didn't give us any parts dedicated to dispersing heat.... Yes I know, bury some wings in there and attach some solar panels, but it's akin to someone telling me to knock a nail in with a shoe because they didn't give me a hammer :-p Personally, I'm using the debug menu to completely disable heat production until I get some radiators.
  20. It's because you've got an encounter with the Mun, I've noticed this before and it's annoying. What you have to do is click on the orbit near the Mun to create a node, then click-drag it back to where you want it. Definite bug imo.
  21. To be fair, it's better to release something with known bugs and has been tested, than to fix the bugs and release without testing, as you might inadvertently introduce more critical bugs. No one said it was finished and I'm pretty sure the readme says to expect game save breakage between versions. They've also said they are planning to release a few 'free' updates so really it's not as bad as you paint it. Even as a seasoned player, I found this *very* annoying. It's almost perverse to implement a heat system and not give the player some way of monitoring or alerting them to problems. It does seem to tie into the whole Squad fixation with "It's more fun to guess if something will work with trial and error otherwise KSP will turn into a spreadsheet game". I've run into a few new bugs myself (ISRUs stuck at 100% overheat, Ore contract bug) and some old ones are still there (navball map view filter bug) but all in all I've been very happy with v1.0. Constructive criticism does get listened to by the devs.
  22. WRT 1: I find this annoying as well, as it ends up with Jeb being a 'glory hunter' and always being the first to jump into an empty pod. I suppose it would be nice to be able to setup a rota, once your Kerbal returns to Kerbin they get put at 'the back of the queue', a bit like real space programs ;-)
  23. The problem is that the launcher doesn't timeout properly when there's a network connectivity issue, there's already a thread about it here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117016-Launcher-not-working-and-stays-at-Checking-for-updates
  24. There's a few threads popping up with the same suggestion, which is basically "Tell me that a part is about to explode". I don't think it needs to be hugely complicated, even just a standard text message saying "Warning: Overheating" or some such would be enough.
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