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Everything posted by cantab

  1. KER. And KAC, and Precise Node, and Transfer Window Planner, and FAR's flight assistance, and I don't remember what else. I regard MechJeb as a great Swiss Army Knife. It does lots of things well enough, and the autopilot is just one of its many tools. But while a Swiss Army Knife is convenient, proper tools dedicated to their purpose do a better job.
  2. Personally I dislike Remote Tech and like Antenna Range. But others feel differently.
  3. I believe that modders could manage without it. Like I said, obvious alternative is config patching handled by a separate program that the user runs when they install a new mod. It would be clunkier, but workable, and CKAN would probably try and make it transparent to the user. After all, KSP modding had a long history before Module Manager even came out.
  4. Going by the translations listed on Wiktionary, languages ranging from Arabic to Welsh do. Of those that don't, a fair number instead use the same word for moons and artificial satellites.
  5. Yeah, that would only be an issue if leaving from a highly-inclined orbit, round either Duna or Ike.
  6. Well very few end users use Module Manager, it's used by other modders. Who would adapt. Most likely if nothing like MM could be done in KSP, we'd have to switch to using an external tool to patch config files.
  7. I'd venture that for streaming or recording on a single PC, that is the case - you want your video encoding to have the minimum impact on your gaming. When streaming it's an ephemeral medium anyway and I doubt viewers are going to care much. When recording, can you not initially do NVenc with a high bitrate and then later transcode to better compression? Now if you're dual boxing or working with camcorder footage or whatever, then I'll grant that you might want the high performance CPU to do the editing and encoding on.
  8. Well I say yes. It's my second most played PC game after KSP. It's one of the best city building games there is, rivalled only by Sim City 4 really. It's excellent for creative freedom and building on a scale worthy of the term "city". However it's rather forgiving and easy, expect a creative sandboxy experience not a tough management challenge. What gameplay there is is 90% road design and traffic management, making it sometimes feel one-dimensional. And the expansions aren't really worth their full price.
  9. In an aeroplane, having a door for every two seats is going to *look* a bit silly. It makes more sense to just have the door behind the cockpit. In a rocket, the problem is really the general misbalance of the parts. If the 3-Kerbal pod was actually a sensible mass you'd see a lot less silly exploity stuff.
  10. No. But there are some that would come close. No Precise Node and no suitable substitute would be a big blow. I'd probably give up on my "100 Worlds" save with its modded solar system, and give up 'serious' interplanetary missions in general and just mess around in Kerbin's SOI. No FAR would make me pretty much give up on planes, spaceplanes, and shuttles, and go back to doing everything with rockets. No Kopernicus would nix my "100 Worlds" save and make me sad, but maybe I'd go and do a grand tour in the stock system or something. But nothing will make me play 1.0.5. I've experienced 1.1 and I am not going back.
  11. Depends on the business. But I think observationally, the vast majority of companies that find themselves cash-rich but losing money will stay in business hoping to turn things around, not cease trading.
  12. An idea I think would work is to handle multiplayer on the career side of things. Allow players to actually put out contracts and other players to accept them.
  13. If I'm feeling masochistic. IMHO it wants a revamp. Since we're already getting a wheels overhaul, maybe make it vary the friction rather than the bumpiness. Grass would be quite high friction and potentially hard to take off or land from. The dirt runway would be less, and the paved runways less still.
  14. This is regex we're talking about. They're terrified he'll install RSS and Realism Overhaul and then they'll never be able to afford to go to space.
  15. Well I'll spill the beans for mine: Not enough solar power. Not out at Jool. OK, it was never a high TWR ship to begin with, but at Jool I was running on the equivalent of less than one ion engine of thrust. Not fun. In fairness that was more a piloting flaw than a design one, in that the ship was built for Moho and performed fine, and then I had a bunch of delta-V left over and decided to wander across the system.
  16. I remember when you needed a university email address to use Facebook. The good old days, before they let all the riff-raff on Going back further, I vaguely remember the pre-Google days, when we were searching with stuff like Altavista and Lycos. And Metacrawler that did all the searches or something? I don't, though, remember Hotmail ever not being awful. And while it's not part of the internet, I remember Encarta, and the orbits toy/minigame in it. Which in the earlier versions made the planet and moon bounce off each other if they collided!
  17. There are many potentially problematic situations. For example: Alice is the current maintainer of a mod, but Bob and Carol have in the past contributed code to it, and retained their copyright over their own code. Alice is not free to relicense the code Bob and Carol contributed. Making matters worse, nobody is able to get in touch with Carol any more. Dylan wrote a mod for KSP, but used some code that Eve wrote and released under a "copyleft" license (such as the GPL). Eve has never bought KSP or had any other dealings with Squad. Whatever terms Squad may try to impose on Dylan, they cannot get the right to take Eve's code without her permission. Fred wrote a mod for KSP and everything looks above board. Squad, thinking they have legal authority, include Frank's mod in their game. Then it turns out that Fred used some code George wrote and released on the web, and that code is now part of KSP without George having given permission. George sues Squad for damages. Worse, Fred also used code that Harry released under the GPL. Harry also sues Squad, but Harry is additionally demanding that Squad comply with the GPL by releasing the full source code of KSP. Now I'm not saying that George or Harry would necessarily win their lawsuits, but hopefully I've given some idea of some of the pitfalls in Squad just taking mods and making them stock.
  18. Yeah. Moho, Ike, and Dres could all use a good pelting, perhaps with the Dres craters being wider and flatter. Duna would appreciate some light cratering, and what about some channels too? Eve ... maybe it could have something akin to the Venusian "pancake domes" - volcanic features that can only form in a high-pressure atmosphere, because otherwise the kind of lava would just explode.
  19. Why should Kerbals have the same sexual dimorphism as humans?
  20. There are old glitches relating to this. When you stand on a floating vessel, you're considered "Landed" and get one set of science results. When you're swimming in the water you're considered "Splashed" and get another set of science results. If you didn't realise this, well you missed out on some science. It also was possible to glitch the floating ship itself into thinking it's landed, by switching from the Kerbal back to the ship. However this can have nasty side-effects, like dropping your ship through the ocean and into a big explosion.
  21. It's a mod, not part of the stock game.
  22. I once tried to build a causeway to the airfield island with the aid of the offset tool. Got it several kilometres in length too, before it bugged out the SPH. To be honest it was rather tedious work.
  23. Meanwhile, from practically yesterday, a paltry five years ago: https://web.archive.org/web/20111119110834/http://orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=22998
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