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Drew Kerman

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Posts posted by Drew Kerman

  1. 8 hours ago, lajoswinkler said:

    If you're experiencing lag, just edit the configuration file and set the maximum particles to 300. That solves it for me.

    Don't tell people to set performance-affecting properties to a value you use. It's all about personal taste and the abilities of their computer. The better way to say this is for @Kinzerfest to start with the default and gradually decrease the number of max particles until they find a performance that suits them best

  2. 13 hours ago, Stratickus said:

    Roverdude added a bit more ompf to the rockets, so getting to 2km and even 5km with a basic SR is cake now

    I was happy to see that the SR got the thrust boost because in FAR they were too underpowered to be used properly and I reported this after getting confirmation from ferram. So the thrust boost is just globally applied, not used as a FAR patch with begets the question of how the rockets will behave differently in FAR vs Stock. Just some additional consideration that may be needed when re-thinking these contracts

  3. 20 minutes ago, DMSP said:

    Quick question, if I wanted to update to Hyperedit, but keep my old alarms, How would I do that without bugging everything and destroying the universe? All the best!

    this makes no sense. How would updating to Hyperedit destroy your alarms? Did you mean install Hyperedit? It's not an upgrade through KAC or anything like that

  4. On 10/20/2016 at 7:14 PM, Angel-125 said:

    Making progress...

    Keep it up, will def feature this in use by the KSA, as my kerbal's main source of transportation is airship. Already featured some of HL's models:

    Delivery DayAtmospheric Science, Away!

    Ready to Go

    Oh hey look at that - forum embeds flickr links. Cool

  5. Sup.

    I've mostly been leaving the heavy-lifting up to @IvanSanchez and his upcoming newer version of the Leaflet.KSP library since he actually knows what he's doing and when I try to fiddle with mapping stuff it's like banging my head against the wall. Which isn't fun. So I've been doing other things, that are fun.

    However the plugin Joel (Saik0) passed to me before he went poof might still be of use so I stand ready to assist and hopefully we can get some new map content created still.

    So as things stand right now, the maps are still accessible via internet archive, my Flight Tracker works, if the Telemachus dev comes back he'll have almost all he needs to get that plugin working again (the terrain/slope/biome data is probably still broken) and eventually there will be a new library we can all use. Maybe updated maps too.

  6. Another v1.2 mod essential checked off the list...

    Didn't see anything in the source or configs so @Thomas P. (or anyone else) is it possible to control the range at which scatter is loaded? Would love to be able to see more of the forest of trees that exists out on the grasslands west of KSC from KSC. They don't even load when I fly out there from KSC, I have to load to a craft that is sitting in the region for the trees to appear then hop back along a series of crafts I placed to get to KSC with the trees still loaded in the distance. The new v1.2 physics.cfg load distance settings will make this easier since I won't have to string out crafts every 2km. But still.

  7. 5 hours ago, Galileo said:

    Both look good but one is just a little more real i guess i could say

    Define "real", because I see a lot of people equating "realism" with how Earth would look, but Kerbin is not Earth. It's smaller and its atmosphere is way thinner. So why should we expect it to look like Earth? Scatterer is meant to recreate how light behaves in atmosphere, so if its working realistically by properly modeling the way light behaves in Kerbin's atmosphere we should not expect it to look exactly like Earth.

    And also, when posting NASA photos or any space photos you should make sure it hasn't been overly processed

  8. 2 hours ago, Ezriilc said:

    Thank you!  I will look into implementing this in HyperEdit, but since it's really not a problem, I'll likely wait until the next KSP version update.

    might be worth fixing next time you have a more pressing reason to dig into the HyperEdit code, just to save you from having to deal with ppl paging you about it. I'd say also add it to the OP as a Known Issue. maybe someone will read it :wink:

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