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Everything posted by Signo

  1. You can store as much as you want in a lab, even multiples of the same sample.
  2. To get access to resource transfer you need to upgrade one of the buildings (can not actually recall which one atm).
  3. I made up a basic one too to train the freshkerbs and to complete some "visual survey". TBH in my new 0.90 career save (moderate settings) my main issue is cash, not science atm.
  4. I was meaning the "basic" action groups, not the basic components. You can just customize the "basic commands" like toggle gears, toggle lights ans stuff like that with the VAB/SPH at lvl 2.
  5. You need to upgrade the VAB to lvl 3 to have the proper action groups we were used to. With the VAB lvl 2 you've got the "basics" (eg: gears, brakes and so on).
  6. I managed a light design w/o canards, wings are a little bit oddly shaped as you can se below, I do not know if I can call it a proper delta. It works really really well (with NEAR too) and I hope I can scale up the design for something more than just reaching LKO and back. Have you ever tried to use brute force rcs thrusters to nose up?
  7. Guys, I can see the d/v advantages of a direct trajectory, but the overall set up and focus required make me a fan of the LKO solution. I mean, we are not flying torchships that need to follow a "brachistocrona" (I do not know how to write it in english and I was lazy to Google it, I hope it is almost the same). X-wing anybody?
  8. I've got this small one that takes off pretty early but just because it needs only 67m/s. It climbs fast too, but the practical range is very limited during jet powered flights and it takes ages for the ion vacuum burns.
  9. Hi, I am sorry but I can not write in german so I hope you can translate this (if you see a point in doing it of course ). I had your same issue while planning my jool 5, so to overcome the problem I use the last two "ascent" stages as "trans jool injection" kickers. I hope I correctly addressed your issue, my german is really basic. If I didn't just trash my post Below a pic of my ship, if there is anything you want to have a closer look at just let me know.
  10. Hi, I think you already had your fair share of tips, if I may add my bit is that learning how the maneuver nodes work can give you a edge while in space. If you know where you are going and you know how to change that your kerbals are never lost. And just play as ppl above said. Next time you are stranded in orbit you might try to "push" your ship with the jet pack and come back in to land instead of diving.
  11. That is exactly one of my points. Moreover, since I made my entry the rules were changed several times. I just took out of the garage the first thing I had available to make my entry so it does not mean so much to me to be honest, but it seems to me that the challenge is a little bit "unconsistent" if you think that when I tried was something like "put this in orbit with less than 1M if you dare". I did it. [EDIT]Take out some fuel if you want, reaction wheels are not so expensive and you do not want to fly that w/o[/edit]
  12. You said the lifter should be cheaper than 1M, not "less than 1M on the pad". The price goes over 1M due to your payload.
  13. Yamato wannabes need a captain chair. I'm on my way, I hope I can finish the mission in this bank holiday long week end.
  14. You could try to restart the whole session and reload the "scenario". Your ships might be more "collaborative". If it does not work you can try with an "adapter" between the two sections. (in the dark pic below I had to build and send a small "elbow" joint to refuel the ship, the docks connected to the joint but refused to connect directly). Last but not least, if you can not find any in-game solution, you can try to modify the persistence file.
  15. It is full, I double checked. Below the craft file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/67mkajf8qcerhag/Do%20you%20even%20Lift%20mk%2001%20-%20M.craft?dl=0 EDIT (as usual): flight path - first of all disable the crossfeed of the docking port, take off at 70/75% throttle, increase slightly after discarding each of the first three stages up to 100%. Start your G turn (for a more comfortable ascent) after discarding the third stage, you should be around 10000+m. Go for a "common" G turn until you hit the right Ap. I saved exactly the full center tank (that I think could provide around 1500 extra D/v). Actually made it to Mun orbit with the same rocket.
  16. Hi, below my entry. The lifter is 122 parts, around 940Kv. There is fuel left, usually I lift cargoes that have a kind of resemblance to this like the ship in the second pic. If u need more details on the lifter (very common even if quite big asparagus) just let me know. EDIT - ehm, I did not ask about the struts, I simply put them, are they allowed? (thanks Astro)
  17. Did not really know where to attach so many of them (I never really managed to have a good stable launch with less than 32 with such a heavy design, not to mention the broken launchpads), so I tried once just to see if it could be "kerbal stuff". I do not really know how or even IF it works but it seems to help my launchpad to stay there.
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