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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. 1.4.0 for KSP 1.11 is up
  2. Do 'Perform Maintenance' with an EVA engineer on the part you want to refuel. Have the refueling storage nearby (does not need to be attached). Just tested it in 1.11 and it works fine with the current MKS build. Which container specifically?
  3. I have a process for promoting code. Full stop. While you may disagree, that's fine, but it's not going to change the process. And I will continue to close PRs sent against master.
  4. It was not closed in error. I do not take PRs to Master, I take them to Develop. I then promote them to Master.
  5. Not closed in error. That fix is moving up with the new version tomorrow.
  6. I have zero answer for you on this one. I guess sit tight and try the latest compiled Firespitter when I release it Sun/Mon
  7. Do you get the same error without OPM? Then do you get the same error in the log without Kopernicus? (in that order) Also I think that error is a red herring - I get the same thing in my save. So I am kinda at a loss given FS does not do anything exotic.
  8. I mean, right now I run the entire USI constellation and a lot of other mods - no issues. But it may be that a recompile of FS will sort it - what version of MM?
  9. Ok - so there must be something in those mods that's choking trying to do reflection. Could be an artefact of 1.11 - did Kopernicus do an official 1.11 release yet?
  10. Ok that's absolutely weird... No idea what would cause compatibility issues there. Anything in the debug window?
  11. That does not sound like a Firespitter problem tbh given I am using it right now in 1.11. What main buttons are you talking about?
  12. Excellent. I am happy to take it as a pull request or it can be a restock config thing, whatever works best.
  13. Hopefully that gives @allista a few days to update Global Construction and *crosses fingers* send over a Pull Request for 1.11
  14. Indeed If I had not already made weekend plans it would be Saturday - but out until Sunday with no PC access. Fortunately I have next week off and have already slated Sunday night and all of Monday to bundle things up May even get punchy and update all of these forum thread titles...
  15. Well given I have been happily using the Packrat in a 1.10 save - this looks like a restock mod conflict.
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