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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. Basically this. - - - Updated - - - It's OK for games to be hard. - - - Updated - - - Sometimes things get cut. With no word on the subject, it's reasonable that some of us might wonder what happened. - - - Updated - - - Completely disagree. These basic features should have been in the beta.
  2. I think the wobble is part of the Kerbal-aesthetic and that's why they kept a bit of it.
  3. The first update after 1.0 hasn't even come out yet... Give them time to actually do something before complaining that they haven't done anything. *hotfixes excluded - - - Updated - - - Here's a few examples.
  4. A simple "escape" menu that could take you anywhere, at anytime, would be helpful.
  5. I guess I better not start that thread to reply to Alshain's comment in this thread.
  6. If modders have done it in their spare time for no money, I think Squad can figure it out.
  7. There are actually still a few places I haven't been, but I have sent a probe out of the system. It was when I wasn't taking my saves seriously, so I'm not sure what madness would occur if you just let the probe keep going.
  8. Science in KSP started out with such promise. Then came the Goo, and all my hopes were dashed. [sad face]
  9. An art pass could mean many things, from refining models to cleaning up textures. I am arguing for a more consistent art style. Consider the Mk2 parts. A Mk2 cockpit -> cargo bay -> fuel tank -> adapter. A knowing eye can see the seams, but the generally consistent art style give the impression of a solidly made, single craft. edit: I find it more impressive when I see a Kerbal craft and it takes me a second to figure out how it was built.
  10. Indeed, but most of those free solutions are available on Windows as well. I use Open Office, GIMP, VLC. Near every program I use besides audio production and games were free. I am still dual-booting, but the Windows hate is overblown.
  11. In my mind. A finished KSP craft should appear to be a single unit, where even the seams are hard to find. If you didn't already known what the particular parts looked like, it would be hard to determine where one part ends and another begins. This isn't a hard and fast rule, just one that has not been followed nearly enough in KSP's part design. edit: The 2.5 tanks are probably the most egregious example. The ribs on the 1.25 tanks don't help their case, either. This, in regards to simply stacking tanks on top of each other and making a tall rocket.
  12. I disagree. Ask any interior designer about color palettes. Ask a Blizzard artist about the specifics of their character design. Ask an architect about why specific shapes are used in building design. There is a science to art, if you take my meaning. - - - Updated - - - If I had a vague knowledge of KSP and was shown the X-200-32, I'd probably think it was an exploding barrel from some first person shooter.
  13. I'd also like to give a shout out to Necrobones suite of mods. Some great improvements on stock parts as well as some additions.
  14. As stated in previous posts. This is a "lego" style building game. In my opinion, every part needs to look good attached to each other. Someone should be able to look at a craft you made (not made by a fictional manufacturer) and see it as one consistent construction. Not some hodgepodge of unrelated parts. To reiterate, your Mun Rocket Mk1: Pro Edition isn't a Rockomax / Kerbodyne / C7 hybrid. It's a rocket made by you; by your space agency, who has hired outside companies to manufacture individual parts according to your specifications. The visual consistency should reflect as such.
  15. In response to some of the posts in here: I'm not getting the broomstick comparison. Is it just because it's no a pole? Why would this reveal, in any way, mean the former reveals are no longer going to be in the game? Also, I think it looks fine.
  16. How many issues could have been avoided by just having the game flip a coin when deciding a Kerbal's gender and class.
  17. Why EJ still ins't on the sidebar is ridiculous. I don't care if he's not on KSPTV. He's one of the biggest advocates for stock KSP out there.
  18. When you say clamp, do you mean the claw? I try to stay away from the claw. Bad things can happen.
  19. I'd say 80%, but that's mainly because I think Career needs a complete overhaul. If career isn't considered, I'd say about 95% done. edit: This is my opinion. The consumer's opinion is ultimately most important, because they are buying your game.
  20. I typically use Greek history and myth. It's something I've been interested in since I first watched Clash of the Titans (1981) as a kid.
  21. Sorry. Not going to give Squad a pass on this one. The last time I can remember using a program with click-through issues was in High School. (The 90s) I'd really like to know some other examples. I use a lot of open source / indie software and never run into click-through problems. edit: So it's a Unity problem? Seems like a big oversight on their part. I think it's ok for a game about going to space with generally realistic physics to be somewhat unforgiving. That pretty much sums up my opinion on the matter.
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