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Everything posted by cantab

  1. It varies. I can throw together a basic functional craft in half an hour, but three things can slow me down to take several hours. One is caring about looks, and then I fiddle with the gizmos a lot and place things just so. The second is where the functionality is difficult, and this really applies to performance aircraft such as SSTOs, it can take dozens of play sessions to get them flying just right. And the third is simple indecision. It also depends on my mood. Recently I've been finding VAB work a bit of a chore to be honest. I want to fly kraken-dang-it!
  2. Velocity is a floating point. If they use single precision it goes up to a 38-digit number, if they use double precision (more likely) it's a 300 digit number. Nobody's there yet. In any case floating point doesn't usually rollover. Rather, some sort of exception gets thrown, and then you get either a game crash or one of the many 'kraken' bugs.
  3. Not all today. I made a bigger lifter, Bishop, capable of 20 tons to LEO. The album has a full test launch: https://www.flickr.com/photos/52548818@N05/32698612544/in/album-72157678737964102/ I then set about proving that just because I'm in RSS doesn't mean I can't be Kerbal, by launching the core truss of my space station OSG Antonin Dvorak. The G in the designation: Gravity. It's a spinny-doo station designed to simulate lunar gravity at 2 rpm rotation. To do that requires a 75 metre long truss, which is duly balanced atop a Bishop rocket. And after launching the habitation and science modules and docking them to the main truss, OSG Antonin Dvorak is complete! And if you don't mind me bragging, it's one heck of a thing. And of course Jeb and Val sneaked on, so they can hang out on the deck for a bit and try not to get dizzy.
  4. @HebaruSan absolutely, there will be lots of inter-town commuting. I did a similar project by myself once and my highways got heaving, I actually started getting a bit spontaneous congestion just like real highways get. And I had a big rail loop serving everywhere too.
  5. Yes, that may become a problem. I believe it will help to ensure services that use vehicles are well provided. If a nearby facility can respond, it should respond, I think. If it can't something further away must do the job and that then ties up the vehicle for longer. I may observe some more next time I play to try and confirm or refute this idea. I'm amazed how fast this has grown! We've got more in two days than I often do in two weeks by myself. All the towns are looking great, @StrandedonEarth that's yours up by the lake right, it's really booming!
  6. I could get behind a DLC that revamps the fuel choices in KSP. I'd like to see some options for higher performance engines using fuels that suffer boiloff. It would encourage thinking a bit more about mission timing, currently time is pretty much free in Kerbal.
  7. Are you using anything besides the base RSS? Because I've been finding that the planets look a bit rubbish myself. Distant views are fine, right on the surface is OK, but it's in that 10-100 km up range that they really look a bit ugly.
  8. Ouch. Yes, modular power supply cables are in general not compatible with different power supplies, and using the wrong one will make stuff Go Horribly Wrong. Even two supplies with the same brand can need totally different cables.
  9. http://imgur.com/a/gQ1ga Imgur y u no embed.
  10. Save Uploaded http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=886561454 In my own area I've got a walled city thing going on now. I've also extended a power grid to link up the towns more and I've also added a bus line running to most of them, which has promptly overcrowded, go figure. We really need more jobs, city's boomed in population to nearly 40 thousand but industrial demand is maxed and unemployment pushing 20%. I zoned farming but for some it reason it's been real slow to build. Also pretty much everyone needs to add more schooling. @rkarmark your City of Squares was backing traffic up onto the highways. I took the liberty of adding in a second entry point and that seems to have solved the problem. @StupidAndy , Glodipose City of Great Walrus is yours right? Your water pumps are sucking up sewage. It's isolated from everyone else but you probably want to fix it, or ask if somebody else can. Turning off the city's own water pumps and connecting to the wider pipe network should do the job
  11. I have the save This is going awesome, can't wait to see what everyone's done so far and then got some more ideas I want to do myself.
  12. Indeed. I know the 3DS was difficult to emulate and even more difficult to play commercial games without using official hard- and software. The Switch could be the same way if Ninty know what they're doing.
  13. @StupidAndy watch out you don't 'fork' the save, since rkarmark posted just a couple of minutes before you.
  14. In terms of implementation, 'voxels' would not be the way to go I don't think. KSP's terrain is a two-dimensional polygonal mesh, and deforming it should work on changing that mesh. Kerbal Terrain System shows it can be done.
  15. The solar system comprises the Sun, Jupiter, and miscellaneous debris. There. Easy to remember.
  16. It's got a few niggles to resolve, like stage separations snapping off airbrakes, but my 20 ton to LEO lifter is working. And I have a payload lined up for it that's going to make for a very Kerbal launch.
  17. @HebaruSan looking good! And yes I had anticipated our power and water grids being all hooked together. I had in any case opted for a tower myself.
  18. Yes, it's needed to do a more accurate recreation of Yuri Gagarin's historic flight, at the end of which he actually bailed out and landed separately from his capsule. (Something that was covered up for years). That said I do think it's something that wouldn't hurt the DLC to just put in the base game.
  19. The save is up! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=885539004 I've not done much with my town, just a little starter village basically. I don't actually know if 25 tiles by itself actually affects CPU usage much. Building giant cities that don't fit in 9 tiles certainly does, but that's not exactly the same thing.
  20. And for a free DLC, aka "official mod", that's acceptable. For a paid DLC it would be less so. Imagine KSP 1.4 and Making History DLC release together, you get them. Then KSP 1.5 comes out and it's stated that several of the parts in the Making History DLC are not compatible with KSP 1.5 and will not be shown in it, and Squad say they won't fix those parts until a future KSP release. I for one would be pretty dang peed off about that.
  21. A quick look into it myself indicates the performance penalty will be partly alleviated with an OS that understands the relationship between the cores. The initial issue is similar to with Bulldozer when the OS's didn't know about the two-core modules sharing resources. Or it's like if you had an Intel chip and the OS hadn't heard of hyperthreading. On the other hand, Windows 7 and 8 stickers might never get the required OS updates. Once Win 10 does, it might be interesting to see how much Windows 7 actually suffers with Ryzen and also KL.
  22. Squad have a lousy record with free DLC. Kerbin Cup promptly became abandonware and Asteroid Day dropped the central telescope part when it went into the main game. I just hope that with a paid product they step up their game. It's not enough to merely release a good DLC, they need to ensure that it's supported going forward as the base game gets updates.
  23. Does anybody interested not have After Dark? And does anybody strongly object to left-hand-traffic?
  24. But not now. @The White Guardian ?
  25. Decided on a whim to see how my RSS rocket fares in stock. In RSS it takes 5 tons to Low Earth Orbit. In stock it takes that same five tons from Kerbin to Low Jool Orbit And by implication will deliver it to orbit any planet or moon in the system.
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