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Drew Kerman

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Everything posted by Drew Kerman

  1. and of course I managed to break it, because that is my superpower. Repro steps: Open MA Insert a coast event Change nothing, close & save Attempt to insert any other event Check error log for details Can also repro this in 1.6.5. Which caught me cause I just did some MA work recently in it so dug a bit deeper and I can make things work if I change the coast from TA (which I haven't used recently) to something else. wow goes back to 1.6.4 too. Haven't been using MA as much lately! Works if you change the TA from 0
  2. I think I'm going to spend more time paying attention to whether my radio dish is pointed at Kerbin or not when that doesn't even really matter
  3. You haven't tried looking at the mod settings yet. I can't recall off the top of my head, but it's pretty obvious
  4. yes this is what I was asking for, but I just don't see why make it an option to do it that way. Having it all plotted as a single color doesn't seem in any way helpful or useful IMO. Unless... unless I missed a way to manually assign a color to each plot line?
  5. ooof I have a better idea of what's happening now based on what you said and some experimentation. So every time the figure updates a bunch of callbacks are generated. If I just click along the timeline rapidly to move it forward/backwards there's only a few updates so no real delay. If I drag to scrub across, the longer I drag the longer the delay of several seconds before the app is responsive again (menus show, dialogs open, etc). If I hold down the arrow key and scrub along the entire timeline, the app stays unresponsive afterwards for a little over two minutes Also, when creating a Set Kinematic State the UT field is empty and when you select to specify a state to inherit the UT from the UT field remains empty. When you go to save the state it won't let you because the UT field has an invalid value. So I just manually put in 0 before selecting to inherit the UT but the dialog should probably load with it as 0 I like how the GA handles when you're using separate kinematic states and plots for both (in my case, more if needed I suppose). Could you have the plot line colors automatically selected to match the line color chosen for the event the kinematic state was set? it's obvious to me here which is which, but maybe for more than two it could get confusing My LVD case file is completed and is 172MB is that the new normal? I'm not complaining. Just surprised at the huge increase - previous designs have barely broken 1MB
  6. Yea I figured. I will keep an eye out for it. that's my current use case, but if it's able to be copied over to MA as well easily I don't see why not have both does the idea of paging between sequential events strike your fancy? it's pretty bad, on the order of 4-5s for me sometimes. Might be worthwhile to put up the "Working" label over the figure area during this time
  7. @Arrowstar have you noticed any delay after moving the mission time slider for the view in LVD? I'm getting several seconds of unresponsiveness after dragging it around. Here's the case file. Also OMG what in the hell did I do to make it 68MB?!? I just noticed it when I went to zip it up. Can you add altitude as an independent variable for the GA tool? I'm often looking to see at what altitude certain things happen like staging and stuff Edit: hrmmm I saved the file again and now its only 35MB but not sure what I did to make it smaller. Did not change much AFAIK. Here is the smaller file. Also the <- -> buttons on the timeline do not seem to do anything for me in that case file. Should they be jumping between sequential events?
  8. Classic tech support!! It totally worked too I do have to switch it off and on every time I load the case file tho. Also, I haven't repro'd this yet but just FYI while working (not after just loading it) I did notice the Adjust Variables show me Event 1-11 in the drop down. When I switched the Initial State off and on to bring back Event 0 the drop down then contained Event 0-10. This is actually correct, and before I think it was just off by 1 (array indices, amirite?) and if I had tried to modify Event 1 it would have actually been Event 0. I think this came about when inserting new sequential events
  9. All seems good here. The UT issue was resolved but it took 66s for it to catch up to the new time and so that meant the script execution was past time so I had to manually re-run the script to clear that warning. I'll just make sure to set UT at the start of the mission workup... Yea that seems gone now from the save file, if I see it again I will send a file your way. However there's also now no Event 0 option, which would be the variable set for the Initial State steering
  10. oooh I didn't even think about trying that not quite what I was asking - I was saying is there even any reason to have to change the Cd values imported during the initial state? You'd know better than me if importing different Cd values at the same time I'm changing the drag area would be useful for some cases. If it's not useful to change Cd during the ascent then no reason to have to re-import them and it would just make that event a bit cleaner Still not sure if this is an issue or me not understanding fully yet how to use the new view system
  11. Not sure if you saw my edits, but if you only downloaded the LVD case once, redownload it again since I updated it to see what I'm talking about with the other issues
  12. AFAIK standard decay? Did not realize there were different models. Nothing fancy just if for example my RTG is set to 0.15EC with a half life of 9.2yr then after 1.9yr it will only put out 0.13EC - https://www.calculator.net/half-life-calculator.html?type=1&nt=0.13&n0=0.15&t=&t12=9.2&x=76&y=25 Also, when you get a chance have a look at this LVD case file - if I try to advance the date to something like 123513780 UT in the initial vessel settings it will throw an error. Additionally if I move the time slider to the right the spacecraft icon disappears and I'm not sure how to extend the view to include the whole trajectory. I'm liking the ability to manually tweak the event values to get a rough approximation that I can then send to the optimizer with really tight constraints for nailing the specific values - but if you open the window to do this you'll find two entries for Event 0 and selecting Event 5 doesn't show an adjustment bar. Maybe? When I reloaded the file it now shows only Events 1-5 and still no bar for Event 5. It seems the Ground Objects in the View Settings is bugged - or at least it is not working as I would expect. When I select an object and Save, only then does the object show up on the surface but only one at a time. re-opening the View Settings returns selection to the first object but if I just Save right away the first object isn't shown instead. I would also expect that selecting an object in the list would let me set its properties individually but the check boxes appear to be global and not specific to each object When editing the drag area for an in-flight event is it really necessary to re-import or re-enter the Cd values again?
  13. Should be easy enough to add half life as well? User provides the number of years (conversion to Kerbal/Earth years done under the hood based on settings) and the mission start UT. A few mods out there support/enable decaying RTGs
  14. Actually yes there is a problem and it was solved just like he said. Good eye, @SPG!! I did not even notice my resources were being doubled (mostly cause I have so many). I deleted my config, replaced it with yours and went to the flight scene. ARP filled in the missing resources from my install and now I can actually move them around the sort menu and they are updated and displayed properly And to be clear I tested ARP with just a stock install, deleting the config beforehand so it was recreated with stock resources and they were indeed doubled.
  15. @Arrowstar am I interpreting these plots correctly to say that there's an issue here? kOS = flight data Rocket did not accelerate as fast as predicted (m/s over alt in meters) - mostly due to drag and off-nominal ascent guidance I've determined Therefore it correctly did not travel as high as quickly as it should have (alt in meters over UT time) but then wait how did it generate more thrust faster? (thrust in kN over altitude in meters). Double-checked my engine settings and they match in-game values. I no longer have a proper atmospheric density readout from the game (hoping to fix that soon) to double-check against LVD but atmospheric pressure is good and a basic check of LVD values against game readouts (hard to be very precise here) show density should be proper.
  16. that'll help, but it can still be excruciatingly slow depending on what you're doing. There are ways to approach your goal that make the optimizer work faster tho depending on what you're doing so when you get it working and its still not as fast as you'd like, be sure to detail exactly what and how you're going about things. Sometimes tho that's just the nature of the beast and you have to let it run and do other things while you wait
  17. I have someone already on the job, but if that falls through I will let you know Anyone else interested in the work please still post below
  18. after it happens, share somewhere the ksptot.log file you will find in the main KSPTOT folder - actually just copy and paste it here inside a Code block. It's not usually that large
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