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Everything posted by undercoveryankee

  1. There seemed to be a general trend toward making parts physicsless in 0.23.5, probably for game-performance reasons. I suspect the 3.75m decoupler is physicsless because it was a new part and it was small enough in comparison to the tanks that there was no reason not to follow the trend, and the only reason the smaller stack decouplers still have physics is that Squad rarely changes working parts. I've also wondered whether joints for whatever reason worked better with a physicsless decoupler than with a small physicsful decoupler between two big tanks.
  2. I would guess that the stock densities were chosen based on RL fuels at some relatively easy number of liters per unit that made the in-game numbers a convenient size. The densities have probably been the same since before the rescaling of the stock parts from 1m to 1.25m, so tank capacity vs. model size for the old models might be informative.
  3. On that, I would recommend using KSPI's existing plasma thruster in quantum vacuum mode. It's a little early to guess whether the appearance of the devices that the NASA folks tested is actually on the right track. If you've got a model or an idea for a model that fits the aesthetic of the other parts, put it in the pack using the KSPI modules.
  4. From what I understand, reloading the database from the KSP debug menu doesn't reapply MM patches, while reloading from MM's button does reapply patches. Hooking the reload and reapplying patches is why the button is part of MM.
  5. Started seeing references to it in places like xkcd. Looked it up on tvtropes to get an overview of what it was so I could understand the references. Tvtropes has links to Scott Manley. Rest is history.
  6. In addition to clipped or stacked intakes, I try to avoid intakes that are hidden from the air stream by another part or are mounted without a reasonable path for air to take from intake to engine.
  7. If you're on Windows, Arrowstar's Trajectory Optimization Tool (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/36476 ) can help you find assist windows. Failing that, just pick a moon that's outside your current Jool periapsis and is on the side of its orbit where you would make an ejection burn, set up the nodes, and see what happens.
  8. If you're installing any mods, go ahead and install Research Them All. The early bugs in it that were mentioned the first time it was brought up on this thread have been fixed. I suspect Squad is more interested in preventing the stock game from presenting a bulk-unlock situation rather than providing a button, but it wouldn't hurt to make the button stock because the game isn't perfect.
  9. I don't like deorbiting perfectly good fuel. I try to leave debris around until I can chase it down with an Extraplanetary Launchpads recycler.
  10. For the debug menu, try Option+Fn+F12. It also looks like new contracts appear at a rate based on the in-game clock. You can try to timewarp ahead a week or so to see if a contract you can do appears.
  11. I've seen tumbling happen a few times, across a couple of different versions. I think the triggering factor in my cases has been having other types of attitude control active. If you're using MechJeb or kOS, make sure they aren't trying to send attitude commands at the same time. You might even experiment with turning off stock SAS.
  12. I've only seen it happen once, after I accidentally reloaded the database while trying to hide the buttons. Fixed it with Research Them All.
  13. RT2 question: Why do the KGN satellites use KR-7 dishes for Minmus? The DTS-M1 will reach Minmus and weighs a lot less.
  14. Some things to try, from the last time this question came up (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-Development-Resumed-RemoteTech-2?p=1332585&viewfull=1#post1332585): Make sure that you have exactly one copy of ModuleManager, that it's at least version 2.2.0, and that it's at the top level of GameData. Reinstall RT2, making sure that all of the textures end up in GameData/RemoteTech2/Textures/. Check any ATM or TextureReplacer configs that might be making RT2's textures unreadable.
  15. This has been in the development builds for about a month. It'll be in the next release.
  16. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89774-24-2-ExtraPlanetary-Launchpads%28EPL%29-Karbonite-Adaptation
  17. If the part of the decoupler that stays attached to the booster produces significant drag, that would bring the nose of the booster in. If it's a problem for you, just equip the boosters with sepratrons.
  18. That sounds correct. 0.8 and below used 1 unit of resource = 24 Kerbal-hours. 0.9 changed the resource densities and rates based on 1 unit=1 liter at STP.
  19. It's probably in in-game units of resource/second, where 1 unit of a resource represents whatever the resource author wants it to. E.g. 1 liter (a lot of mods), 24 kerbal-hours (TAC Life Support 0.8 and below) or who knows what else. The stock fuels correspond better with the displayed sizes of the tanks if each unit takes up a couple of liters, but I don't recall Squad ever quoting an official number. Multiply by the density of the resource to get tons/sec.
  20. The stable 1.4.0 release was compiled on 0.23.5, but some people are managing with it on 0.24. I've been running the prerelease builds on 0.24 with no issues.
  21. To hide a part in the VAB while keeping it in-game, you set the "category" line in its config to a value that doesn't match any of the VAB categories. Fortunately, all of the Kethane parts' names are prefixed with "kethane_", so the ModuleManager code is pretty easy: @PART[kethane_*] { @category = Hidden }
  22. Changing maximum temperature and crash tolerance with the animation state would require a new plugin, so it's a little out of scope for this project.
  23. Put a numeric index after the keyword: @PART[Tantares_Engine_A] { @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] { @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 8950 @key,1 = 1 4725 } } }
  24. Correction. Dishes in cone mode can communicate with each other as long as each ship is in the SoI of the other ship's cone target. So Kerbin-orbiting satellites with a dish targeting Mun can talk to Mun-orbiting satellites with a dish targeting Kerbin. That might save a dish or two in some parts of your network.
  25. When a fix contains just a .dll, that's generally the drill: Install the base package, then overwrite its .dll with the one from the fix.
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