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    Rocket Crasher Since 0.18
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    France, Sens

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  1. My god, I hate nexus, I hate it so much... I prefer to stick with SpaceDock and CKAN Or, even ThunderStore and r2modman
  2. Ha, you were faster than the MelonLoader guys XD But I'd honestly advice people to not rely 100% on your solution (Or Melon), I don't wanna be rude by saying that, but there is bits of mod loader code in the game already, the devs might add an official one soon enough (maybe even a workshop?)
  3. Before : 61 Secs After : 43 Secs I'm running KSP on a games dedicated 2To SSHD (16Go RAM, i5-7600k @ 4Ghz and a 1070 8Go VRAM) It's a nice improvement to me ! ^^
  4. When I'm on a Single Player game, when I'm bored and when i do know the game in every details, I do usually cheat a bit ! Just to see how bad I can break a game ^^
  5. I'm actually tired of the "Is this done yet ?" peoples so to the impatient people here : ferram4 looks like to be busy elsewhere ! Actually he is on Kerbal joint reinforcement If you want to see FAR progression, You can see the commit activity on FAR's Github
  6. Banned for not having a profile pic
  7. I'd love to have some Customisable Cockpits in the "CLB - Cockpit Layout Building" Just sayin' ...
  8. @tetryds Are your finals are finished well ? Because here in France it's holidays since one month ! And ... At this point it's a little bit frustrating ^^ I mean, I want to know if I have a (very) little chance to beat ferram !
  9. I can not believe that the Upper Prop arrived at this stage of the competition !
  10. OMG... OMG... OMG... Dat last round... OMG... It was soooo close... I can't beleve it ! This is one of the most epic and close round in the BAD-T !
  11. @Pds314 Something like a I-153 Chaika with a ramjet engine mounted under each wing ? ^^
  12. Oh ... I loved the look of the Warspite F 20 ... My earliest prototype was looking like this ! That was a nice match btw, I loved the first round when the Warspite took down my plane all the way to the ground like "YOU KILLED MY FRIEND, DIIIIIIIIIIE !!!!"
  13. In fact i've wanted a twin 20mm guns and a 23mm, the engine was the most powerful in my remaning points range I have not paid attention to my total weight
  14. If you want you can rename my plane for "Chocolatine Mk.III" if you want to avoid mistakes
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