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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Always assume that if I include something with the mod you need it Also, I'll be doing a 1.11 update once I recompile and am back on Sunday (heading out for the weekend).
  2. Yup, they drop off when they expend fuel. If they are not then something is up.... either mod conflict or auto struts Yes. and Most.
  3. Install it. It works fine, and the required DLLs are already bundled.
  4. hmm... have not had this issue to be honest, try UI scaling?
  5. @strigon - main reason for this happening is missing Firespitter. It's bundled with the mod.
  6. hmm... nothing exotic about the parts, sorry I am drawing a blank on this one.
  7. Then you have a mod conflict. You need to start removing mods from your main save till you figure out which one.
  8. Soon(tm) Are you on career or science? And you have CCK correct? (Bundled with it)
  9. Worked perfectly fine in 1.9.x, works fine in 1.10.x with the exception of the light globe. Yeah, still alive but KSP1 and KSP2 keep me busy too (what this guy said)
  10. No specific EL parts, if someone wants to do a third party integration that's fine - tbh I will probably be moving to the model where I encourage people to maintain these kinds of patches separately since it's tough maintaining something for a mod I do not use.
  11. is it turned on? Does it have power? Does it have mulch?
  12. There are plenty of tanks included with this...? Sorry, bit at a loss as to the ask.
  13. And you all caught me in the middle of doing releases anyway, so the 1.4.x version is in fact accurate. There - release done.
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