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Everything posted by *Aqua*

  1. It depends on how you progress. If you fly to Duna the game will think you're ready for more difficult contracts like visiting Jool. It will then give less contracts concerning Mun and Minmus.
  2. It seems to me mostly all of you think the Kerbal will alter the performance of a space craft. It doesn't need to be this kind. As mentioned before by other people it could affect other aspects of gameplay like funds, science and reputation. KSP isn't only about how much delta you've got. So just wait and see what Squad will do.
  3. No country has the interest to shatter its enemy into the ground. They need each other to stabilize themselves or they will crumble. A common thread will always unite the people whereas the lack of it will give rise to unrest. The USA wants a stable Russia the same as Russia wants a stable USA. Furthermore the globalization ties all the countries. Even if only a smaller country is in danger it will have an effect on all the other countries. The question is not "Why should I care about them?", instead it goes like "If I don't help this poor guy, will I go down, too?" Evacuation is out of the question. Sure, you can evactuate a small country but at least half of the affected continent will be on the run and nobody can handle that. The third point: An impact which can destroy a country is never small enough to be only a regional problem. It will always be a global problem. The shockwaves will reach every corner of the Earth. Read about the Tunguska event. They could measure that the shockwave went around Earth 3 times. People in London could read a newspaper at midnight - 6,000 km away! Scientists calculated an explosion in the scale of 2 to 50 megatons. That's miniscule compared to what will happen if a real thread hits the Earth.
  4. The problem is we can't do a thing about an asteroid which to near to Earth. All existing nuclear bombs on Earth wouldn't be enough to change its course away from Earth or completle vaporise it. The only chance we have is to discover it so early that we have tons of time to think about it and take action in deep space.
  5. Ich kümmere mich meistens nicht um die englische Aussprache, auch wenn ich sie in fast allen Fälle richtig hinbekommen würde. Ich spreche das Meiste so aus, als könnte ich nur Deutsch und nicht zusätzlich auch Englisch. Manches habe ich aber auch modifiziert. Kerbol - Ker-bohl oder einfach nur Sonne Moho - Moh-ho, kurz und knackig ^^ Eve - Ihff, also weitestgehend wie im Englischen Gilly - Gil-li, beide Male einfache "i"s Kerbin - Ker-bien, nur ein n am Ende, daher langes i Mun / Mün - Munn, d. h. kurzes u Minmus - Minn-muss, beides Mal kurze Vokale Duna - Du-na, kurzes u und a Ike - I-ke, genauso wie es ein Deutscher lesen würde, wenn er die englische Aussprache nicht gehört hat Dres - Dress, wie in "der Dress" aber mit deutschem d und nicht dieser Halbgerollte aus dem Englischen Jool - Johl, so ähnlich wie "hohl" Laythe - Läi-te, mir ist das th egal, ich mach da einfach ein t daraus. Alles Andere ist mir zu kompliziert für die Freizeit. Vall - Wall, hier sieht man sehr schön, dass das deutsche w im Englischen ein v ist und umgekehrt. Tylo - Tai-lo, hier muss ich meist an Mike Tyson denken. Bop - Bopp, Doppel-p damit das o kurz gesprochen wird. Pol - Poll, wie in Polle Eeloo - Eh-loh, es erinnert mich an Hebräisch, keine Ahnung warum. Es erinnert mich auch an Tolkien ("Elohim", falls sich jemand erinnert.)
  6. Can you prove that? Afaik they are still researching the properties of plasma and how to make the plasma act like they want it to. No matter which reactor design they use to research that the results will help building and operating other kinds of reactor designs. @jfx What does the y axis describe? I can't imagine what m^-3 * million kelvins * second means.
  7. KSP x64 is offically stated as instable. It can crash anytime because of some Unity bugs nobody fixed. Your last crash could have happend because of this, not because of the freezing bug. One last idea: Try other hardware drivers (newer and older ones). Sometimes they are not compatible with specific games. (For example Payday 2 crashes at least once everytime I play it but KSP runs without problems for hours.)
  8. I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with your KSP. The log is clear of errors (what's in there is unrelated) and from what you wrote, you shouldn't trigger a bug. Did you try reinstalling the game? Edit: It could be a Unity error but this is just guessing.
  9. Kids don't think of consequences. They only start developing this ability when they are at the age of ~11 years and it takes a lot more years until it can compare to an adult's one. You can't fine them because of that. It's the parents whose are responsible for their child's actions. They know that you do not give things to a child which can be used as weapons.
  10. There are no errors reported in the log. For example the orange tank should be there because it is loaded without any problem: Are you sure you are playing a sandbox game? It's not a career or science game? Is it a save you imported from an earlier KSP version?
  11. I'm still not sure what happened here. You created a new craft by adding a cockpit. KSP adds 2(!) parts. You then remove the cockpit, KSP removes 2 parts. After that you add a LFO tank and KSP somehow reports that there are 2 parts?! My calculation is + 1x cockpit - 1x cockpit + 1 LFO = 1 part in total. KSP calculates + 2 for 1x cockpit - 2 for 1x cockpit + 2 for 1x LFO = 2 parts in total. I don't get it.
  12. In my case KSP saves them in the install location. ...\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves For easier finding search for *.sfs files. Those are the save files.
  13. According to §315 StGB they put you in jail for six months to ten years. If you did it on purpose you'll be in jail for at least a year.
  14. Can you reproduce it? Is it always after 28 seconds? Just in case check your Windows event logs if there's something happening in that time.
  15. Or you add another mod: Active Texture Management It compresses all textures on start up of the game and therefore reduces the memory usage by a lot.
  16. Relevant part of the log: Just to make it clear: 1. You start the editor. 2. You add a MK2 Cockpit. 3. You delete it? 4. You add a LFO fuselage. 5. Game freezes. 6. You add a MonoProp fuselage. Somehow it doesn't make sense.
  17. Ok, the problem is the ESC menu not saving when you want it to. Does your language include letters which are not in the English alphabet (read Claw's post)? Is your KSP install in C:\Program Files\? If yes please copy & paste it somewhere else. The Program Files directory is secured by Windows which can cause problems similar to yours. And we still need your log files.
  18. In KSP when a building blows up the object of the intact building is swapped with the destroyed one. (Look closely, you can see that.) Unfortunately prints, tracks and marks require another technology than the destructible buildings. But! Unity most likely already has what you need. In fact you usually add a transparent ground texture in which you draw the prints, marks, etc. and display that. The marks will be flat and a giant texture or several small one will be needed. It's pretty common. Another method is to change the ground mesh. A crater will then be a real crater you can fall in and never get out again. This requires a lot of work to implement! Only a few games do that.
  19. I think that level of commitment requires some sort of world goverment (union, federation, etc.). If there's no world goverment then everything will get complicated quickly. For example there is no nation's law which applies to Mars. If somebody commited murder on Mars which nation's law will be applied? The one the murderer comes from? The one depending on the country which build the module the crime scene is in? The country which shoot the astronaut into space? (What about an US astronaut who fly from French Guyana to Mars and murdered an Indian in a Chinese habitation module?) Or a less extreme example: Colonists will probably have babys. What do you say about the nationality of the newborn? (Italian/European Mother & Russian father living in an Australian module) A Mars colony will depend on Earth a long time, I guess a Marsian state with its own law won't form during that time. I don't know what they will do.
  20. Please read this. It helps to quickly understand what went wrong.
  21. Afaik is gpu passthrough still an experimental technology in VMware products. XenServer seems to have at lot of problem, too. Hm... it should be working with KVM but I won't touch that again in the near future. I still remember the nights spend bypassing a bug in the network code. *~*
  22. Polywell is interesting. I didn't hear about that before. Does it really work? There seems to be a lot of discussion about how strong the bremsstrahlung will be.
  23. How to obtain the logs is explained here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92230-Stock-Support-Bug-Reporting-Guide Note that you can only load custom named saves in the ESC menu in the space center view *after* loading the general save. Custom save names don't change the save names in the main menu. Think of it like that: Load a save game in the main menu is like loading a universe. Once the universe is loaded you can then load an alternative timeline in the ESC menu. ...yeah I know it's strange.
  24. I'm not sure if gpu pass-through really exists but it makes sense for gpu clusters for number crunching. 3 fps on the menu! Congratulations!
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