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Everything posted by SelectHalfling0

  1. If anyone actually read what I said, you would have noticed that I stated cleaner than natural gas, coal, etc (not completely green). You would have also noticed I said when interacted with methane hydrates can break away (quite easily). I do thank you for finding a picture similar to the dangers methane hydrates pose. Responding to Stranded's question about using methane as fuel (for machines I presume) methane is incredibly explosive. It would probably be safer (for everyday folks) to make electricity out of it. Also, this is not an add for different sources of energy. I want to see if anyone knows about these, and if they know of any environmental implications they have.
  2. In the October 2014 edition of Scientific American (a magazine I read) there was an article about Methane Hydrates. I am creating this thread to spread some info and see if anyone knows about Methane Hydrates. To start things off, here are the facts about Methane Hydrates (from the scientific american): Methane hydrates are methane molecules (CH4) that are trapped in an "Ice-Crystal" Cage. They are found off almost every major shoreline at depths deeper than 3,000 feet. Methane Hydrates (as far as scientists can tell) are created when large underground methane bubbles begin seeping to the surface. When the methane comes in contact with water the water crystallizes around it. These create massive shelves at the ocean floor of methane hydrates. Now this is why they are important: Methane hydrates can release large amounts of energy when burned (like burning methane with oxygen). Also, when burned, they produce less CO2 than coal, oil, or gas. Recent discoveries have revealed these methane hydrates are being warmed by the oceans, and if the oceans reach an unknown tipping point, they could be released into the atmosphere. As some of you may know, Methane is a very potent greenhouse gas. Attempts to catch the hydrates have been relatively unsuccessful, as they are very loosely connected to the ocean floor and entire sections of the deposits break away at the slightest touch. This is why I am writing this: Research, although on going, does not get much funding from any governments. The only nation to secure samples of methane hydrates is Japan, as they are attempting to phase out their nuclear program. Also, according to scientific american, the methane hydrates off the coast of the mainland USA hold enough energy to power the country for 2,000 years (at our current energy usage). The implications of methane hydrates are massive. What are you're thoughts/opinions?
  3. Ok. When they are both released it turns out they suck. I wish for pics/videos of destructible buildings.
  4. This is Kerbal World. They are known for having a love of explosions, and no form of safety whatsoever.
  5. Destructible buildings are not the beginning of a Kerbal FPS. They are merely the result of what actually happens when "unplanned dis-assembly on the launchpad" occurs. If you don't believe me, watch a couple of failed NASA launches and what is left of the launch tower after a major failure.
  6. lol. For me this will make every experimental launcher interesting
  7. So when does the hype train leaving the station? Don't want to miss it! NOTE: this is not the forbidden question, its the almost but not quite one.
  8. I think I just shed a tear. This is amazing. +rep and a download for you kind sir.
  9. 1/10 I have OCD and like cleanliness so NO! I gave you one for having a title.
  10. Granted. We all speak pirate and live on the coast in boats and get in lengthy sword fights in bars, because 16th century pirates got laser guns too. Also, Pirates haven't invented KSP or interwebs, so great job.
  11. Where I live there are 2 lane roads only wide enough for 1 large truck or 2 sedans. Somehow the "hardcore" bicyclists manage to find their way in groups of 2-3 across on these roads, which have numerous hills. Not that I want to hurt or kill anyone, but if I was passing them on a hill when a car rounded it, I would probably hit them to avoid being killed (or having a passenger be killed).
  12. From books/movies would have to be Middle Earth. I don't care if it's unsafe, filled with orcs, and crawling with giant spiders, it still looks like an awesome place.
  13. Vall or Pol, because of their varying surface features (and Vall's anomalies)
  14. Key word is "was". I didn't find one, and it's probably buried in interweb history. Cool Ship!
  15. To start things off, here is my Duna 1 Vessel! Assembled from 3 sections in orbit it includes: -A Nuclear Drive Stage with an Orange Tank -A hab module that parachutes down to Duna -A lander that lands near the hab and after 60~ days returns to the drive stage
  16. Hey All! After surfing the forums for a while, I noticed the spacecraft exchange was, well, lacking in interplanetary ships. There are many great space planes, boat, and replica craft threads, but I wanted to make something new. Introducing, THE INTERPLANETARY SHIP SHOWCASE! Here you can show off you're interplanetary vessels, whether they be the first mission to Duna or the 300th colony voyage to Laythe. I know it says Stock Craft but you can submit ships with mods (as long as the ship itself isn't made entirely of modded parts). You can include download links to you're ships in your posts if you want. Links are now fixed! Ship DataBase: SelectHalfling's Duna 1 Overfloater's Universal no-assembly-required Ship Roflcopterkklol's Goliath, Titan, and Command Beetle Rune's Medusa and Queen Kerman Signo's Customizable Delivery Ship Contains SP+ Parts Rune's Nodachi LR Scout astropapi1's Eve Ship Scarecrow88's Duna Ship ShadowZone's The Joolishka parameciumkid's Julia Techpriest93's Interplanetary Ships Contains Many Mods
  17. What if we did a HYPETRAIN powered by jets with wings, so it is capable of can into space.
  18. Granted. Here's the pink slip. I wish that Star Wars Battlefront comes out sooner.
  19. You forgot to mention that Wheatley does not kill you at the end of your alternate ending, and instead sends you and the space sphere on a trip to the Moon. My Moon and Space Sphere.
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