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Everything posted by Signo

  1. Hi, I have a couple of designs fitting in this topic. You may have a look at that too. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130452-Butler-series-SSTOs-updated-14-08-new-75t-payload-Mk3-size-craft?highlight=butler
  2. The answer is atmo pressure. (above somebody already wrote it I think.) You want your Eve rovers to be electric and nuke powered (not enough sunlight to drive anything in a continuous way above 55 parallel)
  3. I think (and that is my usual habit too) that the best place where to reverse your orbit is as soon as you enter the target's SOI burning radial/antiradial. So this should fall under your category 2.
  4. I tried it and it needs a redesign. It does not take off anymore. A few pics of the try below. You need to get back to play, things are a lot different now. Your designs were usually amazing and ultrasmart, with the new aero you might have a lot of fun.
  5. If I remember correctly there was a challenge a few time ago named something like "look ma', no hands" or "one button Bob something" related to this kind of question. Maybe you could dig in the forum to look for it.
  6. I remember it, I am not sure it will work properly. Are you seriously interested in a test?
  7. I am a big fan of the anime. Lovely replica + rep. KaubÃ…Âi Bibappu FTW.
  8. Mi era sembrato di sentire nell'ultimo video che Max dicesse che la versione unity 5 stava per essere passata alla QA per settimana prossima e che addirittura se fosse stata pronta prima della 1.1 poteva tranquillamente essere numerata 1.0.qualcosa. Ovviamente non si è sbilanciato però sembrava più fiducioso per U5 che per altro. Comunque nemmeno io mi sono sbilanciato sul trick. Ho solo detto che esiste e che di sicuro crasha. E che creare una partizione Linux è uno sbattimento e magari conviene aspettare.
  9. Sui crash non garantisco, anzi... Per il resto da quello che si capisce dalle devnotes l'aggiornamento dovrebbe essere prossimo, credo ti basteràun po' di pazienza per vedere se vale la pena di organizzare la partizione. Dopo l'aggiornamento se non sarai ancora soddisfatto linux saràsempre lì che ti aspetta.
  10. If I may give my full 2 cents: start your G turn around 25000/30000m even if it might look inefficient - keep your AoA limited (3°/5° and remove the limitation as soon as you hit 50000 or give it a couple of tries until you find your craft sweetspot) - obviously disable Force Roll Climb - do not limit acceleration - +1 for John FX point on delays Last but not least: humans are by far better pilots than MJ, I am pretty sure you can get it done in a better way with pure eyeball.
  11. I think that is because of the "force roll climb" option enabled. If you disable it the weird behaviour issue should disappear. Your craft is very draggy on top due to struts so that is the attitude MJ is trying to overcorrect producing the spiral.
  12. Wow, things got re entry hot around here. Just stopped by to say "thank you Claw" for the testing on my plane. Cheers.
  13. Esiste un workaround per utilizzare la versione x64 anche su Windows.
  14. Manley è un noto fan di linux, quindi probabilmente la sua è una installazione linux x64.
  15. The UDrillB is the last byproduct of my cargo liners family. It relies on a slightly modified UB design to house a full drilling and refinement equipment and a complete scientific experiments set, lab included. Room for 8 kerbals, 2 rovers and a polar ore scansat are included. 251 parts (2 rovers and scansat included) - 183 parts "naked" (no extra vehicles) - 174 parts "barebone" (no vehicles, no science instruments, no lab) weight @takeoff: 190.3t with full configuration The craft is heavy and hard to master but it handles pretty well at both low and supersonic speed and can manage landings on the bumpy tracks you could find on Laythe. There is a small loss of both yaw authority and kinetic energy between 5500m and 8500/going supersonic but it is easy to overcome with a few extra corrections. It is very important before taking off to control the craft from the RGU RC-001S just behind the front "nosecone", otherwise the navball will not display the correct informations. At take off pitch 14° and keep that attitude till 8500. At 8500 pitch down to 8° to get trans sonic. Watch the fireworks and let it go till 18000, manage your pitch accordingly to your speed (it can manage speeds over 1400m/s in air breathing mode but it might be better to switch to closed cycle in an early stage to save fuel), I usually take off the whips at 21k, then I switch raps to closed at 24k. Usually I add the NERVs too for a small but sensible extra kick to orbit. You will reach a 100Km Ap at around 2250m/s when your Ox will be out leaving you with approximately 6000U of LF to reach your next refueling destination. There are 1800 ore stored in the craft at take off, I usually start refining them to LF as soon as the craft reaches mach 1 to exploit the extra electricity produced by whiplash engines alternators, avoiding the use of the fuel cells till a later stage to save resources. To land vertically just extend the assist tail gear and treat it like your average lander, managing height and descent speed as usual, just remember it is quite big and it needs rapiers to land proficiently on the bigger airless bodies (Vall included). Never tried Tylo but theoretically it should be possible to do that too. When landing like that, just bump on your tail gear to the correct parking position. The ore polar scansat is RCS propelled and recoverable after each use. Rovers are 2-seaters, with an almost complete science set plus a surface biome ore scanner. Just release their docking port to drop them on the surface ready for duty. Unfortunately they are unrecoverable at this stage. The craft can give a better user experience to its pilots if used with fuel balancing and intake managing mods. 1) Toggle Raps 2) Switch mode 3) Toggle NERVs 4) Toggle Whips 5) Toggle Drilling set up (ISRU must be manually managed) 6) Toggle Intakes 8) Toggle cargo bay 2 (ore scansat deployment must be manually managed) 0) Toggle vertical landing tail gear You can download your UDrillB here. Many thanks to Nansuchao for testing and hints. *** OmegaButler is the bigger and the faster of the Butlers by now. Up to 75t payload to LKO and added range to reach Duna/Ike with a lighter 35t payload. The design relies on a scaled up UberButler concept. G limit is 8.8 but it is clearly not meant as a high performance fighter. Ascent profile is a UberButler analog, so please forgive the absence of a video. 164 parts weight @takeoff: 174.189t max payload: up to 75t Action buttons: 1) Toggle Raps 2) Switch mode/toggle intakes 3) Toggle NERVs 8) Toggle cargo bay Get your Omega here *** The Butler family grows with a Mk3 size cargo, the UberButler. Up to 40t payload to 100x100 LKO and the range to bring smaller payloads up to 26t to Mun/Minmus low orbit . The craft comes with a performance set on par with its smaller sibling and comparable ascent profiles. 108 parts weight @takeoff: 122.1t payload: up to 40t Action buttons: 1) Toggle Raps 2) Switch mode/toggle intakes 3) Toggle NERVs 8) Toggle cargo bay Here you can get your Uber LKO Butler. *** The Butler is a fully reusable Mk2 size SSTO blended wing body that can ferry and carry up to 6 kerbals and/or up to 13.5t cargo to a comfortable 85x85 orbit. (the album shows a former version) version .1 62 parts Weight @takeoff: 52.3t payload: up to 13.5t Action buttons: 1) toggle engines/start fuel cell 2) switch mode/toggle intakes 8) toggle cargo bay Below a video of a common ascent to LKO, the bay was empty during the shot. With a full 13t load you may want to pitch 15° at takeoff till 8000m, then pitch 10° to go supersonic and keep that attitude till 18000m or until your desired switch speed. The craft can hold surface speeds above 1300 m/s @20000m Here you can download your personal LKO butler. Even the best of butlers may need help sometimes, so this butler comes with no comm devices, no science instruments and a docking port but neither rcs thrusters nor monoprop (I use rcs tugs on my stations). *** If you like it, rep it!
  16. Ehm, Claw, I did upload the .craft. It is linked in my previous message.
  17. Hi Claw, below a video of my craft and here the craft file itself (full stock). I did a few high AoA climbs on purpose to show that the aircraft is indeed going left without any direct input. Increasing the AoA the problem is extremely noticeable. You will see I did a quick check of the engines that seem working properly. The video does not show the resource panel, but the craft can store 13.76U of air and they usually go out when you are around 24000m. I am not sure this is an asymmetric thrust issue.
  18. The asymmetric lift from mk1 fuselage is a kind of bug I encountered myself and there are a few topics around about it. Here you can have another example of it and here the "bug report". My issue below. The plane actually turns left so it is basically useless.
  19. Credo che KSP ne usi uno solo, quindi si autolimita da se. Il problema è (senza nulla togliere) il software che non sfrutta le risorse.
  20. Per quanto di mia conoscenza KSP non è il software più ottimizzato del mondo: i colli di bottiglia di solito sono la CPU e la RAM. A KSP non piacciono i tuoi 8 core e li utilizza malamente. In più se hai la versione a 32 bit non è importante che tu abbia 16GB di RAM ma piuttosto il "clock" della RAM visto che il limite teorico è poco sotto i 4GB. Per quanto riguarda il rallentamento nel VAB dipende dal fatto che ora attraverso la porta vedi effettivamente l'esterno e non uno sfondo, quindi le risorse per gli abbellimenti estetici sono comunque impegnate. Ho la tua stessa impressione (e gli spigoli) utilizzando openGL, mi tocca perchè sono un utente di EVE. Si spera che con il passaggio a Unity 5 molte di queste problematiche siano risolte (sempre per quanto di mia conoscenza la maggior parte delle cose sono imputate a Unity 4.6). A mio modo di vedere c'è anche un problema nel calcolo aerodinamico durante i "passaggi di turbolenza" che crea parecchio lag: il passaggio della barriera del suono carica la cpu in maniera abnorme così come il contatto con la barriera "too fast too low" per citarne un paio. KSP: 1.0.4 x32 OS: Win7 Home premium x64 CPU: [email protected] (overclock - BLCK 100 - Turbo 40 - VCore 1.20V - VDRAM 1.5V) RAM: 16GB@1600MHz GPU: GeForce GTX 970
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