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Everything posted by renejant

  1. @jlcarneiro, u should install active texture management into your mods list.... it will improve your game by reducing the ram that all those textures are using, thou also increasing your FPS...
  2. that someone was me who reported the kjr and hyperedit bug ;-)
  3. yes you just add to your command line after the main link of where it refers to, example: "c:/..../..../ksp/ksp.exe" -force-opengl -popupwindow just add it after the main link and save it and your good to go
  4. how many mods do you use? are you using active texture management? post your logs and computer spec will certainly help, but don't post them here or it makes it hard to read the thread for us, instead post it to dropbox or something and just provide the link instead...
  5. im interested in how much monopropellant it will have... we could use a tank with a large capacity, since the most ones out there don't hold much...
  6. will there be an standalone version? without the need of a warpplugin like the previous author did make?
  7. I would suggest you get the latest updated version 2.5.10 or 2.5.11, it may fix things for you...
  8. It might be the case with KJR (kerbal joint reinforcement)... I had problems with that mod also in the past, and when i had it removed, problems were fixed, at least for me they did... So id say move that one out of your folder and test it again, see if that fixes it.
  9. I've tried the suggestions of smjjames and biohazard15 and im using the dev version of mj 401.... All these have worked so far, my manouver node is less wobbly now i can be more accurate with my docking attemps.... It seems that with using a tolerance of 3 m/s the ship seems to be more accurate... its still abit wobbly with the node, but alot less than it used to be... i thank you guys for guiding me into the right direction... still, i think this needs more attention as to how to pinpoint the specific problem... It's on the manouver planner that i have found this kind of problem... dunno if im doing something wrong or that it is a specific problem with mj.... however every bit of help, helps me into the right direction into pinpointing the problem at hand...
  10. I have set my tolerance parameter set to 0. as standard... might that be the case? And i usely set my throttle limit to 10 or 25% Have to try it out and see what it gives me... Didn't knew that tolerance would affect to the manouver node so much????
  11. Might give that a try... Im using MJ 2.4.2 stable release for now.... It doesn't give me much trouble, only the above specified problem i have been encountered so far... But im still wondering if this is related to MJ or not... Going to try and set up the manouver nodes myself and let MJ handle them... lets see what that gives me...
  12. I recently read someone's thread about the Manouver Target node going haywire while mechjeb tries to turn towards it... I've searched the forums but i can't seem to find that specific thread... Yesterday I've launched a small ship into orbit using mechjeb 2.4.2, after reaching orbit i finetune the orbit to be more precise (align planes, inclination etc.) but when you've set up the node and mj almost reaches it. the node starts to move all over the navball which makes it impossible to reach it and so finalizing your manouver... Is there a fix for this? Cause its quite annoying to keep adjusting it over and over again... It doesn't happen all the time, but certainly most of the times... Now i am also wondering if this is a MJ related "bug" or just a "bug"with the game itself? If there's a fix for this, can someone point me into the right direction in fixing this?
  13. No that aint intended, im having same problems as you are with it... seems like its broken somehow... or a mod its messing with it... still have to test it without any mod installed seeing what that does...
  14. why don't u make an index list in your first post where u state your update plans, feature list etc? this will make ppl more anticipated about your work in progress...
  15. this is pretty awesome! u care to share us that triangle pod??? would love to have it into my collection
  16. Next time, don't post your logs here but put them in a dropbox or something and link them here... Much easier for us to read and it keeps the thread viewable...
  17. I want to report a bug that KJR causes in cojunction with hyperedit... Let me describe the steps i did when i encountered it: - select any craft and use hyperedit to bring it into orbit of kerbin. - after bringing it into orbit, save the game, exit to space center and then back to the VAB. - select next craft to use when u want it to dock it with the just into orbit brought previous craft. - bring it into orbit with hyperedit, close to the previous orbited craft. - get closer using hohmann transfer, match velocities etc. (i use mechjeb for this) - last but not least, when ur very close, try to dock with each other... ive noticed that when ur very close, all of a sudden the distance decreasing, suddenly starts to increase... if u press the > key to warp time, the distance leaps back to its previous state of where it was, and when u hit the < key to slow down time, the distance starts to increase again! I noticed it happened each time after u see the "KJR stabilising physics" message in the lower right hand corner... Then i deleted the KJR folder and retried my steps, which resulted in the problem being solved! Also, when i sometimes hit the V key for camera views, my camera was acting totally strange and flipping to insane distance... after i deleted KJR, problem was solved.... Hope i have described the problem thorougly enough?....
  18. Do you have them installed in the KSP > Gamedata folder???? I can't read the location on the images that you have provided... Also, have you tried to reinstall the game and reinstall the mods? And unpack them from their zips???
  19. After inspecting your output_log file, ive noticed u got 3 versions of modulemanager installed! this is conflicting with each other... U have to delete them and only keep the one and only 2.5.9.dll version since that one is the latest, I would recommend you to install Ksp Addon Version installer, that plugin keeps tracks of your all your mods and their latest version thats out there. It will inform you when a new updated version is out... U can find the plugin here: http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/
  20. Could you post your output_log.txt from your ksp_data folder here and describe in detail what u did when u tried to install the mod? Tell us also which mods u also have installed in your gamedata folder, because it might be conflicting with another mod or something....
  21. Maybe this has been asked before so sorry if i have missed the answer... Is there a simple way to adjust the position of the tab of MJ so i can move it lower to its current position? Cuz sometimes it interferes with the Resource panel, resulting you to click on it while you only want to open an MJ feature? Have looked in the settings but can't find it, maybe its there and overlooked it?
  22. I just am installing this mod, but im puzzling about the "source" map in the zipfile?? where do i install it in? or can i just skip that map from installing??? A small install instructions could help alot! The gamedata map is not the problem...
  23. I have the same issue, dunno if its related to any other mod that might be conflicting or not... Sometimes it does work, but i've noticed this "bug" quite often...
  24. Is there any progress on this mod speedyb? would love to see some new additions in parts etc im asking cuz this thread hasn't been updated for awhile now....
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