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Everything posted by KandoKris

  1. Sub testing ; Why doesn't the grappling claw attach itself to the surface? . and is there a thread that lists parts by buoyancy ?
  2. Finally got some time on my laythe carrier Initial sea trials have proved fruitful new top speed of 28 & can hit 38 with landing rockets practically lifting it airborne, a flat level deck at the joints and she sparkles from a distance when attempting to land at night. Range I'm estimating at roughly 80-100km after landing 180-220 km once refueled. I still think it's to short but that might just be a lack of landing skill on may part. Alas the main difficulty moving forward at the moment is making the planes small enough for storage and still cool and be useful. I could really use some suggestions / inspirations for Mk3 cargo storable planes submarines & boats. Gratuitous photo bomb from whats now a fleet of 3 testers left over hanging around KSC and the island. Cargo for laythe so far is 2 rovers 2 boats 4 jets and 2 subs able to mine, all need improving and squeezing into the 2 ramps and 2 side bays with the 2 remaining bays being science and accommodation. Then I'll need to start over on the launchers as I bet I'll add plenty of weight not to mention balancing it for decent now its ment to land all together.
  3. Update on the laythe pad; It's now much simpler and yet more complex .. Launch is easy all 3 main segments go together already linked by 3 docking ports making connection strong. Turning during launch under 20km will however cause the deck to.. to catch the breeze. I'm going big by making an aft section turning it into a real runway and adding much needed living space/spare cargo. Still unsure weather to link aft and stern pre or post deorbit. For now the plan is to fill up in LKO After that test Dv, set sail around KSC again testing out buoyancy & linage between sections, refining the 30tn payload to maintain balance on decent and building the control tower. Hopefully by the end I'll have a real Laythe stock Aircraft carrier again.
  4. I have a question slight math slight design. I've been working on this laythe ocean base thingy and would like to know; For Large/giant multi segment Craft is better to join it all up around kerbin or around the destination So far it seems to be easier for travel to do it at LKO,less maneuvers etc, but the downside of putting all your eggs in one basket, slowing down around the moons is risky as some test subjects discovered, rest in peace bill and bob.
  5. I went a little crazy finishing of testing of 2 variants of my latest idea a 'laythe ocean landing pad / outpost complete with subs,boats, rovers and an SSTO. Still some bugs to work out and some fine tuning all round but both made it to the surface thank god and nothing but a broken antenna and a sigh of relief.
  6. Made it to Laythe in one piece but only half the landers missed the ocean After some roaming around claimed a nice gentle beach front spot.
  7. Starting to look pretty deep into preparation for laythe domination MissionOnly SSTO's left to add then its fingers crossed and off to Jool
  8. I updated some old craft and now there back in working order Also managed to fix and put up this ;
  9. Its been a while since stock weapons hit the forum. Its nice but. below r some missiles and rockets made up for fighters I created long ago. I expect with all the great new WMD's out there I'll have to update to compete. I'll make a gif for the challenge tonight.
  10. Yep 6 chute's = 7m/s drop which is fine but the main drama is holding the bridge flat for the fall, even under chute's the thing acts like a giant leaf/wing Its steerable ~ ish maybe more torque some more flaps and longer pontoons will correct it and then I can land like sea plane. Either way I'm making progress, shouldn't be long now before the maiden drive Update; Changed bridge location due to size confinement, turns out I need to many to reach the little island. On the plus side flying bridge now works like a 2 stage sea-plane able to land without injury or parachutes (landed 3 still wasn't enough to "bridge" the gap) all landed safe no damage. Switching back to orbital to reach the long river north of the midlands, landing still too fast at approx 7m/s, yet to test latest version with a ridulous amout of chutes, hardest part is landing IN the river, dam steep hills either side of the river. It is funny to watch a bridge roll down but after the long leaf steering from 5km down its really frustrating as well. Testing results; I've worked out the control issues but now have a new drama. The flight is simple fly up past 5km then getle turns first stage etc.etc its forgiving now. Reach for plane is not enough really but will cross oceans easy, orbital is real easy land simple but, I'm running out of possible locations on kerbin. the bridge is great but, I now believe without tweakscale bridges have no place in a stock game which sucks I think with minor adjustments it would make an awesome mobile landing strip or laythr base. The "bridge" / platform is light, study, simple and can easily fit extra bits. I may evan add a few extra boosters to test that 2.
  11. Bridge in space.. Bridge in orbit.. Bridge on a plane Bridge almost there. there = Still needs some adjustments to steer better at sub 40m/s which is were it wants to glide at but I reckon I should have this one in place within the next few flights just need to get it to land flatter then currently ( it dives in and poof ) also I want to add on of those Aqua trams to it. Awesome bridge : ) not at all flappy
  12. whats on my mind?.....


    not much it seems

  13. Nice start but some of the size ratio's are a bit off Also every cruiser needs WMD's but its a good frame to work with and bigger then anything I've made recently FYI for single imgur pic's tap add other media / select via URL and past from imgur
  14. Restarted my career again so needed new craft and came up with this tier II, 30 part VTOL that's quickly earning a place in my heart due to how easy it is to use.
  15. Ground vehicles for KSC is a niche market I think but there are some truly spectacular one's around. Here is some of mine, old design but still in use, SSTO ground crew; We have the MAT adaptor/transporter, crew stairs, fuel truck and cargo crane.
  16. These are so awesome I cant pick a favourite I love them all Fantastic stuff Yorshee
  17. It most certainly was the rover. I like all craft that have that indestructible look about them. Its also a nice turtle that rolls over on command ( u should try it on Minmus. The force from the legs induces laughter )
  18. new mining rig step one, make it work. check now for step 2, make it fit into an mk3 cargo hold ...
  19. I upgraded my career KSS to a respectable size old one is attached on the left
  20. I keep all Zip files from squad. As well as the Save files and mods for those alpha’s and beta's. Got them all nicely sorted in my download folder. To the OP, Not sure if this would upset squad as you seem to already have a game copy so PM me if you want one. As for the aero I both like and dis-like the new & old.... I miss launching my aircraft carriers and flying SSTO boxes (internal cockpits you can walk around) but I love the new heating and the mach effects. This is why I keep the old files so when I feel nostalgic I can fire up say 0.19 and see my old outposts, 0.22 fly my old Mk3 space planes and 0.23.5 go boating on laythe with a full fleet etc. etc. it's nice to have a lot of free space for that little and rarely used luxury.
  21. I F2 then eyeball once within 10 meters as some of my craft require an odd docking angle to "fit" but for the most part the nav ball and pink circle are all thats needed
  22. No Xannari just me I think Jolly Roger will be next
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