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Everything posted by SelectHalfling0

  1. Nooooowhoawhoaaaoooooo (sing it) Are you ready to rock?!!!????!!111?one one one
  2. No. Magic pixie's are hit by capsules that are reentering, and their sparkly guts fly everywhere! What is your favorite sports team taste?
  3. You edited that post for "derpness", cheater!
  4. They also may kick out a nearby planet. When the forces cancel each other out the rogue planet will have a new family and the other planet will be forcibly flung out of the system.
  5. Search up some adrenaline pumping tunes (which is ironic considering it's a boring burn).
  6. A "skycrane" with 8 LV-99 engines works.
  7. Nice and Little? More like BIG AND AWESOME! Nice Job and +rep
  8. SpacePlane+ should be added, just because it is basically stock.
  9. KSP updates Destiny And although valve can't count to 3: Half Life 3
  10. Granted. Suddenly, all the clocks on the planet are set to January 1st, 1995 ('cus theoretically you can't travel back in time). I wish for an A (grade) in my classes.
  11. Granted. Let the pencil-bombing-run commence. I wish for Internet Explorer to not be my default browser anymore.
  12. Xbox Live gave it to me, and due to my relatively short height, I kept it.
  13. It'll run the game fine. Mine is a Windows 8 i5 intel core with an "intel graphics card (whatever that is)", and it handles ksp fine on medium graphics. I can't large ships without lag, but I can deal with it.
  14. So I have recently found a skybox that I want to use. I installed texture replacer (updated for .24), made sure the skybox pics were named NegativeX.png NegativeY.png, etc., and I deleted the NegativeX.tga NegativeY.tga etc. from Texture Replacer. The Skybox hasn't changed. Anyone have a solution?
  15. Answer? Mods There are plenty of mods to make this cockpit wonderful (most of them are stock-alike and just change the graphics)
  16. I've never been to Jool or it's moons (that will change when my probe fleet arrives in 312 days), Moho, Gilly, Eeloo, or Dres.
  17. One thinks that the game is terrible and will not try even the demo, and the other was hooked the first day I mentioned it.
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