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Bit Fiddler

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Everything posted by Bit Fiddler

  1. There is a science related mod called "Science Revisited Revisited" that makes some nice changes to the science for KSP... Just wondering if your mod understands these changes and will display correctly.
  2. Where can I find a list of all the MM .cfg file syntax for Tweakscale?
  3. Had a request to post any pictures of the ALCOR from my games. Here is the latest lander I am working on.
  4. Right I mention this in my post.... But my concern is if the parts are removed then I can no longer use them as the model will no longer exist in the game. I could then rip the model out of an old version of the mod just to get the container back in and make a new mod that is nothing but the old model and the new KIS information... However if the old models were just updated to the new KIS standard and left in the KIS mod it would negate the need to do all this hacking to get the model back. On top of this it gives the player more options for the design of their ship, as the old containers fit in places the new containers do not. And in my book variety is always better, it lets the player's creativity decide what their craft look like in more ways.
  5. YES!!! Anything you make to add more bits to your lineup is a good idea. as I have said before the ALCOR is the center of my KSP install. every mod I install must work with ALCOR or it is removed. and when the time comes to prune mods anything by ASET is very high on the must have list. As a side note.... Does anybody have a ATM.cfg file to exclude all the IVA textures with writing on them? my ATM setup is compressing my textures to the point I can no longer read the writing on the IVA textures, so the switch labels are useless. I can't find the switch for lights etc. by reading. I have to just click around till I find the switch I am looking for.
  6. nope not retro future, but thanks for the link I had this one at one time but forgot about it. may have to check it out again. It was basically 2 small Cessna cockpits 1 with 1 crew spot the other with 2. then there was a propeller or a small jet engine and a small intake... maybe other parts as well, but that is what I can recall. Ok, found it. if anybody is interested, it IS/WAS part of LLL-SXT. it is the kerlington "Bonnie" but for some reason my current install of SXT does not have it...
  7. no I have firespitter installed and they are not there... unless they were removed. I tried KAX and LLL as well but I just do not find them. maybe removed from the packs, or maybe my install is broken some how I guess, as I thought KAX or firespitter for sure.
  8. Ah yes those are the ones I was looking for thanks. Any ideas on the small white aircraft parts?
  9. Does anybody know which mod was giving us the stack decouplers that were recessed such that the command pods and their heat shields would recess down inside for a nice streamlined profile? Also, I used to have some small white airplane cockpits and matching small white propellers and jets/intakes. Very Cessna-ish. any idea what mod this was in?
  10. when you say this will not work with KVV what is the issue? I do have KVV installed, and I need to know if it is game breaking or if it will just give me odd displays when I use the KVV on a craft with these parts on it.
  11. Just adding my vote to the container debate. I like the old KAS containers as I have designed rovers that end up using the containers as the rover body so I can grab the container unpack the parts and attach them to the container and this is my rover. Thus I would like to see the old KAS containers added to the KIS mod. I understand their inventory capacity would change etc. but the models themselves can be adapted to be used with KIS as the previous post on this topic outlined. I just do not want to see the models themselves removed, better to transfer them to KIS and keep them in the game.
  12. I am looking for this inflatable float for v. 1.0.2 any hope this is working?
  13. Just looking at this on CKAN and there is an option for TACLS - Stock Config. What is this stock config? and how does it differ etc. from the other option of just TACLS?
  14. yes it is... I use CKAN so it is always up to date. But I have also now tries the unmanned Mun flyby and it does not complete either. same thing I enter SOI and leave again but no credit is given.
  15. I think the contract I have is from this mod... so here is my question. I have a contract to flyby minmus, so I made the probe, entered the SOI and then exited again. but the contract did not say complete? what have I done wrong?
  16. i am getting nothing. basically it goes like this... 1. do a bunch of science stuff. new biome do every science thing available. 2. recover ship. 3. no science awarded. or like this... 1. do a bunch of science stuff. new biome do every science thing available. 2. Transmit atleast one item such as a crew report or what ever. 3. Recover ship 3. Full science awarded. I have not had a chance to try uninstalling mods to try and find the culprit, but I am thinking it is either [x]Science which lists all available science you can do and shows your progress etc. or science alert which will alert you with an audible indicator as you change biomes to let you know new science is available. I suspect these 2 just because they are related to the science section. not because I have seen any bugs with them specifically. unfortunately I do not have a lot of time for KSP recently so I have not had a chance to try and track tis down yet.
  17. yes parts are on the ship... I have don some more testing, and it seems that if I do not "transmit" any reports I get this bug. But if I actually "transmit" at least one crew report or something then it will recover all the science as it should.
  18. i just ran into this problem as well. i am trying out linux 64bit, so i get it installed and some mods installed. (do not have the list right now) but when the game starts up the part inventories are empty. and the tech tree in the science lab is also blank. i will have to try to do some testing later when i get home from work, but just looking around here now i see i am not the only one. what is this about an engine looking for a resource that does not exist? how does that work? this may help me figure out what is going on.
  19. I tried to view the texture with windows and it reports the file is corrupt so I fixed those textures from SXT by just opening them in gimp and resaving them. and then knowing what I am looking for I then found some more. so here it is. SXT ASET Portable Light Fustek Station Parts (could not easily fix these so I removed the mod and moved on) here are links to the "fixed" tetures if anybody wants them. SXT Fix: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75023494/SXT%20LOD%20Fix.rar ASET Fix: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75023494/ASET%20Portable%20Light%20LOD%20Fix.rar I willhave to poke around in Fustek to see if I can figure out what is wrong there. the OP should be edited with a list of mods known to cause LOD to crash. and any information we have posted in the forum to assist newcomers with getting it up and running. as of now everything seems to be up and running. with LOD I sit on the main menu at 2.9 gigs. while without LOD and running in OpenGL I sit on the main menu at 3.2 however I have removed Fustek station parts, as I have not fixed it yet, so some of this difference will be from that mod. however just the fact I am sitting at main menu in DX9 is a miracle. if this mod continues to improve and work out the quirks it will be a big help. EDIT: Ok now in DX9 running LOD and no ATM or TR. I have also re-enabled EVE with astronomers pack. I sit at main menu running 3.4 gigs. in VAB I sit at 3.7 (scary ) UFB!! now if it will run stable and allow me to play is the next test.
  20. ah well I do have SXT installed. I will go try all of this. and if that fails I am going to make a vanilla game set up and add mods in 10 at a time and see if I can find it. as I am a mod ..... and cant live without all 400 installed, I need this mod to work. Rogue!?! Well I jut scanned the log in the lod directory for SXT; and sure enough there is an exception error loading a texture from SXT.
  21. Necro I know... But i am having this issue now as well. I build a rocket, strap on mystery goo containers, launch and do some sciency stuff. I examine the goo containers, do some crew reports etc. the crew reports do not matter if I transmit or keep, after I recover the vessel my science pool does not change. I still have no science to research any new parts. during the flight the crew reports and the containers both show that I should be getting some science for them after recovery, but the end of mission screen skips the science tab altogether, and my total science never goes up.
  22. no neither of those. I would have to go compile a list of mods... too many to remember now off the top of my head. but just in general assuming this is working 100% the "preparing" bit should go away soonish? and after that the "loading" process should finish and after that the textures should no longer be pink checkers? and before all this it is fine to be in game with pink check textures, this will not cause problems?
  23. I still can't get this to work. After I start KSP, the mod is reporting the files it is preparing but it never finishes that process. and then the game gets to the memory upper limit and crashes. any ideas?
  24. well in theory the mods not listed will have less impact, as the cfg files to my knowledge are telling ATM to not compress certain textures. therefore, any mod with no cfg, will by default compress all textures. I could be wrong on this however.
  25. Yes there are a few visual issues. mostly people report that during reentry or high speed atmospheric flight the ship textures will bug out. this does not crash the game it just removes the texture from your parts. turns them all black or sometimes pink. and in DX11 there seems to be some black lines on the floor/ground at KSC. however these bugs are very minor compared to the memory saving the 2 modes give you over DX9. the ability to load more mods has been the bane of KSP since day 1. so like this mod which you sacrifice texture quality for memory savings, you have to make a trade off. What ever you find acceptable to allow the game to run the mods you wish to use. or you must switch to 64bit version which can use far more RAM but then introduces a whole new set of problems in that it is very unstable on any platform other than Linux. again it is all about compromise. What you are willing to give up in order to get a few more mods installed. as with the 32bit version you are limited to the 4 gigs of ram that a 32 bit application can access. thus with the overhead this leaves around 3.8 gigs of RAM usage until KSP will crash. if you are sitting on the main menu with more than 3.2 you are almost guaranteed a crash as the memory usage fluctuates while the program runs. and just to be safe you really should be on the main menu with under 3 gigs, but even then the memory leak in the .tga loader will bite you after a few reverts or scene changes which cause texture reloads.
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