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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. See below Supplies is everything. Mulch is mostly waste water - which is super easy to clean (and the gunk you filter can be used to grow plants and whatnot). It's why the recyclers work on reduced consumption, and the greenhouse takes what's left over (with a little help of external mass) to make supplies. It's also why USI-LS cannot support a closed loop. The only reason I don't clip out some of the mass in 'mulch' is because at the end of the day, all conversions should be massless. That being said, if there was ever a USILS+ it would break out the components. USI WOLF already kinda does this, and not only has the concept of water/food/oxygen but also concepts of maintenance, habitation, labs, etc. - which works great at a larger scale. USI-LS keeps the scale in the small since most of the time, with TAC-LS, I'd just slap on the same three canisters, and nothing really changed in my mission profile except for some extra parts (except for a few extreme edge cases).
  2. Will look into that. I would say go for it on the wiki - I really appreciate it! Model wise I use Blender then export via Unity. Same workflow I do for stock
  3. You can access and even change all of the info from the space center screen. Sorry, I am juggling cats right now so I would recommend testing in your save and seeing where it takes you.
  4. Ok looks like a chunk to catch up on. @Jiraiyah 1. Generation ships are totally doable. They are just going to be really big. Probably ATLAS level parts, massive amounts of fertilizer, and lots of recyclers. Which makes sense. It's a big deal. The ships will be massive. Consider what it would actually take to keep people alive on a generation ship. It's a lot of stuff and a lot of your launch mass. 2. There will never be closed loop life support built into USI-LS (or any USI mod) for a multitude of gameplay reasons. Granted, if you WANTED closed loop life support, it's a pretty trivial patch. You could make closed loop for 1,000,000 kerbals and slap it on a cubic octag and call it a day. 3. I do sometimes play with planet packs
  5. Oh - and since I have to fiddle with the Packrat due to ModuleLight updates, and need to redo it with an eye towards stock inventory, and also because it's my 11 year old's favorite mod... the packrat is getting a revamp
  6. Two answers. First is to bootstrap from Kerbin (see the answer below). Or, do free routes with electric rovers. Yep - remember that WOLF has no temporal requirement - so reverse bootstrapping would also be super weird. Save file editing can sort this out. Totally by design. The infrastructure for power stations is pretty brutal - this lets you do bootstrapping a bit easier - at the cost of destroying your resources. Well, you can get free routes with electric rovers for one. And you may want to go straight from WOLF harvesting into a hopper. It's also handy if you're on the edge where the loss of a resource vein is worth it vs bumping up infrastructure one more level. Lots of details in this one GitHub issue please And now the secret is out!
  7. It will require an update. It's on my short list (as I am looking at deprecating all KIS/KAS support and swapping to stock). Yep - this will be the work mentioned above Plus PackRat needs new modeling anyway - kinda have to do it as it is the one mod my 11 year old asks for by name. GameData folder? Manual install? What dependencies? Literally the entire constellation got updated. Indeed it is Ah - I need to upload the Firespitter zip - my bad
  8. That really does not sound like a USI-LS issue tbh. Look at your log and see what's getting spammy.
  9. 1. There are deployable versions included. 2. I think there was at least one other mod, not sure if it is active. 3. Whatever works for you - bear in mind the drive needs to be spun up in orbit anyway
  10. Yes. If the warp bubble collapses your ship goes poof.
  11. Ask and ye shall receive https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI_Constellation/releases/tag/2020.12.22.01
  12. 1. Yes. 2. Correct - Depot first. 3. Yup - it gobbles up everything, Kerbals and all. Use the planner 4. The downside with the small harvesters is less efficiency, but they can be used to jumpstart the minimal set of resources you need for the rest of the chains. One trick is to figure out the end game via the planner, then work backwards to determine the resources you need, and do a series of smaller launches. 5. That's a solid option. Another is to go down the mass-depot route with a depot lander and attached scanner behind a decoupler so you can scan, then decouple off the scanner and make the depot. Rovers are super efficient for surface routes. Looking at step 4 is you can figure out exactly how much bandwidth you need in your transport routes. And dear god yes I would kill for anyone to help with documentation! If you're game, feel free to take the google docs and use them as a starting point for the wiki - those were pretty coffee fueled post-release. Will take a look USI-LS will work with different clocks, alternatively all of the LS parameters are configurable in the space center scene. I have definitely ran MKS/USI-LS on larger scale systems
  13. Info on Transport Credits and Routes - the glue that lets you set up supply lines and interplanetary transport hubs! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BEqW60RrnYiVJKpAIFHAUqhdBrzbwwQ7KsaJ8hZjH4w/edit?usp=sharing
  14. WOLF Parts are a different set. So your MKS based do not change. But at a certain point, some of the plumbing and resource chains you will probably want to use WOLF for. They are like peanut butter and jelly. For example, say you want a refueling station. It will probably be an MKS base hooked up to a WOLF hopper, with WOLF handling all of the resource gathering and processing, then dropping the results off into your MKS base. So now you have one base vs. several. Or, maybe you do a WOLF setup for your supply generation, pulling in stuff from a few biomes - but have a life support hopper into your outpost to feed your Kerbals. btw - will do another quick guide on working with transport credits and multiple biomes next
  15. @Kerbals_of_Steel - Atlas parts should have had a cradle - if not, something easy to sort with an optional mesh. And yeah there will be additional ATLAS parts. You already have harvesters that fit on them
  16. (and here's a cheat sheet of all of the WOLFy conversions! Read the doc first, it's not that scary once you understand how WOLF works. Ok... 1.4.1 is now out - GC removed
  17. Odd - mine does not freeze at all and I am using the same stuff we released. I'll yank it for now. GC is supported, EL is not but it won't conflict. There will eventually be a third option Also - handy doc for understanding what WOLF does and getting past the initial learning curve: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zft2Ka9gubOYQf4CQgvReTxpnP8_LQYNyHouEjQZqjw/edit?usp=sharing
  18. For WOLF? For now. Bear in mind that WOLF infrastructure does not persist, so the visuals are pretty short lived.
  19. Feel free to ignore that for now. No PR for it yet, still works fine in 1.11
  20. Funny you should ask... I'll be going through all of the USI mods and moving from KIS/KAS into the stock system.
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