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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Yep - sounds like OSE is going a bit different direction - which is fine and I expect compatibility will continue, though it will need to be a community patch since MKS will be geared with Konstruction in mind (as it is now, this is just an expansion of that mod).
  2. Yup. Although the big difference is that this is being built more as a supplement than an in-depth thing unto itself. Neither approach is wrong, but the Konstruction approach is to put the time sink in the creation of the KonstructionCredits - actually spitting out the part is super fast (maybe a second or so).
  3. Wait a day or so for the new Konstruction pre-release This includes the configuration, enabling enhanced EVA Construction, and also in-situ parts creation.
  4. Agroponics uses Mulch, so it's good for keeping your Kerbals alive. The Cultivator does not, so it can be used to make surplus supplies for other ships (like if you're building a new ship in orbit and need to stock it full of supplies before it launches with a crew flown from Kerbin). Also, time to let the first of several proverbial cats out of the bag. Wrapping up the code for the first two of a few new expansions to Konstruction. First - several modules will, with enough Kerbals and Konstruction equipment/workshops present - greatly increase the stock EVA Construction limits. This will let you easily assemble MKS Ranger bases using the stock systems. These parts have also all been moved over to stock inventory. Second - and probably the more cool of the two new bits will be in-situ parts construction using MatKits, Specialized Parts, and the stock inventory system. We'll be utilizing a new resource (KonstructionCredits) that you can build up with time, MatKits, and Specialized Parts, and spend these when the time comes on any of the goodies available in the stock inventory system. These should be code complete and testable within the week as a pre-release
  5. Jetpack is there by default. Kerbals can carry things (there's a whole category there for the new carryables, like EVA repair kits, worklights, etc.). The rest is just a difference of opinion
  6. Probably correct - EVA timer is pretty short. The other is likely a UI bug.
  7. I'll leave them in legacy when the time comes so that folks who want them can still do so. Maybe there's something else coming along that will solve that problem....
  8. And Kraken bait Still free to do 'em, part will be there as a legacy one and likely just supported via the occasional PR.
  9. You can literally do this with a module manager patch. And I already updated some of my own mods to use the new system. As noted by @jimmymcgoochie, maybe give mod makers a chance to implement the new system?
  10. It's telling you what you are about to convert to, not the next recipe. Sorry, no real interest in changing that GUI at this time. I have no idea where KIS/KAS are going to land tbh, just removing one more dependency out of the chain. Re the pipes, they will probably be moved to legacy at some point since connected bases really aren't a required thing between local logistics and WOLF.
  11. Also - one of those heads up things. The next major release is going to see complete deprecation of KIS/KAS from the USI constellation. We're moving 100% to the stock system. Been playing with it (and making a new Packrat rover along the way), and it's been really nice to work with (pic related - ignore the backwards decoupler...) Already have a new Konstruction bit added in that will allow working with much larger objects (so you can assemble MKS Ranger bases in-situ), and other stuff in the works to leverage this. A multitude of technical reasons
  12. You're free to use EL - it comes with it's own models. Or use GC, it's switching from bundled to supported. Or wait a bit because something else may or may not be happening slowly in the background....
  13. It's basically the same as any MKS/USI converter - it's confirming you want to swap from the current recipe to the new one. For example, here's a hopper that is currently set to receive dirt (the default). As I scroll through Next/Prev Manufactured Good, it will change from Dirt=>Something else. When I find the one I like (in this case, Gypsum) I can confirm by clicking on the Dirt=>Gypsum button that this is in fact what I want to swap the converter to. My screen would now look like this: And a launch, like this: So in short, cycle through recipes, find the one you like, and swap it in. Note that some ports support multiple bays so rinse and repeat for each of the bays (they can be the same or different recipes).
  14. Close. The only diff being WOLF has no physical infrastructure. Once infrastructure is added to WOLF it ceases being a vessel, and it's effect is visible from the WOLF UI.
  15. To add- WOLF does not run in the background (other than hoppers) - the bulk of it is super easy on the CPU and save file.
  16. So for those of you playing with the new systems... how do you like them so far?
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