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Everything posted by Signo

  1. As far as I know if you look through the prisoners lists there is an inmate named Jebediah Kerman.
  2. You can exceed 25 m/s on flat terrain on Kerbin if you add a little weight. (7/8 t of total weight should do the trick) It will improve traction adding that last bit of speed.
  3. In fondo voleva essere solo un cartellone, non mi aspettavo chissà quale feedback. Certo, se avessi le tette da far vedere ogni tanto sarebbe stato forse più seguito...
  4. SRBs are the solid boosters. Did you check your power supply? I keep on thinking you are completely out of power and that's your issue.
  5. I think you are simply out of electric power. I can not see any battery or solar panel there.
  6. I am experimenting with shapes to save fuel, so I am currently flying a few weird things: according to MJ tools the one you can see below is the least draggy thing I have in my hangar - almost 50% less than the Morgaine... Stock aero always finds new way to surprise me...
  7. Ciao a tutti, sto cercando (con la collaborazione di un paio di amici che bazzicano il foro italiano) di far partire un piccolo canale di streaming con chat e commento in italiano. Attualmente stiamo cercando nuove idee e altri "volontari" che abbiano voglia di trasmettere qualcosa delle loro partite. Se siete interessati mandatemi un pm qui o su twitch. Grazie in anticipo e se volete anche semplicemente dare uno sguardo ogni contatto è come sempre buono e benedetto. Potrete trovare il canale al link http://www.twitch.tv/signo1974
  8. Kasuha was the champ of this kind of design pre 1.0. If I recall it right he went for a Jool 5 with a plane like that. I even named my flyalike craft "kasuha",
  9. Hi all, a new entry for me. This time I went for something "sporty". Download link >>>HERE<<< Cheers.
  10. The pic does not work (ninja'd), so I will give my blindfolded 2 cents: fins on the central stage are probably enough to solve the spin issue, if not you may want to try to lower the "asparagi". The sudden unexpected disassembly may be due to a collision of the decouplers (or anything else). You may want to try different decouplers (the TT-70 gives you a little bit of extra room to operate) or you may try to rotate the new fins 180°, to clip them inside the stage. This is a kind of gamey solution but you will then avoid collisions while keeping your aquired stability. I hope this could help.
  11. Yes, it is indeed. I love that design of yours, I think I will give a try to something similar.
  12. Hi all, I am currently playing a new career game (new mod setup) and I had a try with something at an average tech level. I came up with a quite uncommon ramjet/terrier setup that has good advantages - a couple of tourists to LKO are enough to pay for it and you do not need to reach too far in the tech tree to be able to launch it to say the least. You will need both the SPH and the strip upgraded to tier 2. Being tier 2 the action buttons are absent, intakes and engines need to be manually operated. 5 kerbs crew - 30239$ 38 parts (1 ramjet/2 terriers) 24.4t Craft file >>>HERE<<< EDIT: to take off and reach orbit just pitch 4°. Stage to light the terriers @20000m, the ramjet will go out around 24500m. Manually close the intakes and switch off the ramjet. The RCS action button will then switch on the jet and turn off the terriers when RCS is ON. (tier 2 workaround attempt)
  13. It is a matter of drag and not an aesthetic choice, as far as I know the tail connector is the least draggy part we have available. Trying to squeeze out every drop of d/v it seemed to me a logical choice.
  14. I revamped the cargo as a liner, same 4 rapiers layout. 64 kerbs crew. And I added a medium size double rapier craft Cheers.
  15. My attempt at a 4 raps/orange tank to LKO craft. Craft file >>>HERE<<< Cheers.
  16. Editing the original topic to add a few pics of my new 1.1.2 LF only crafts - Arbalester and Ghostrider. They are pretty cheap (53 to 99k) and they have very good range and ROI if used to ferry tourists around Kerbin SOI. Arbalester - Ghostrider ******************************************************************************************************************************** Former releases After a few weeks a small new entry, a single engine 10.8t craft that can lift a single kerbal to LKO and dock, the "Fiery Potato". Cheap, nice n'easy. 31 parts, worth 25k in a career. Just pitch 15° till 20000m, then level to 6° till your desured Ap. Switch the rapier to closed cycle around 24000m. Better piloted "capslocked", you have excess power and authority. Carries a fair amount of mono too. http://www.twitch.tv/signo1974/v/23715718 You can download it >>>HERE<<< Hi all, lately I was experimenting with wings AoA and I came up with this that looks pretty cool and works pretty well. It is just 44 parts so it runs perfectly on any pc and it is a "fat skylon" wannabe. Payload fraction is very good so that's not bad too. >>>Fat Needle<<< To reach orbit at maximum weight just pitch 6° at take off (and keep it) and switch rapiers to closed cycle @24000m; burn until you reach your desired Ap above 70000 (80x80 @ maximum take off weight). On top you will gain a few thousand meters on pure lift. Action buttons: 1) toggle engines 2) switch mode/toggle intakes You can download it >>>HERE<<< 09/09 update Introducing the "liner" - same 4 rapier layout, nothing really special here. 68 parts - 64 kerbs crew 104t @ takeoff You can download it >>>HERE<<< 09/10 update Scaling down the concept to obtain something useful I got the Aspis, your average LKO service shuttle. 9 kerbs crew, 42,8t and a double rapier layout. Looks somehow F-104ish. Same action buttons as above, almost same ascent profile (pitch 5°, switch rapiers @24500m) You can download it >>>HERE<<<
  17. My own speculation was about the different kind of flight you could fly and then impact. Kinda like if it is an orbit it is gonna be surface, if it is a plane crash it is gonna be terrain. EDIT: I did experiment a few and it seems that "collided into the surface" implies a direct destructive hit while the destroyed part is still in contact somehow with the root part while "crashed into terrain" refers to a destroyed part that was already severed from root before impact. Might as well be totally random... Can anybody confirm this?
  18. What is the (fundamental) difference between "crashed into terrain" and "crashed into surface" in the F3 log?
  19. Hi, well to be honest they are working pretty well during reentry. I never had a single issue due to wings overheating. I will make a small video of an average re entry cause I think it would be better than a thousand words. EDIT: video below, temp gauges were on. Proper descent starting around 2.20
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