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Everything posted by blackrack

  1. Sounds like you didn't install the modified TU
  2. Just found out its due to scatterer eclipses, I'm testing a fix now and will update scatterer when it's done. You can disable eclipses at the moment but will need to restart the game to actually fix it.
  3. Yeah this currently happens on OpenGL (linux and Mac), I'll release a version fixing this in the future. If you're on windows make sure your reflections are enabled. This happens randomly to some users, disable all the "scaled adjust" settings to fix it, including scaled contrast brightness etc, they're in the atmo settings. I'll have a version fixing it out in the future. What 838.1 version? 1. Correct 2. You can switch to scatterer's SMAA, it's even cheaper than TAA. You can't use the in-game AA anymore, if you modify scatterer's source so that it no longer forces it off you'll get black artifacts. Looks like broken city lights config, don't know more than that. No idea, best to look at the KSP.log file for errors.
  4. Do it and submit a merge request, make the keybinding loadable from a config file, I've not made any updates in a long time so this isn't really an issue.
  5. Yeah, rotate the rayDirection here when sampling this cubemap: https://github.com/LGhassen/Singularity/blob/master/Singularity/Shaders/SingularityShaders/Assets/Shaders/BlackHoleAccretionDisk.shader#L303 Ideally though you wouldn't do it in the shader, you would add some code on plugin side to detect if principia is installed, then you add the correct rotation here when creating the cubemap: https://github.com/LGhassen/Singularity/blob/6006f990a6b4f1dd1f712aa43feac66859e24746/Singularity/Singularity/Singularity.cs#L118 depends how much effort you want to put in this.
  6. Hmm I think maybe something changed since I implemented this. Is this with Kopernicus? Could you maybe look into how to remove/modify a sun corona with Kopernicus?
  7. Are you saying that based on your detailed analysis of how both render?
  8. Not really, you could recompile after modifying this line: https://github.com/LGhassen/Singularity/blob/master/Singularity/Singularity/SingularityUI.cs#L73
  9. I just ran into the same issue and updating AA fixed it
  10. I never paid attention but it probably renders on top of everything in local space (like the ship does) while the rest of the effects are in scaled space. I personally don't care because I barely see it. If you really want to you can make a mod that hides it when/after transitioning to scaled space.
  11. Set scatterer to the very high setting, check the wiki if you don't know how This is a stock feature This is a stock bug with reflections, nothing to do with scatterer. If you disable the game's reflections it goes away.
  12. Could you describe the issue in more detail and maybe include more images? Which planet is that? Which config? In which situations?
  13. You can set the quickStart wait time at the main menu to a few seconds (I set mine to 3 iirc) and it will load correctly, no need to uninstall it.
  14. For those who are wondering why things are quiet here, the forum rules don't permit discussion of content that is not publicly/freely available, so I'm limiting discussion in this thread to what you can download here. If anything I'm seeing a resurgence in KSP1's popularity.
  15. Enable the game's built-in antialiasing from the main menu (it will be auto-disabled outside the editor by scatterer), Scatterer's AA is not used in the editors.
  16. I got nothing based on the log. Make sure you turn down the reflections built into the game, I've seen them tank framerate on an RTX 3070, there is a settings file posted in the Parallax thread which does that (even if you don't use parallax), check the troubleshooting section -> my performance has tanked
  17. Thank you, I fixed this for scatterer eclipses and will add the fix in eve eclipses at some point.
  18. Looks good, now you can think about adding random cumulonimbuses and other interesting vertical formations to spice things up even more, unless you already have
  19. Yes but what card is it out of curiosity? Lower temporal upscaling https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Temporal-upscaling-and-noise-detiling
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