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Bit Fiddler

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Everything posted by Bit Fiddler

  1. any chance of 2 new parts.... or maybe a way to do them already. 1) I want a rotatron and/or docking washer that is toggle on/off so I can turn it on and it will then rotate forever until I turn it off. to make spinning station parts that will just sit and rotate for ever... 2) the gantry rail... you have 2 version where the front or back part of the center is the stationary part. what I want is one where both the front and back parts remain stationary but the rail will move. thus your front and back connection points remain stationary but anything you have attached to the ends of the rails will move leaving your other parts "inline" with the rest if the rig.
  2. hmm I must be blind, but I do not see where to download this mod...
  3. ok... all clear now. need to redesign my fuel reactor layout then.... back to the drawing board.
  4. ok so if the bio reactor makes the fuel, what exactly is the microbiome doing? is it making all the monopropellant oxidizer etc?
  5. ah the bio reactor is not attached no... I thought the micro biome module was the fuel guy... @seanth I do have Biocake, H, and CO2. The resource panel shows all of these are full. I guess the question is; "am I missing a part? ... (BioReactor)?" or will the microbiome do it for me. and if all I need is micro biome why is it not pulling the resources from the supply and consuming it? As for the ship design. I love designing and making ships... This one has been my long term project. I am making it in career mode so I keep adding the new parts in as I get them researched. If you notice all the docked modules are "Probes" with full RCS capability, self sufficient power, reaction wheels etc. so they can be docked, undocked, moved to new spots or new ships. Or even just turned loose in the wild to be used later. I have a "shuttle" that can dock and re-land as well, but it is on the surface right now swapping out crew. I'll post a screen shot of it docked next time I get it up there. on a side note... is the system totally self sufficient? or will I eventually need to resupply one of the resources. and what about CO2, waste, waste water? will the system consume as much as I make? or is there some way to "vent" excess CO2? or is that even necessary? If the CO2 is "full" will things break down? as there is no room to produce more? and if so is there a way to vent the excess to space? same goes for waste and waste water.... If they fill up and this will break the system we need a "blow it out your air lock" idea.
  6. I do run the alarm clock... well I used to, but it started acting up. I have not figured out what the cause is yet. But yes, if you combined the 2 into a single mod that would be great
  7. Am I missing something or do we need to add a new function... When a resource is low and the alarm sounds it should set game speed to 1x.... as the alarm goes off and boom dead kerbals because you can't get the game to speed1 and fix the issue quick enough.
  8. What am I doing wrong? here is a screen shot of the ship... EDIT: sorry drop box was full had to remove these images the greenhouse seems to be working ok. it has filled up with biomass, and filled the ship with oxygen. it is supplying the soilent green factory with biomass and it has filled my ship with food. however the microbiome does not seem to be making liquid fuel, oxidizer or monopropellant. as yo ucan see I have 3 of them on the ship, and 3x all the gas compressor modules. as well as storage facility for all the gasses. so why is it not making the fuels?
  9. Does your mod check versioning on startup to see if there is an update for us? I tried to install a mod that was supposed to track all the mods I have installed and see if updates are available but I could never get it to work. so now just have to manually check all the mods every few days to see if any are updated.
  10. Ok the display to show all the bits that use a resource is nice but not quite what I had in mind.... What I really would like is a spreadsheet view that that if I click on the power icon it will list all parts that store power like you do now in the display, but just in a list. but also it will show any parts that use power or generate power as well. so it will show a section for storage capacity, then a section for generators, and finally a section for what is consuming the power, and then a final line showing the net change. and as an added bonus if possible if these parts have toggles to turn on and off allow me to do that from here as well. Basically what I want is a easy way to fine tune the power consumption, or water consumption etc. so I need to know everything that produces it and every thing that uses it as well as the storage capacity.
  11. could you add a display when we click on a resource icon so it will show every part that is using that resource and the current rate (both + and -) thus we can see exactly what is contributing, and how much, to the final consumption rate.
  12. It would be nice if we could dynamically assign the colors (and shades of gray) to the maps to assist us in data mining. For example; if I want to find all the grasslands, I could set all biomes to black then set grasslands to green, then they would be very easy to spot on the map.
  13. New idea for you... Make it so we can select the colors dynamically on the map... For example; I want to see only grasslands... I could set all biome colors to black and then set grass to pink or what ever, and the grasslands would then stand out on the map. if the various colors could be set dynamically for every map type this would help a lot in extrapolating information from the maps.
  14. I do not seem to get the soundscapes to work. I placed them in the correct folder I assume, as the soundscape option is now on the settings panel. but even if I set it to play all the time I never hear anything.
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