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Everything posted by Larrt_M

  1. How do I edit to get two stars using the same orbit to be opposite or 180 degrees apart?
  2. Thanks, I should find it now, but just curious, how does one locate the prime meridian? Is there a key command?
  3. Are you saying you have been able to get the custom star colors and flare colors to save?
  4. Really looking forward to that StarSystems integration!
  5. You said you wished you could just click on the Sun to go to it. You can. You can double left click on a planet or star or use the tab key to cycle through them.
  6. The stars are orbiting the Black Hole.
  7. Can't seem to download the zip file. Can you put it up somewhere else, Please? Edit: Got it! Going to check it out now. Edit: Incredibly cool! I mean really cool!! I did not install PF and it works great on 24. I'm all smiles! Nicely done! Your To Do list is fantastic! This mod gets it's own game folder for sure.
  8. I will try the new version. Part of the starfix was loading OK. The part that fixes the sun light direction, but not the color change on start up. Edit; New version still does not load the color changes on start up..
  9. I was able to finally change the colors and flares of the two Suns to blue and red. Saved the data and the program created the two .cfg files. But when I restart the game it does not load the data. The two Suns are the default color again? And I checked the two .cfg files, the new color data is there, it's just not loading. I tried an older version of your program on a v0.23.5 of KSP and it would not load either. http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad343/Larry_M/Twosuns.gif A bit too bright, but OK for testing. This one looks better. http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad343/Larry_M/Alpha.jpg Now, how do I get this to load?
  10. Planetfactory seems to work fine with the new v0.24
  11. Thank you so much! No reason to apologize, this is an incredible mod. I have no idea what I am doing wrong! I am trying to change the flare and light color of a two sun system. When editing the colors the sun being edited does not show the color change but the color number in the Colour Generator shows in the saved Star Fix cfg file. Am I missing another step? Thanks!
  12. I've been playing around with a binary star system but I was unable to get the colors to change on either star. http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad343/Larry_M/KSP2014-05-1518-10-43-28.jpg I have to admit today was the first time I opened your program. I created a ring but was unable to save. Do I need to create the folder for save files? I need to read through all these posts... Found the guide for creating and saving rings, nice! The SaveLoad folder is not included in this new version...
  13. Still no download link.... The link is up, great! As soon as I get back home this weekend I'm going to check this mod out. It looks fantastic!
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