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Everything posted by billbobjebkirk

  1. For something like the falcon heavy, you could add reusability to a rocket the size of the Saturn M03 from Eyes Turned Skywards: EDIT: Although, I do have to point out that 60 tonnes to orbit is a very odd size, as no rocket has ever been built to fit the 35-70 tonnes to orbit size range.
  2. With regards to the docking scene, I prefer to imagine that the port was spinning off center, and possibly off axis, which would actually justify CASE's comment about it being impossible.
  3. Thanks! I'll try this soon!
  4. Those look really good! Can you give me a quick rundown on how to make those? I've been dying for some Tantares ProcParts, and I'm willing to take matters into my own hands.
  5. I meant the second one. The bug thing that would make the HOPE vehicle hard to do with a regular Copernicus pack is the forward fuel tanks, which you can see in the PDF I linked. They need shortened radial gold tanks and a four way structural adapter.
  6. For the Copernicus pack, could you also include parts for the baseline HOPE BNTR crew vehicle? EDIT1: Also, I remember that a vehicle had the same propulsion bus as the HOPE BNTR ship, but with the power source changed to Copernicus style solar panels, appeared in a NASA video in december 2014. EDIT2: Right here, at around 4:37:
  7. (Failed) test of a Macey Dean- inspired escort craft from a while ago, I built this in .20 and tried to update it to .90, but it will take a while: With reagards to violence among kerbals, I feel that whenever a species has limited resources, they will fight over them. No point in trying to hide it.
  8. (Failed) test of a Macey Dean- inspired escort craft from a while ago:
  9. If the russians had gone with a two-launch profile using the original 70 tto N-1, they probably could've built it.
  10. Why is there so much faith thrown onto SpaceX and so much cynicism at NASA? Has SpaceX really demonstrated that it is so much more competent that it can get to Mars before NASA? As for other nations, there's not a chance.
  11. Hale is also clearly visible, as well as one other astronaut. Excited to see a finished Lazarus pod!
  12. Basically, around the time of .18-.20, Macey Dean made an awesome series about a corporate war in space centering around the carrier KSS Spirit of Kerbin. It had a bunch of really awesome combat ships and was done entirely in stock. EDIT: Basically, his series was the trope codifier for war series's in KSP.
  13. There's a debug option that disables the way the game references whether it's a top or bottom node, which should probably just be left off when dealing with mods from older versions.
  14. Rockets are what you use for big space exploration missions. Planes are fun little playthings.
  15. I'm pretty sure the complaining is due to the fact that the atmosphere in 1.02 prevents you from ever needing a heat shield.
  16. Apparently the 1.02 aero sucks, so make sure you don't break compatability with 1.0!
  17. The problem with career mode is that it often firces you to build bizzare and unrealistic crafts to perform bizzare and unrealistic missions to meet bizzare and unrealistic requirements. Real space programs don't earn money from their own missions, they get money from the government and lose it on their own missions.
  18. They reversed the MaxThrust in 1.0, so now it means the surface instead of vacuum thrust. This has the side effect of reversing engine stats as you go in and preventing simple back-compatability.
  19. Good idea, you can just edit it to look like gregrox posted a Eucl3d, and you say wow it looks nice, but instead it's just an imgur "this image does not exist anymore" picture.
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