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Everything posted by SelectHalfling0

  1. I have had issues connecting 2 different sized parts. There is still wobble there, so I satisfy my craving for struts.
  2. Considering my age, I know that song way too well. I was singing along the whole time +rep
  3. I'm going to see the movie this weekend. I just read a review by Joe Morgenstern: "The last thing I expected was a space adventure burdened by turgid discussions of abstruse physics, a wavering tone, visual effects of variable quality and a time-traveling structure that turns on bloodless abstractions." Don't you mean actual physics that a space movie finally portrayed somewhat-correctly since 2001: A Space Odessy?
  4. Squad needs to do something like this for the beta. It was very nice, subtle, and described the game in 1 minute and 5 seconds.
  5. This is cool! I created a dropbox account for a future planned personal craft database (that others can download), but this may replace dropbox. Lol: Land or Crash Craft here to Upload.
  6. Let the armies march on -insert city here-! Great job! Now my Mun-Base kerbals may do something useful rather than standing around.
  7. I've got a pic (albeit bad) here: 2 rapiers bring it to near-flameout altitude (20-25 km), and it rides horizontally until it reaches 1400 m/s, and then it pitches up, bringing the rapiers into rocket mode. Once it reaches rocket mode the problem disappears. I would like to note that the COL is slightly in front of the COM. This has not caused major problems for past vehicles though. Also, the 2 wingtips on the main wings are no longer there. That change was made after I took this image. No FAR or NEAR. Just stock.
  8. Hey all! I posted a spaceplane question a while ago (when .25 first came out) and have another one for you! I usually fly my spaceplanes in the upper reaches of the atmosphere horizontally to gain near orbital velocity, and then rapidly pitch up to gain altitude. When I do this my spaceplanes tend to uncontrollably yaw left or right randomly, before spinning out (fortunately manually controlling the plane brings it out of this "death yaw"). Anyone know how to fix this? I am using an unmodded install, with mostly the new spaceplane parts. -SelectHalfling0
  9. I have a 14k suicide probe meant for mun/minmus orbital science. It is basically 4 jet engines (with 2nd smallest fuel tanks) as the first stage, and a second stage with the really small rockomax engine. Works very well for contracts that have a 50k payout.
  10. I still occasionally go back to it. It never really gets old because few star wars games of space battles on such awesome levels.
  11. I only destroy the tanks near the runway and launchpad.
  12. I can't really answer yes or no. I have 8 different sub assemblies for each type of payload. My payloads are fine tuned to make the most out of every launch (my "super-light" launcher carries 5 tons to LKO: I try to make all satellites 5 tons).
  13. It's been a while since something exploded that is from the USA. 'Murica. Thank goodness it was unmanned.
  14. Ever since the kraken attack of year 2 day 259 which destroyed my second Duna mission, my space program and Kerbins government has banned use of the Kraken technology.
  15. I see alot on here about modded installs, what about unmodded ones? (I only use KAC, and I want to know if it is worth the risk)
  16. closing in 3..2..1.. also, if you want to make this a challenge add some rules, or some sort of design requirement
  17. Cryonics are used to preserve organs for short periods of time during surgeries, however far more research and tech development needs to be done before we come close to developing long-term storage for humans.
  18. Do lasers count as conventional weapons? As far as I know, the OST only bans non-conventional weapons (Russia had a machine gun on their Almaz space stations, and were left alone). I think that an orbital facility equipped with specialized lasers would be the most effective way of deflecting an asteroid (as they can be constructed preemptively). I would like to note that, in the event of an Earth-Impact asteroid, the governments of the planet would not take four years to discuss, fund, test, test 20 thousand more times, and construct a rocket to deflect the asteroid. The 1-4 year mission plan time would (hopefully) be reduced to a couple of months. Also, multiple small, semi-destructive asteroids that cause a couple thousand casualties would be better than a country buster/extinction event asteroid.
  19. Good job! The bomber reminds me of the Star Wars Y-Wing.
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