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Everything posted by blackrack

  1. No I don't see why there would be a conflict. So this only happens in map view right? Does this happen on a planet an active ship is orbiting or only when switching the map view to distant planets?
  2. Something like this is already done (see here) for the crescent shape, however the brightness isn't quite there yet. Of course setting it to something that looks good at night will look too bright during the day and vice versa, and that is because we don't have adaptation in KSP like the natural eye does. This could change however... In 1.0.5 I could never enable HDR on any of the cameras, it simply did nothing. But on 1.1 I tried it the other day and it seems to have enabled successfully and I even searched for all the rendertextures and saw a bunch of them going from 8-bit per channel to 32-bit per channel (which is required for HDR). I didn't finish testing because I was working on something else but if it works now then it could make that kind of scene and natural adaptation possible, as well as unlock a bunch of other cool effects like dynamic glow/flare from any bright objects (think rocket exhausts). Also, now that I remember it I will add your suggestions for the lens flare as soon as I can. Edited: Seems HDR is incompatible with antialiasing, and also requires editing the games lights to have intensitite superior to 1 and a bunch of other stuff so I'll just get back to it later. If you're running OpenGL I probably can't do much at the moment, anyway, look in the debug log for issues or post your KSP.log file here.
  3. Some fresh testing pics. Sunset from space (not be confused with the "oranging" issue): Clouds at dusk: Not at the moment as I'm focusing on other things. How would this work exactly? OPT, and I'm pretty sure that cockpit was discontinued in later versions or was in some kind of test build, not sure if it's on the latest release.
  4. I fixed the black horizon line a day or two ago: https://mega.nz/#!iUJiBQTQ!4bYUYDj_vFb8t-H_8WWxMSnU9BAkjI6q74aTj2bX6ak In the OP or press "changelog" on spacedock.
  5. I tested with an igp and didn't have that issue so I'm inclined to say no. Not possible at the moment unless you set the extinction to zero. Adaptive/dynamic exposure might be added at some point though. For planetshine it's a planned feature and I already worked on it a bit but won't be back to it for a while, see here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103963-wip11-scatterer-atmospheric-scattering-v00242-05042016-11-compatible-faster-loading/&do=findComment&comment=2364508 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103963-wip11-scatterer-atmospheric-scattering-v00242-05042016-11-compatible-faster-loading/&do=findComment&comment=2364554 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103963-wip11-scatterer-atmospheric-scattering-v00242-05042016-11-compatible-faster-loading/&do=findComment&comment=2402734
  6. I see. Btw I found that paper, http://www.markmark.net/PDFs/RTCloudsForGames_HarrisGDC2002.pdf haven't read it yet so not sure if it's any good and though it's more than a decade old the images they include look good so it might be cool. It comes with demos and source-code http://www.markmark.net/SkyWorks/ both are missing but the waybackMachine has them archived https://web.archive.org/web/20060209071205/http://www.markmark.net/SkyWorks/
  7. Ok this works performance-wise but I can sort of see why it would be limiting in the shading. Btw one quick question, I thought you were using a bunch of camera-facing quads but from the results I'm seeing it looks like it's acting as a singluar point (like you mentioned), what's happening exactly? Does the interpolation over a quad not happen the way I'd imagine it (ie interpolate smoothly across the surface) or am I missing something else? And btw are the particles and their positions/distribution generated on the GPU?
  8. So I was getting some abysmal performance with the particles, what with the added scattering and the sheer number of particles, I decided to drop alpha blending, enable z-writing and z-testing and use the old discard/alpha-testing method to see if it would help with performance. Instead I got these cartoony clouds: And the funny thing is, even the way they move is cartoony. Edited: if anyone wants to try it https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/4dsoo4/eve_clouds_fluffy_cartoon_edition/d1u1y1m
  9. Great, btw this image http://i.imgur.com/S8t9AxB.jpg makes me think that we could come up with some kind of fake "light scattering inside the clouds" effect, I've seen a paper on the subject, I will have to dig it up.
  10. How does this look? The difference isn't that big but I'm quite happy about sunrises/sunsets looking less like this https://i.imgur.com/v0bjlz2.jpg and more like this http://i.imgur.com/m9VFC35.jpg the colors are more consistent. Also, here it might look like the clouds are getting some kind of volumetric lighting http://i.imgur.com/S8t9AxB.jpg but all it is the sky being kind of overlaid on top http://i.imgur.com/DPaB5ny.jpg it looked nice though so there might be something there. You can create configs with the config tool in the OP + playing with the config files and the UI. Bit of a warning: It's not a 5-minute process and getting good results will lots of tweaking.
  11. Maybe because I didn't upload it yet? I dunno. Edited: https://mega.nz/#!iUJiBQTQ!4bYUYDj_vFb8t-H_8WWxMSnU9BAkjI6q74aTj2bX6ak
  12. Testing a modified version of EVE clouds to include scattering, doesn't seem to look as good as I hoped it would, no volumetrics at the moment: Map view looks okay, more or less the same as the current method but with less "oranging" near the edges. Some weird black coloring though, might need to enable backface culling or figure out something else. Also some angles are weird. Overall, this will need more testing and more tweaking. Some people have it, it pops up every now and then but I couldn't narrow it down or reproduce it.
  13. Is it this issue? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQKdKKJatW4 Ah yes, probably a renderQueue issue or the IVA camera rendering everything on top. I'm well aware of it just haven't given it a try yet.
  14. It shouldn't happen with godrays off, so post pics, maybe it's something else. Also, please don't quote the entirety of the OP. Edited: Hmm what's this? A clean, artifact-less horizon-line with no pixelated black line over it? You know it Small note: If you use anti-aliasing there might still be some artifacts here and there due to the depth buffer not being anti-aliased, but the huge line that jitters around even when you don't do anything is gone.
  15. Do the terrain scatters not work on 1.1 or is it something wrong on my end? Edited: Seems to work after a restart. For the first issue I added "experimental viewDir offset" in the menu to fix it, it's quite buggy though and may sometimes work the opposite of how it's supposed to work... It's weird to see the moire patterns and the lens flare not working, might just be an OpenGL thing though but I have no way to test it atm, the debug log looks fine. Alright, I think I found what was causing it anyway, I will check the ghosting issue. Edited: @jwenting I tried to reproduce your ghosting issue but no trace of it, tried both low and high orbits, in map view and outside and it didn't happen.
  16. Honestly if your GPU is hitting 100 degrees you probably have a problem with your GPU cooler or the thermal paste.
  17. Try waiting until you're in the shadow of one of the EVE clouds, it looks like it's one of the shaders not ignoring the projector.
  18. I found a neat way to override the renderType tags, this should fix the weird rectangles in the sky when using EVE clouds or from rocket exhausts. New version is uploading.
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