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Everything posted by blackrack

  1. You can just disable TUFX's TAA btw, you don't have to remove it. No, it's retrocompatible, the old configs will all continue to work exactly as they do now, with the old volumetrics and everything. And they can coexist with other planets using the new effects.
  2. Z-fighting, what does your GameData folder look like? Possibly TAA from TUFX or a conflicting cloud config.
  3. Looks good, however I would suggest doing the config changes with a ModuleManager patch, or at least having a separate config file which just contains an EVE_CLOUDS node containing your Kerbin-clouds3 config, otherwise if I update my configs these will stop being compatible and will need to be reworked. Check the ModuleManager documentation or one of the few threads like this one for info on how to do that.
  4. Thank you. For the first issue not sure, I'm on mobile and can't really tell, I will check it out on my desktop afterwards. For the second one, you didn't follow the install instructions :p you have to remove your old EVE configs (AVP, SVE, BoulderCo etc or they conflict). Do that and it should even help the GPU usage a bit. It makes sense to hit max utilization (it's what I'm here for) if the clouds and the encoding are competing for resources though not sure what you can do. If NVENC is used this should in theory not happen as it's a dedicated hardware encoder.
  5. For the first one I just have to clean up the abrup edges around the rain map. The second one is an eclipse where the sun is hidden by Jool, the ocean, scattering and clouds don't handle eclipses now while the sky does. Will be fixed soon.
  6. It's in a separate manager, see here: https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/In-game-Cloud-Painter Just change managers with the top right arrow.
  7. I went with volcanoes for now For now it only works on bodies with atmo but it's a very small issue causing that and will soon work with all bodies. Wind is possible but complex and outside the scope of the first releases, maybe in the future. Snowfall that happens only at certain times is already possible with the new time settings https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Raymarched-Clouds-Overview#time-settings Actual configurable particles will be added in the future to better simulate the look of snow/rain/anything This is definitely NOT the included scatterer config. You might want to check of you have any mods overriding the config if that isn't intentional.
  8. [snip] If you mean this (object shadows) It actually won't be in this first version because too expensive and fiddly If you mean these though (cloud shadows) they're in and the 1060 runs them at 45-60 fps at 1080p.
  9. So I just tested this on a 1060 6gb at 1080p and it runs at 45-60 fps with Scatterer on default and Parallax 2 on default. No other mods. This is with the same settings I use for the 2080, multiple layers, fog and rain and all so potentially lower quality presets would run even better. The worst drop I saw was 41 fps. 1060 owners rejoice I guess (as long as it's 1080p or below).
  10. It took a while to get to this point, to figure everything out, get the code working correctly and the performance to be decent (for what it does). Making configs is the easy part. ctrl+alt+0 Note that's the standard config editor, not the cloud painter as that's not released yet.
  11. Have you asked the waterfall devs about it? Maybe ask them to add a small z-offset to these shaders as a quick fix, or maybe check if the shaders are not using the jittered projection matrix but the regular one for some reason.
  12. There is no 2x or 4x in SMAA, there is just different levels but they work differently. The lower levels typically just look for obvious edges in the depth texture, the middle level does a similar but fast search on the color data, and the highest level does an advanced search on the color data. When people refer to smaa as T2x that is temporal SMAA, I'm not really familiar with how it works and it isn't in scatterer, but it might have the other temporal issues as the current TAA. I looked into the TAA-Waterfall interaction for a bit, as I didn't find the issue I decided to move on for now rather than sink more time into it. You can try FXAA through TUFX or try to downsample from a higher resolution (I don't know if nvidia DSR or the AMD equivalent work in KSP tbh).
  13. Sorry was thinking of Nausicaa actually. For lightning both bolts + lights. For particles not completely sure but for starters sampling the density from the 3d volume shape, ability to actually fall not just rotate in place, being lit by craft lights and maybe even ability to use tiny 3d meshes instead of textures.
  14. Thank you! Imo the atmosphere works with or without life being there. Without life It works as a venus analogue. With life you could kinda interpret it as a somewhat calmer atmosphere under the more turbulent layers above, sort of like in Mononoke when the planes descend under the stormy clouds and into the toxic jungle with all the plant spores. Anyway lightning and customizable particles are both things I want to experiment with and they are doable, so we'll see how it goes later.
  15. The bubbles are from Parallax 2 and you can disable them if you want. Rain is already integrated, look through my previous posts. Don't know yet
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