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Everything posted by TK421d

  1. well, the last 2 versions you uploaded worked just fine for me, but it turns out that i've been having similar problems to Mikey-B1974 with them installed. i mentioned earlier i was having trouble with a modded install, and dead craft was one of them (thought i had nailed down the problem, turns out removing fusebox was why?). I was having 2 distinct types of dead craft: 1st) dead probe, everything looks fine ~ just no control input works. 2ne) probe control normal, problem is engines run (animation/throttle/audio), but consume no fuel and produce no thrust. right click window reports 0 fuel flow, 0 requirements met). removed all versions of fusebox, both continued and modified original, and both types of craft are usable again. both types of errors usually (not always) occur immediately after either a staging event, or a save load (quick or normal). when it occurs from a staging event, i will know the error is about to be there: the camera stays with the lower uncontrolled/empty stage and will have to jump to the rest of the vessel via map/tracking station. I'm baffled why fusebox would be doing this, but hope this helps find the krakken.
  2. havnt ever mentioned it around here, but my wife owns a little restaurant/bar. you my friend would always drink free.
  3. yes its was an existing ship, that i went to directly after loading the game. every reference i see previous is regular MM patch loading. ~snip, now irrelevant ~ here's the full log https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7nacTvbJiHGX1hmejJ3YzNUTzg/view?usp=sharing
  4. ive been struggling trying to nail down a couple problems with a huge over-modded install, and after installing your version when i loaded a ship in-space the console had about 90k lines of this over a 3ish minute period: ModuleEngines.RequestPropellant (Double mass) ModuleEngines.CalculateThrust () ModuleEngines.ThrustUpdate () ModuleEngines.FixedUpdate () [EXC 19:30:43.393] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object PartSet.GetOrCreateList (Int32 id, Boolean pulling) PartSet.RequestResource (.Part part, Int32 id, Double demand, Boolean usePri) Part.requestResource (.Part origin, Int32 resourceID, ResourceFlowMode flowMode, Double demand) Part.RequestResource (System.String resourceName, Double demand, ResourceFlowMode flowMode) PartReplacement.PartEventTypes+SingleCallBack3Arg`4[System.Double,System.String,System.Double,ResourceFlowMode].Invoke (System.String arg1, Double arg2, ResourceFlowMode arg3) PartReplacement.PartTapIn.RequestResource (System.String resourceName, Double demand, ResourceFlowMode flowMode) PartReplacement.PartTapIn.RequestResource (Int32 resourceID, Double demand, ResourceFlowMode flowMode) ModuleEngines.RequestPropellant (Double mass) ModuleEngines.CalculateThrust () ModuleEngines.ThrustUpdate () ModuleEngines.FixedUpdate () [EXC 19:30:43.405] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object PartSet.GetOrCreateList (Int32 id, Boolean pulling) PartSet.RequestResource (.Part part, Int32 id, Double demand, Boolean usePri) Part.requestResource (.Part origin, Int32 resourceID, ResourceFlowMode flowMode, Double demand) Part.RequestResource (System.String resourceName, Double demand, ResourceFlowMode flowMode) PartReplacement.PartEventTypes+SingleCallBack3Arg`4[System.Double,System.String,System.Double,ResourceFlowMode].Invoke (System.String arg1, Double arg2, ResourceFlowMode arg3) PartReplacement.PartTapIn.RequestResource (System.String resourceName, Double demand, ResourceFlowMode flowMode) PartReplacement.PartTapIn.RequestResource (Int32 resourceID, Double demand, ResourceFlowMode flowMode) ModuleEngines.RequestPropellant (Double mass) ModuleEngines.CalculateThrust () ModuleEngines.ThrustUpdate () ModuleEngines.FixedUpdate () [EXC 19:30:43.429] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object PartSet.GetOrCreateList (Int32 id, Boolean pulling) PartSet.RequestResource (.Part part, Int32 id, Double demand, Boolean usePri) Part.requestResource (.Part origin, Int32 resourceID, ResourceFlowMode flowMode, Double demand) Part.RequestResource (System.String resourceName, Double demand, ResourceFlowMode flowMode) PartReplacement.PartEventTypes+SingleCallBack3Arg`4[System.Double,System.String,System.Double,ResourceFlowMode].Invoke (System.String arg1, Doub followed by a couple thousand lines of: [LOG 19:33:20.401] FuseBox:OnGUI.GetTotalConsumption: 0.0900032874896599 [LOG 19:33:20.402] FuseBox:OnGUI: -2.94092311435891 [LOG 19:33:20.403] FuseBox:TrackResource.Reset [LOG 19:33:20.734] FuseBox:OnGUI.GetTotalConsumption: 0.0900079543621683 [LOG 19:33:20.735] FuseBox:OnGUI: -2.94083208461418 [LOG 19:33:20.736] FuseBox:TrackResource.Reset [LOG 19:33:21.067] FuseBox:OnGUI.GetTotalConsumption: 0.0900052032832475 [LOG 19:33:21.069] FuseBox:OnGUI: -2.94074096976789 [LOG 19:33:21.070] FuseBox:TrackResource.Reset [LOG 19:33:21.414] FuseBox:OnGUI.GetTotalConsumption: 0.0900027138895184 [LOG 19:33:21.415] FuseBox:OnGUI: -2.94064690927232 [LOG 19:33:21.416] FuseBox:TrackResource.Reset [LOG 19:33:21.750] FuseBox:OnGUI.GetTotalConsumption: 0.0900031751661984 [LOG 19:33:21.752] FuseBox:OnGUI: -2.94055293566068 [LOG 19:33:21.752] FuseBox:TrackResource.Reset [LOG 19:33:22.107] [3/19/2017 7:33:22 PM [x] Sc as i said, its an install that is insanely modded and was giving me trouble last week ~ the error is probably elsewhere... but just in case wanted to leave this here. but reverting to the recompiled verson from realgecko works normally
  5. i never really notice these on Kerbin myselfe. but Duna... from orbit it looks like a deathstar with a giant square laser...
  6. i tried just using yours, and deleting the :needs[64k], which works. if you do just remember you did it if you ever revert to a stock scale universe.
  7. is there an alternate MM config somewhere for the engines with 64k? it seems the one bundled is not actually changing any values in my game.
  8. this isnt part of the core mod, its the iva textures common to all his mods
  9. I greatly appreciate your frustration, but hope the mod never falls to the wayside! thank you for continuing to progress it for us despite your disdain, shows just what a great human being you are. also: not sure why, but i was unable to overwrite my nearfutureprops folder with the contents of the newest download (tried both spacedock and dropbox dl's). both would mysteriously hang on copy? existing folder is most likely from most recent ckan install of one of the near future packs. data in both existing and dl seemed fine, not sure what is happening? anyone else or just gremlins in my OS?
  10. I havnt seen it mentioned in quite a while, and am curious about the state of US-2.0 hope its still in development! Have been eagerly anticipating those new sizes and form factors
  11. perhaps instead of entire wings to attach just make the fin itself part of the engine, and a control surface part to attach to the lower edge of the fin instead?
  12. I'm just curious, is there a way to make QuickBrake not automatically turn off the brakes as soon as you activate a stage? for example, launching a jet and letting the engines warm up, then manually releasing the brake. rather than engine start -> have to enable brakes again.
  13. Oh... ty for that info, as i mentioned i dont use the full mod and only had a trimmed down zip. i'll grab the newest one from curse for that. I believe this patch was for the version just before the big comms update, at least i think it was the version i was using. I noticed on startup that all the antennas were being modified contain a basic transmitter, and matched the communotron-16 if your interested, here's the spreadsheet of the aies & stock antennas, and how i matched them up. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rtl1TmRAU7ONcw-OOv4mU5TUNXK-86bnNa9U4fLgqjM/edit?usp=sharing Also if anyone has any suggestions feel free to say. it occurred to me since posting that I kept forgetting to look at at part costs, although i doubt there's much an issue there either way.
  14. First of all, I have no affiliation with AIES. cannot reach the author, and forum threads are MIA, but I always liked the parts and wanted to revive them. it seems like i'm always looking for antenna and solar panel part mods, and this one was always a favorite that has been KIA since the comms update. This is a personal edit and rebalance of the AIES antennas and dishes for the current state of KSP. no other parts are included or modified. Rather than a set of MM configs, this is individual part .cfg's for each antenna that add a modified version so that the originals are not modified. since i cannot reach the author or find the thread i have no idea what the liscense is: so it does not includes the meshes, textures, or other associated files. this means you must already have AIES Aerospace parts pack installed for this to work. Personally i have not used anything but the electrical, science, and rcs parts, so i do not know if the other parts work in 1.2.2. If you want to remove the original AIES dishes, just navigate to the antennas folders and rename or delete part.cfg's. As i have no claim to rights over this, It is yours to do with as you please. Now for the details on what this actually does: The antennas have been sorted into direct and relay categories, and each one has been rebalanced to mimic a stock version. this includes power, range, size, combinability, and tech unlocks. rather than a spreadsheet of the capabilities, here's a visual representation. stock on the left, modified AIES on the right. Direct Transmitters: Relay transmitters: you can see that a couple of the AIES dishes were rescaled to more ideally match with the power/range of their stock counterparts. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/so10dcnjbqeksw6/AIES_Antennas.zip?dl=0 only AIES version google can find me right now: https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/233478-aies this is for 1.0.4 IIRC the latest version that used to be here on the forums was 1.1, but this should work fine as i doubt the part/model/texture references have changed. As always remember, a Kerbal in a spacesuit is just like a bag of popcorn when exposed to microwave radiation, keep your distance!
  15. my precise response (when i saw the engines) was Holy Moley dats a lotta guacamole!
  16. was pleasantly surprised when i opened up ckan this morning to look for updates, and flipped over to "new in" to see this. love all these wheels/tracks, have missed them!
  17. I really just want more sizes for the fuel tanks. was thinking about just making duplicates for 2.5 and 3.75 profiles
  18. does anyone have a mm patch for Porkjets revamp parts?
  19. its not AVC, its KSP throwing the warning, this is the notification he's talking about. it still works in-game for me (but is acting strangely)
  20. it wouldnt bother me in the least, im sure it would probably save headaches in the future for several of the mods you're maintaining.
  21. can someone try to replicate a bug for me that i think is PP related? in 1.2.2 in a brand new save, first launch: make a rocket with 2 or more LFO tanks at max length. Launch, to 80km-ish, then see if anything funky happens when you try to circularize. this is a heavily modded ksp, but i keep removing as many mods as i can but it keeps happening. most relevant mods: seti tech tree, and novapunch2 ~ thats the only LFO engine available for that first launch. Edit: sorry, its 2nd launch, need that first tech node for the PP tank
  22. I have not had the chance to play much since the last patch, but i suspect it was something in that patch that did it. the hotkeys were unbound the (before i changed/updated any mods). Was really kinda shocked to find they were unbound, but it has happened before. I'm not sure but i think it was either .23 or .24 but i had a couple hotkeys that were suddenly unbound after that patch (whichever one it was). I dont recall what mod it was either, but there were a few of us discussing it in a mod thread baffled untill we discovered the keys unbound in the stock settings. heh, sorry for the ambiguity, the ram in my organic matter is getting full and old data is being purged...
  23. did you ever find out what is happening with the hotkeys not working? I've been having this problem too. but its more than just the hotkeys not working, even clicking the symmetry and angles manually only stock function and angles are cycled. edit: i have no clue how, but the snap and symmetry ( X, C ) keybindings were set to <none> in the game settings? idk how this happened.
  24. just a note, having the same "all but pods gone" issue: the parts show up in sandbox mode, its just career that is affected, not sure why.
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