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Everything posted by Signo

  1. I experienced the shaking just with rugged wheels and often this is tied to the rover non going straight. While driving under 10/12 m/s the rover simply tends to go left or right, after 12/15 m/s one or both of the wheels start shaking like a kraken SAS attack is happening. I had a very close look at it several times, it looks like the wheel is pushed/pulled faster and faster left to right. The faster you go the worst the shaking. In the worst cases I managed to lose the wheels during the first 50m of the ride. And really, there is no apparent meaning for the shaking cause it is not a matter of "heavy load" or misplacement. Moreover, if it then works w/o angle snap, I think the issue should be angle snap itself. I might even be able to reproduce the issue at will. I'll check it.
  2. I experienced the same issue on wonderfully straight flt tanks.
  3. The problem was angle snap. And I found the same angle snap problem several times while trying to stick wheels to my rovers. W/o angle snap my rovers are fine, they go straight, they are even fun to drive. So, I'll stay without it, cause it is good for Jeb's health.
  4. It is not an issue of mine Not anymore, at least.
  5. yes, I mean angle snap. I do not know the correct name for it (it might be something like "squared angle snap" opposite to "round angle snap") but the icon for it is hexagonal. When I used to place the wheels, 90% of the cases being the front ones, with the "squared or hex" angle snap I often experienced shakings even if everything looked perfect. Going back to the SPH/VAB and placing the wheels in the same place but with the "round" angle snap was enough to solve the issue. I hope I was clearer this time.
  6. Hi, I made one just yesterday and the sepratrons angle really depends more on what the sepratrons will fire on. I incinerated the central tank a couple of times before finding the good angle.
  7. I experienced some shaking too even if I had the correct pointing end on the navball and I was driving in docking mode. To me it was an issue of angle snap. With "hex" angle snap the shaking is present.
  8. The nuke core is supposed to stay at the destination as a gas station. The crew come back with a small single nuke.
  9. Hold "Alt" while placing the part. It will stick to the connection node.
  10. Hi, if you assemble it in space a puller is definitely better, but if you make just one single big launch you can afford a pusher too. Moreover, the heavier the ship the less strict you are with "simmetry". I made quite a big asymmetric pusher myself where I usually have very different radial loads.
  11. Hi Booly, this is my first submission for 0.90, this time with Ions, I hope you've got enough pictures to judge. It is a common KSC to KSC, nothing fancy even if the plane could go a lot farther (well, Dres being the only real body you can vertically land on and come back). It is supposed to be a "gadget" of my interplanetary transport, that's why you've got a docking port but no RCS at all, I use tugs on that; moreover that's why I had a target weight (8t) and width, to fit it on the radial pylons. Hope you like it. Data following: Sunbeam 090 - 7.337t - 1 Turbojet, 4 Ions, 1 crew - capable of double Kerbin ascent (and safe landing) and 5300+ d/v @ a lame 0.13 TWR in vacuum. Nevertheless it is a lot of fun to pilot into the atmosphere.
  12. Same here. I collided into the VAB while flying at 9000 or so meters but KSP was running for too long w/o restarting.
  13. As far as I know this Downunder one is a Mirage III.
  14. +1 To add my little bit, if you hate them from the very first beginning they stick on your craft kill'em with ctrl+z.
  15. Nothing to be sorry about I think, as long as you are aware. I hope you will host a succesful challenge.
  16. This sounds a little bit like a fancy "Jool-5". Did u check that?
  17. Usually I deal with this with a kind of "versioning" while building. There are times that it simply works with no apparent meaning. Well then, I'll wait for a few hours just to see if there is any other valuable option and then I'll switch the thread to "answered".
  18. I tried that, the symmetry issue goes then to the wings that do not want to snap on in mirror simmetry. However I found this kind of symmetry issue dating back at least to 0.23.5 when you merge mirror and radial symmetry. I used to do that with subassemblies before 0.90 and the issue was present even if slightly different.
  19. Hi, to exploit the most a single launch to Eve/Duna in my current career I designed this tier-7 model that can carry 2 orbiters and 2 rovers to the target SOI spending just 75k per launch. Then you can fulfill all the "send data from" contracts, not to mention the first "explore" contract. I had a very good ROI from stuff like this.
  20. I had the same issue and I solved it building with a different angle snap. With "hex" angle snap I had the issue, with "round" angle snap the rover went straight.
  21. Hi all, I had an issue while building in the SPH. The supposed symmetry was "mirror" but when I tried to attach the hull bodies the "new" hull body had one engine using mirror and one engine using radial, clipping together. Pics below. Any advice to overcome this?
  22. Okto2 f.t.w. Alas I do not have a serious answer about massless parts.
  23. Well, based on my lonely career game (moderate), first of all I made around 90% of my launches using SRBs for the ascent to start saving. Then, the best way to me to aim for cash are sats, outposts and stations. I think the most important mission for the program until now was the first sat contract I got that allowed me to upgrade the R&D to lvl 2 upon completion. I made this one with a Stayputnik, so that's why I underline this one. It was the most challenging in terms of piloting. I did not leave Kerbin SOI until now while bringing back just one soil sample from Mun and I was able to fully unlock tier 7, so I suppose you can fully unlock the tech tree w/o leaving Kerbin SOI. I used the "r&d outsourcing" strategy at first that I soon abandoned for cash generating strategies. So, more or less that's it. All my outposts and stations are "unmanned" cause Oktos are better pilots than a freshkerb.
  24. @arma I agree with you about mission profiles, but however you can store as much science as you need in a lab. Moreover a large amount of the "outpost" missions require a lab, so it might be a good "multiplexing" access point for further rover missions in a more advanced career game (as soon as R&D lvl2 is unlocked). @Funeh yes, that's exactly how it would work if you want to use the lab as a science storage. Moreover when processed by a "fully manned 2kerbs" lab your science transmission could be enhanced. Ditto, if you plan to bring back the science as Arma said, to me the lab is pretty useless. However with all the new "fine print" missions made stock (not to mention KXP and building and managing the program) now cash is the major issue to me so I'll deliver your ton of bricks for cash wherever you need.
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