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Bit Fiddler

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Everything posted by Bit Fiddler

  1. Well I have been looking at this mod for a year or more now, and keep telling myself I need to use it. So I finally took the plunge into the VTOL soup (no Kerbals were put in a blender to make this soup...) any way as I get working on VTOL design, I find myself in need of Intake Air powered RCS... I see B9 has some, but does anybody know of any other mods offering intake air powered RCS? it can be intake air + EC = compressed air --> RCS or requiring an active engine of some sort etc. I am not looking for a "free ride" I just need to use compressed air for RCS so I do not need to carry limited supplies in a tank such as Monoprop.
  2. I was looking for RCS blocks that run off "intake air" and was told B9 had some... unfortunately B9 is not ready for 1.2, does anybody use these? and if so do you know of another mod source for an Intake Air powered RCS thruster?
  3. and this could then be easily ported to water, Monoprop, KerbalJuice(from my blender part), etc? so it can grab all those tanks from this or that mod that are not specifically LFO? and sort of related to this... can we get ElectricCharge added in to the resources? I guess I can do this myself but just thinking it could be there by default. the reason I ask is the "Procedural Parts" mod allows EC as a resource type... so ya just thinking aloud again. I will add that patch above into my MM patch folder and give it a go.
  4. well actually I usually drop one a few "pixels" I never look at the time really before the SOI change so I can warp to the point then cross the SOI in manual flight just to be sure everything is ok. so a 1 min. prior would be ok for that reason.
  5. maybe I do not understand the problem with removing... but MM can remove lines as well as add them yes? or is this at a point that MM is done and cant remove lines for you? well even without this automated system the fact I can go in and make it work with any mod I want is ok by me even. if the automated stuff is just not going to work, I have no problem making the modifications to various cfg files that I need to do on my own. as @Nori said this mod is quickly going to replace any type of fuel / texture switching mod I use.
  6. Hmmm just thinking aloud here... @PART [*]:HAS[!RESOURCE[ElectricCharge],!RESOURCE[SolidFuel],@RESOURCE [*],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:NEEDS[GPOSpeedFuelPump] { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } could this be made to make your mod grab every "tank" in the game? leaving out ElectricCharge and SolidFuel? or even include ElectricCharge... why not have batteries in the mix? this way all those tank mods out there can benefit from this mod with very little effort on your part to try and add them all manually to your mod.
  7. ok that works for the double flash I guess... just need to be able to preset their state in the SPH and all is well. thanks
  8. is it just me or are some parts not providing "body lift" like the rest of them? Specifically I have seen "HS-x" cockpit and the "service bay" do not provide any body lift like the other parts do. is this intentional? or just an error? And on this topic does the service bay have a ton of drag to it, even when it is inline with the rest of the body? it seems to have a huge drag coefficient. all of this data is coming from the in-game overlay to show lift and drag, so I may just be misreading it or do not understand the overlay.
  9. so I see the right click menu is removed in VAB/SPH can we please have it back? I really would like to preconfigure the lights how I want them at launch, rather than have to run around and do it all after I launch. Also can the on/off be separated from the flash modes again. if I tie the light to the "lights" action group to turn it on and off it sets it to always " solid on", I want to be able to set the double flash in the SPH and then use the "lights" action group to turn it on and off, but I want it to turn on and off in double flash mode. this is how these lights worked in the past, and I really miss this setup.
  10. if you want I can make up a blender part in .... well blender.... and you can include it with your mod for maximum Kerbal density.
  11. oh nice... I have been asking for this mod for years now... lol all I wanted was a simple way to see my orbit during my ascent so I know when to burn etc. without having more windows on the screen or flipping over to map view and back. so ya this is a great change.
  12. when it happens again I will pay closer attention.. but basically you get a resource definition in a tank that cant be removed and cant be used. and it will prevent you from adding in another of that type. I am fairly sure it happened when I told it to put 2 food tanks on the same physical part. the only way I could fix it is to delete the physical tank and place a new one. ok yes.. I add an LFO tank to a part. then I add a new LFO tank to the same part. once this is done there are now the 2 useless LFO entries on the part, and you can't delete them.
  13. ok so I understand that KSP will not allow us to have 2 tanks defined in a single part that hold the same resource. but I think your mod is allowing this to happen and then the tank is FUBAR and must be removed from the ship and replaced with a new one. I am not sure this is the cause of this strange behavior. I will examine it in more detail if it happens again.
  14. I would skip the mesh and texture switching unless those mods that do it already disappear. I think adding in to much to one mod detracts from making it do the 1 thing very well. and we have several mesh/texture switch options out there already. ah well I guess I can remove these long strings of 9's then... a simple 1 will do
  15. ok so the final word on this tank config... after much researching, math, and trial and error to fudge it out to 7 decimal points this is what we get. at 227 years, 403 days. food and oxygen are exact. however Water is out of kilter by 1 second. I am calling this good enough at this point. TANKCONF { name = TAC-LS Volume = 1 TANK { TankType = Food CurrentResource = Food InitialAmount = 0 Volume = 0.5255531 } TANK { TankType = Water CurrentResource = Water InitialAmount = 0 Volume = 0.2639998 } TANK { TankType = Gases CurrentResource = Oxygen InitialAmount = 0 Volume = 0.2104471 } } so now the last question about this tank config... there is a spot for an initial amount. if I put an overly-large number in here when I create a tank it will fill it up automatically as this number is bigger than any conceivable tank I might make. will this cause a problem in any of the math in your mod? or is it safe to set the "InitialAmmount" to something like "9999999999"?
  16. ya not sure... just have to pick a number and go with it and see what people say. I guess 1% is as good as any for a start. maybe 2 arrows... a 1% and a 10% ? maybe this is just over thinking it...
  17. nice is the .4 a scalar of the volume or did you pick .4 as the value? ah I just realized... if I edit a tank and put each of the 3 to 1 liter I can see the units per liter by looking at the TAC planner. I can then use this with the "units per day" in the config option to get exact ratios... will need to do some testing but I think I will be able to get exact ratios soon
  18. digging into the actual help documents, and mod setting now. to see if I can figure the real math. the trial and error setup is ok for now but if I can get the exact numbers I will post them here. I just do not see anywhere how much the Oxygen is compressed when stored in liquid form.
  19. could do this with MM looking for a list of resources and say if the part has one of these resources in it, then consider it a "tank" and add the edit tank feature. could just use the basics, or grab the community resource list and do them all... there is probably a way to automate this with MM even. tell it to read each entry in the community resource list, and look for it in every other module... not sure how powerful MM is but this sounds like it may work...
  20. sure but use this one.. I realized if I used a bigger tank I would get more accurate results. TANKCONF { name = TAC-LS Volume = 38.0569992 TANK { TankType = Water CurrentResource = Water InitialAmount = 0 Volume = 10.0469999 } TANK { TankType = Food CurrentResource = Food InitialAmount = 0 Volume = 20.0009995 } TANK { TankType = Gases CurrentResource = Oxygen InitialAmount = 0 Volume = 8.00899982 } } with this one over a span of 10 years 109 days. It is off by less than 10 seconds on all 3 resources. unfortunately I just did it by trial and error. but if we could figure the math from the TAC mod it could be exact I guess. Oh and I guess the reason I am not seeing the "Edit Tank" button is because you only add that to the vanilla game tanks? It does not add it to any tanks from mods?
  21. well In the limits of the existing UI this is as close as I can get it for TAC the food and water are near exact, but oxygen is a wee bit high in the range "who cares" as in over 404 days there is an extra 2H 19 seconds... food and water are off by mere 2 seconds TANKCONF { name = TAC-LS Volume = 5.70900011 TANK { TankType = Food CurrentResource = Food InitialAmount = 0 Volume = 3 } TANK { TankType = Water CurrentResource = Water InitialAmount = 0 Volume = 1.50699997 } TANK { TankType = Gases CurrentResource = Oxygen InitialAmount = 0 Volume = 1.20200002 } }
  22. ya, having to do the math now... I will get it soon eneugh
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