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Everything posted by SelectHalfling0

  1. I was just looking at the stream schedule and 0:00 Monday UTC is listed. That is 8:00 PM Tonight EDT... WHAT IF IT RELEASES ON 0:00 UDT!!!!! HYPE!
  2. Forum went out for a bit there! Hype is bursting from the seams!
  3. This needs to be UberMegaHypedHype Thread. We have long surpassed MegaHype. I can't wait for my massive orbital scanning probe fleet to be launched!
  4. It's slowing down! THE HYPE IS BREAKING THE SERVER! C'mon, we can do it!
  5. Darn. My heart skipped a beat. WHY YOU SO TROLL?
  6. Speaking of new aerodynamics, I'm hyped to learn how to use them. It seems a number of even experienced players are having a hard time adjusting.
  7. hype hype hype hype hype hype There we go, neatly trimmed wall.
  8. In response to night mining being faster, maybe that is why the fuel cell exists (albeit it can't generate that much electricity from much fuel, so it might not be efficient).
  9. Dres is not forever alone! Yay! Also, nice little gas stations.
  10. * heavy breathing EDIT: did they bring back the barn? It doesn't look like it.
  11. Can't wait to start a new career mode!! Hype!
  12. I think it's helpful watching people fail, because I then know not to build something like that.
  13. Spaceplane parts have heating resistance of about 2000. In other words, you hit about 700 at 1 km/s at 20,000 meters. Thats what I heard in a stream. Spaceplanes should still work, if not better than before. Also, do nuke engines still need oxidizer?
  14. It was in KSPTV (I think the guy's username was akinor, something like that). He landed in a pocket of 2.8% and it took him 3 munar days to get 5 units of ore. Also, you have to manage overheating, which decreases efficiency (an engineer and more solar panels increase efficiency. Resources do not deplete, but overheating and pocket percentage balances this. I would imagine landing in a pocket of +50% would only take in-game hours to fill up the small tanks.
  15. It wobbles because the SAS is having some trouble with the new aero. If you leave SAS off, the wobble goes away (as the atmosphere stabilizes the rocket). You just have to actively adjust the trajectory. Ninja'd I you want to see how it works watch thewinterowl's 1.0 preview video: it's very in depth.
  16. Watching a stream, it seems that to avoid spending years filling up your tanks, you have to mine in areas where the percentage is very high (which restricts your landing locations greatly).
  17. You can reduce the # of minerals in the game options tab. I'll probably play with 50% (that should make it so there are only isolated pockets).
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