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Everything posted by blackrack

  1. Not sure what you mean, are you referring to the horizon line being higher than the actual horizon? Or do you find the default atmospehre height setting too high in RSS?
  2. I never gave the moire patterns much thougbt since they only appear in dx11 and I'm eventually going to replace the water anyway. I haven't looked into it but I'm assuming the shader replacement I do to get the water writing to the depth buffer messes something up and I haven't updated since many KSP versions back. What do you mean exactly by excluding the water from scatterer? Not applying postprocessing to it? I have literally no idea what is going on in your screenshot, what did you do and why would you want to do that?
  3. I saw screens of someone using it with Kscale2 earlier today so I'm assuming it works. it looks quite good too, the new scale goes much better with the scattering effects http://i.imgur.com/mTV6x0o.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QID25IR.jpg Haven't tried it myself though. What seems to be the problem?
  4. Magic hour on Duna: Lots of horizon artifacts to fix. compare with a real image: Rim blend and rim power do control the "edge glow" effect, they are actually a component of the stock atmosphere shader but I kept it because it looked good with scatterer. If they don't seem to do anything maybe you have the stock shader completely disabled in RSS. Unfortunately the horizon line issue starts arising when you change the atmosphere height too much, I just ran into the same issue with my Duna config and will start looking for a fix soon.
  5. Don't worry, that was a first try without changing the atmospheric height. You can already see it's too small for the planet because in the orbit pic you can see mountains outside the atmosphere. I'm just working on getting the atmosphere's color right for now I didn't take screens of them earlier but the blue/grey sunsets are absolutely gorgeous. Edited: Your pic seems to be showing a bit of black though, but only a bit.
  6. This was literally reported 2 pages back. There will be a fix when I get around to it. The shader works on dx11 but it's buggy and not recommended, I only recommend using dx9. It will be possible, though I have no idea why you'd want to do that. If you want to simulate a very very thin atmosphere it's probably not worth the memory cost. On a related note I thought adding an atmosphere to Eeeloo would make it look like the ice planet from interstellar, at least from orbit. Edited: started work on multiplanets btw I only just noticed that duna's surface is pretty boring, not a single interesting feature in sight.
  7. It's hard to tell, I don't have anything in mind right now otherwise I would have tried it already. Pretty sure it's the anisotropic filtering messing with the rendertextures used for storing the precomputed scattering tables but disabling anisotropic filtering on them only doesn't seem to do anything. I might find a solution later on, I learned a lot since I started this mod and I'm still learning. I'm familiar for most of these already except for the github link. Definitely some good stuff in there but I already have my hands full as is. For the next version of scatterer I decided to do a quick wrapper for creating a scatterer instance within a certain radius of a planet and deleting it when leaving. This isn't the "clean" way to do it but it will give multiple planet compatibility for people to play with while I work on doing it the clean way or working on fixing OpenGL or the oceans. This has the advantage of being really simple and quick to implement. The only two disadvantages I can think of is multiple instances of scatterer conflicting so there will only be one scatterer instance at one time (stock system should be fine but mods that have two planets with atmospheres in direct visibility of each other will have to only use the effect one planet at a time or lower the activation radius). The second disadvantage is that the effects will also be disabled in map view except for the planet you are close enough to to have scatterer active on it. Performance should be the same as the current build and there won't be any additional memory overhead. I'll have to create configs for Duna, Eve and laythe (shame we don't have more bodies with atmospheres in KSP), Jool probably won't work well or will have to rely on EVE clouds for it's gas giant look. Also there will be a 300-400mb drop in memory usage when leaving a planet's "scatterer activation radius" but also a 300-400mb spike in memory usage when you approach one (I expect lots of people's games will crash when approaching planets after a long, memory-consuming trip in interplanetary space) as well as a 2-second freeze like the one you get when pressing alt-enter or worse. Why I decided to do this before OpenGL? Because this shouldn't take long at all to do and will provide plenty of stuff to play with and for other modders to experiment with while I work on the features that should take longer.
  8. Disable anisotropic filtering in your drivers and use the ForceOFF aniso option in the scatterer UI, this is the only fix I know for the lines.
  9. Thanks, OpenGL is hit and miss for scatterer, for some it works fine but for most people it doesn't, I'd say win64 is a better idea.
  10. The table itself uses 16mb but that's not all there is to it. There's a bunch of other stuff that needs to be done. Also, the mod has an history of memory leaks and I'm an amateur at coding so there's definitely huge room for improvement and it's something I plan to work on. For now there are several reports of the community's 64-bit workaround working without a hitch with scatterer. This is the only solution available right now so you could give it a try: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117224-Windows-64-bit-community-workaround
  11. It's stable and good for use in regular gameplay with dx9. Keep in mind it only applies to kerbin for now. Actually this may also be a problem caused by scatterer, it uses a bunch of tricks and the atmosphere's physical position isn't anywhere near where it appears to be so that might be throwing off windowshine. Also, not sure how TR's reflection plugin works, if it renders another camera pretty sure it will need to update the atmosphere shader's parameters with those of that camera before rendering (direction, position, projection matrix, etc..) or it won't render right.
  12. I fetch it at the start but since all the effects are working fine outside the map view it means it's getting the right radius, so the problem is elsewhere, I'll look into it.
  13. That's weird, the shader is supposed to get it's radius value from that of the planet, I'll check it out. Oh and, is that really an accurate representation of earth's scale compared to kerbin?
  14. These are the prettiest KSP screenshots I've ever seen. I keep seeing this talk of terminators, what are terminators exactly?
  15. That seriously improves the mun surface a lot, I always disliked how flat it looked. Will this also be on the other planets? I feel like KSP graphics mods have started moving really quickly in the past two weeks.
  16. Thanks for the pic, I was actually just curious about how the mods can be used to complement each other. I'm going to be on a laptop for a while so I can't really enjoy the shiniest graphics myself.
  17. Doesn't planetshine only affect the lighting on the ships? If it's the case keep it otherwise it would be great to have comparative pics of all effects.
  18. Could you remake this shot with just EVE and scatterer disabled and once again with the opposite? A time of great experimentation is upon us.
  19. Okay then, one thing I wanted to ask, since you seem to be using windowshine/TR's reflective visors, does the atmosphere reflect properly on it? Also, not sure what you mean by the sun being too big, you can try making the sunflare texture smaller if you want. Lowering MIE_G will give you an unnaturally emtpy sky.
  20. I use 7-4 and it works well. Wip-EVE looks better (from the screenshots I've seen) because of the ground textures and the ocean reflection. Technically, there shouldn't be any problems with either causing conflicts with the scattering effects. I'll work on fixing OpenGL but expect it to break with any major change. The shaders aren't final yet so I may not have it fixed every time.
  21. Something looks completely off with the postprocessing, like you have it almost compeltely turned off, no scattering in sight. Also, the moon in the sunrise pics seems weird. This shot is great though. http://i.imgur.com/qyQJJGj.jpg
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