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Everything posted by KandoKris

  1. WOW rep for you The most amazing part is it works and dosnt explode.... never seen anything like it in KSP before. Great work KHTRE
  2. Holy cow. thats huge and really cool. Rep for you
  3. Yes very impressive KristopherKerblumbus. Those blue print pics are cool. Also I had no idea there were wind turbines for KSP
  4. New Type of craft for me with this 1 Comes with elevated platform for loading cargo and kerbal's. I have so far had 5 runs to orbit all smooth flying with extra left over for docking and as of the latest changes it can glide for ages up to as slow as 25m/s. Easy water landings and take-off thanks to long legs and floatation parts,it even sits flat in the water enabling it to be used as a 90m/s boat
  5. I'll 2nd that. I didn't even notice them at first. you should add it to the aesthetics thread Thanks for the cool new idea Rep for you good Sir
  6. 5/10 I hate spiders and a man eating 1 would totally freak me out
  7. This is awesome. Wooks you amaze as always. I foresee this starting an underwater arms race in the military threads Finally we can make stock Nuclear subs all thanks to Wooks
  8. http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/technology/balloons/ I wish nasa got more funding then we would see more, maybe even a plan to make one
  9. Biggest rocket for me was not for any record or challenge but for my biggest payload. My "Stupidly big launcher" She is 4320tn on the pad and at $2092000 per launch it's only used in sandbox Made purly to transport 200tn to laythe [spoiler=Made purly to transport 200tn to laythe ]Laythe Aircraft carrier "AC2" on arrival at laythe. had plenty to spare and managed to transport 8 of these all over laythe with ease
  10. Super Awesome Spinning Top Katie Never seen one that big ... Loved the light show it put on and music I wonder ..can it fly...
  11. I got tthis baby with its 18 passengers into a nice low orbit
  12. Planes on duna isn't that much of a challenge, u just make them real light . As for landing on a rock garden.... in real life.... you could send that bulldozer(RC) or a team of them first to "clear-out" the runway before you arrive. Wish I could do that sort of thin in KSP but we cant change the ground kerbals walk on nore is there any rocks that we can move... I do agree that the landscape of many bodies in the kerbol system could use a few flat spots for putting base stations down. Tis quite a pain getting them to fit snug without it
  13. Monsanto the face of GMO? Yes it is, why... Because of their legal and lobby wing. Why are they hated by most... teams of private eyes trying to collect evidence farmers are "keeping" seeds that belong to mansota Seeds that before mansota would have been used for the next season’s crop costing farmer s bucket loads of money, suing store owners completely un-related to seeds ( google it ) basic BAD company behaviour getting backed up by the courts as farmers can’t afford to indefinitely defend themselves ( when a "supporter" of GM loses mansota will appeal, appeal, appeal or at least fund the appeal), Perth courthouse has a great example that’s still going. And worst of all is that it's replayed over and over through the courts of the world When asked what is the most EVIL Company Monsanto is TOP of my list From chemical factory to GM Research. Everything they do is done with profit at the front and the well-being of others is not even a 2nd thought.
  14. I like this idea !! it would add that little somthing thats missing in career mode. That and a contract system that moves with you ( if I've been to eve, jool and duna give me a contract for dres,moho etc. )
  15. Genetic mutation will create monsters edit; with wings
  16. Simple sig....I thought that number game was going to go on for ever .......much like this 1
  17. Today I got some suff done in career mode. I re-commissioned my old kerbin station into my new Eve Station, put a Exp cruze ship in orbit around duna and a few transfer adjustment burns for various bits in motion
  18. thanks for the advise. So I'll steer clear of i7 and try to re-use more bits. I'll pull out the rice and hairdryer again before taking it to PC shop for testing. I have my fingers crossed but doubt it can be saved. Man its hard to find good Z77 1155 boards in Aus. But saying that I have now found a couple that should do and at least ship to Aus; AS Rock Z77 PRO4-M LGA1155 DZ77GA-70K / DZ77GAL-70K ASUS P8Z77-V MSI Z77A-GD55 Anyone have opinions on them ? Also EVGA GeForce GTX 970 FTW ACX 2.0 4GB is it worth the $$
  19. Useless? but its 4.4ghz of power... never had an AMD build before always went intel As for the i7 4.0Ghz (OC to 4.4) I just didn’t want to do a replacement and prefer to do an upgrade. A replacement would involve a new ASUS P8Z77-M board and then I might risk salvaging the i5 3570k CPU which I would do but …not only is that risky but it seems the board is hard to find online as most no longer stock it plus like I said I want an upgrade not the same as before As for the cheapest... its not a simple PC so I'm prepaired to throw some cash at it to make sure it can play the latest title's that take my fancy. ( futrure proof ) while also giving style. ( open perspex case )
  20. Hi All I though this would be a good place to seek advice for a desktop PC. A recent storm and open window as ment that I need to replace some pretty core components. Anyway I’ve got it down to a battle of intel vs AMD and even thou there is a $400 difference between them I’m still finding it hard to choose. Also because I don’t do this often I would like confirmation that all the bits work together. AMD $1000 ASUS Sabertooth 990FX Motherboard R2.0, AMD FX-8350 8 Core Black Edition Processor, Corsair Vengeance CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3, Sapphire Radeon R9 280X Vapor-X 3GB Intel $1400 Intel Core i7 4790, EVGA GeForce GTX 970 FTW ACX 2.0 4GB, ASUS Sabertooth Z97 Mark S Motherboard, Corsair Vengeance CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 With both to be run on a Strider Plus ST75F-P power supply. Parts I think are salvageable from the old build; Hard drives ( I have lots (5x 1tb 1x2tb & 1xSSD), DVDRW Drives (there hard to kill) and ram (Corsair Vengeance same as above) System is to be a gaming rig with tomes of music /video storage as it also doubles as an archive centre for all my devices. Other option is a complete new PC for $1500 or less But I really don’t like that option. I need to make my choice soon it’s already been a week since I saw my kerbals and I want to be up and running when V1.0 is released
  21. Thats 1 large list or work you've set for yourself pecan. Just finished re-reading your guide. Wow it really got fattened out. Very comprehensive and easy to breaze through with all those pic's for reference although I did start to get alittle bored by the time I reached 6 sec 3 "Still with me? Nearly ready to go to space but there's still more to see and do!" at which point :rolleyes:I was like but, but, but I want to go Now Great guide and some good puns to keep people like me reading
  22. I think I get it You want a competition of SSTO's that both take off and land in the water Correct? Not really an entry as it cant quite make orbit but can do all the other stuff ....................Edit. I have an entry SSTO Mk XVII “Buggy Box†Designed to take off and land in the ocean all the while taking a small cargo payload. Comes with Ejector Seats & Stock moving parts Rear Elevated platform, square cargo doors.
  23. -1/10 I'm sick of Spammers
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