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Everything posted by SelectHalfling0

  1. Any youtuber videos yet? Those usually come out a few days before release.
  2. Wait, what are those parts there? They look resized/recolored.
  3. A female claiming to be Mari Yate shows up at your door, and writes crescendos under all your sheet-music. She then refuses to leave. Mari eats your food and water, and uses your electricity and internet. I wish for the next Falcon-9 self landing to go perfectly and not fall over on the barge.
  4. I like memory lead fixes alot, but my favorite would have to be new aero. It will certainly freshen up the challenge. Edit: After reading devnote tuesday, there is nothing like moar boosterz!
  5. Considering his ability to regenerate and his impressive roster of survivals, of course he should be a fighter Nintendo, Squad, PARTNER NOW!
  6. Will the ore contents in an asteroid be limited or will it be infinite? Please be infinite... Gas Stations...
  7. Build a mobile mun truck. That's what I did, and it took a while. Working with 6 massive wheels and trying to get it to land was difficult, but it was worth the effort.
  8. OK, since I have never installed a mod of this scale before, where do I put these files? All into the GameData folder or is there somewhere else?
  9. I throw a paper airplane with a docking port into space.
  10. Well done good sir! Although our British interests do not find this parody very appealing, I commend your effort and skills at making up lyrics on the fly! I would recommend you join the British Country Music Association (it does indeed exist).
  11. Will ore be the final name or is that just what they are referring to it at this point? I would hope they would come up with something more creative like "Kelium (3)"
  12. Beautiful. I will even install this once I finish what I'm doing in my current save and play around a bit. One question: is this compatible with KER?
  13. I am waiting to start a new career game for 1.0, however I plan on bringing my .23.5 sandbox over (I have kept it alive since then). My sandbox is readying for the inclusion of resources. For example, I captured an asteroid that was in a retrograde orbit, so I used the Mun to put it in a prograde orbit.
  14. No word is in my vocabulary. In the Glup Year 9679 I was tasked by my totalitarian rulers to search out Extra-Glupular life. I quickly found this planet, and have disguised myself as a human by taking the body of one (along with his thoughts, knowledge, and memories). That is how I understand your language. On another note, blending in was surprisingly easy. I adopted the belief system of the Pastafarians, and once people ask me what religious affiliation I am, they ask no more questions.
  15. Nice find! I always associated the explorer program with older satellites too.
  16. I help run a Minecraft Adventure Day Camp during the summer. Last year we tried running a VM software with MinecraftEDU. There was plenty of RAM, but the video card made the lag terrible and there were graphics glitches everywhere. We decided to just stick with the old "use this account on the computer" option. Of course, I am talking about a single-computer connecting to all the others, which is probably different from what your describing.
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