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Everything posted by Signo

  1. Hi there, adding my 2 cents. I love ram/nerv designs because it is easy to stretch their autonomy to the moons.
  2. I did not have a look at the pic but I had the same issue and the guilty part was the undeployed landing gear clipping through two different wings ejecting the wing section on physics start. I solved my issue attaching the landing gear to a fuselage section. Good luck.
  3. Hi all, I apologize in advance because my attempt is "old", it was made with a 1.0.something version. I made it last summer for a very similar contest so I feel like it will be rightfully disqualified. However it was huge, ignorant and politically uncorrect. 448 passengers safely landed on Mun.
  4. Thank you for the beautiful game and Godspeed for your future.
  5. Hi all, an orange tank to LKO capable craft powered by just 4 rapiers. It still needs more tweaking but the main feature is achieved, so it is good enough just for a "press release". Cheers.
  6. Before leaving take into account the heat you will face while ascending - I am not completely positive the unshielded docking port can make it. Good luck.
  7. You will not find any game around with a comparable return on investment. This is, IMO, the best money I ever spent on games.
  8. This is not going far around here (I think it is gonna be moved to "spacecraft exchange"), however here is my contribution. Cheers
  9. Hi all, I've made a couple of "LF only" to ferry tourists around and I think they are worth sharing. Cheers. Arbalester - Ghostrider
  10. I made a few more experiments and turns out it was not a wing related issue but it depends on the physics suddenly acting on the undeployed landing gear clipping through two different wings. It was ejecting the gears that unluckily where strapped to the outer wings.
  11. So, the bat wings were tough enough to resist - problem solved. I won't engage in a debate on "realism: Bat wings vs. delta" tonight. Thanks mate.
  12. Flying the "romantic bat version" right now to check if this is the case.
  13. I made a craft I was pretty proud of, it was supposed to be the backbone of my charter fleet. It works perfectly, it has got range, it is easy to pilot, it can reenter... Just minimum clipping actually but indeed I moved the wings with the SPH gizmos. The problem is that whenever I am already in orbit if I get back to the space center to arrange for another launch or any other KSC related activity and then I try to fly again the craft, the outer section of the wings gets ejected. Pics below, the issue is depicted in the fourth one. Has anybody experienced such an issue before? To me sounds like a clipping issue, but even if I tried to move everything I could not find the guilty part. If anybody feels like to have a first hand look, here you can download the craft; it is full stock. To reach orbit just pitch 5° at take off (1 to toggle the ramjets) and keep it straight. Add nukes at 19000 pressing 3. Jets will go out just a little bit over 24000, toggle intakes with 2. There isn't any external fuel line to save on drag so you will need to move the fuel manually from the wings to the inner tanks to feed the nukes. I do not have any "major" mod installed, just a few for aestethics and mechjeb. I am not even sure this is the right section where to post this, I apologize if I made the wrong choice. Thank you in advance for any feed back on this.
  14. To avoid flipping I prefer short&wide landers.
  15. From my interested customer point of view I hope Squad can get a huge profit that will lead to a wonderful KSP 2. (Does a bee care about flowers?)
  16. Well, I can not speak for Foxster, but I still have pics from my 1.0.5 attempt.
  17. I am currently using this design I clearly stole from Foxster with just a few tweaks of mine. Nothing really fancy. TBH I did not try it yet in 1.1.2, my last Eve trip was in 1.1.0.something.
  18. As far as I have seen 1.0.5 crafts still work and they are less prone to overheating while ascending. The required d/v should be almost the same as before. (more or less 6500+, with consistent TWRs, depending on the pilot's hand and the craft streamlining) EDIT - I checked my craft and it has got 7811 m/s vacuum d/v (starting from 3322 at Eve sea level). I usually manage to reach a 110x110 orbit with a few spare fuel
  19. I have got a mild hype for Hearts of Iron IV too. (06/06)
  20. Papers,please FTW. "Build a new outpost that has an antenna and a border checkpoint"
  21. Thank you for all the answers - they are all very interesting and it seems to me that "enhanced" tourism could be really a plus with very limited side effects on the game itself. BTW, I managed to save my stranded tourists funneling them through a claw connection.
  22. @Armisael - Oh, cool, did not know bout that. Thanks pal, I owe you one. However you got the point, I am not looking for anything fully fuctional but just a way to create a very kerbalish Mun/Minmus spaceport with ppl comin and going for a ride with their space scooters. (not really, but a kind of tourists' hub might benefit my space program) @Kerbart - ok, maybe souvenir samples are not the way to go, but a "scooter lander" could be a ride a tourist would really enjoy.
  23. Hi all, since 1.1 pre-release I am playing a new career game and I have (unluckily...) sent a bunch of tourists out to a Mun/Minmus sightseeing trip w/o any chute to re enter Kerbin atmosphere. My fault of course, then I suddenly realized I could not bring them home safely if not by strapping some chutes to the craft - an auxiliary chuted&clawed skycrane seems like the only feasible option in stock. If tourists could be allowed to go EVA just for switching vessel or to man a command chair that could bring at hand a few more "quality playtime" opportunities. They obviously should not be allowed to collect samples or reports and to gather and move samples from pod A to pod B. Just sayin'.
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