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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. All things possible, just a matter of how much time I want to put in it
  2. You got some token ones on the ring So no separate model right now - but it would be cake for someone to take the code and make a new model.
  3. Considered that, but intentionally left the tech preview very simple. But there will be things like that in MKS pretty soon. That's pretty much exactly how it will work for planetary stuff Easily doable by a mod since abundance data is tied to the asteroid at creation. I'd leave this as some fertile ground for modders At the end of the day, we have three. Kethane (which can be used by EL), ORS (I think KSPI is the only one using this now since I switched off), and ORS-X (which will soon be deprecated in favor of Regolith) which covers MKS/OKS, Karbonite, and my EL adaption). I think the interesting thing to watch out for is where Squad goes, since once they do their official bit, there will be no need for any of the core mechanics covering resources (whether it's Regolith, Kethane, or ORS) and all that's to be decided is how we extend what is offered by the core game. Hence I am trying to make Regolith extremely extensible (i.e. the resource broker itself is swappable, so it could just be an interface to Squad's).
  4. Yep, I am very happy with how this turned out. And RE prior comment, I do feel pretty strongly that some of my mods (FTT, K+, and the upcoming Alcubierre drive) have such game-changing elements that they just don't fit in stock. Plus it will help better partition MKS/OKS, so for me it's a no brainer. But for a smaller mod, an MM patch makes sense.
  5. This is meant to be a foundation bit, not a stand alone mod. I will include limited sample parts just to give people stuff to use as a technical demo (same when I do atmospheric and planetary), and will in time pull these parts out to a separate pack so people can just get the Regolith DLLs. It won't even make assumptions about resources, leaving that up to mods
  6. I like this Should be source up soon, wrapping a couple of last things up
  7. I for one won't be doing MM style patching - my stuff will have a hard dependency on CTT.
  8. Probably not for launch, and later done as separate parts. Note that the bubble is freaking HUGE as it is... like, 30m in diameter I could see a 3.75M drive with a large bubble but massive energy draw, and a 1.25m drive with a smaller bubble with decreased max speed.
  9. Right. You can get the tanks you need from either my FTT mod or Nertea's NFT mod.
  10. @BobsYerUncle - no joke. It's solar skimming. It works @Hazarada - I'll take a look. There are no beachballs by design, and it is pretty scarce on Eve since it also has Karbonite and would be a bit too easy Like Eeloo, there's a pattern and once you sort that out it should be easy to find in large quantities.
  11. It translates you in space without acceleration. The only thrust is for maneuvering. So if you leave LKO at 2500 m/s and point at jool, you would drop out of warp at 2500 m/s give or take
  12. By the weekend. The drive works beautifully, I just have to finish some visual effects and work out the power consumtion/recharging and engine balance.
  13. 2.75m - there will in fact be a bubble while the drive is on. I'm going to toy with having the bubble's color animating as you adjust the throttle, along with some ambient light. So as your ship increases the warp effect, the color spectrum shifts and things get brighter. As you shift back down to zero, the bubble becomes nearly invisible. In the VAB, it will be there primarily as a planning tool. OKS rings and the Toroidal SAS will fit in it fine if you're careful, but there are some obvious design considerations, which is a good limiting factor. Though I for one plan on getting VERY creative with alcubierre decoupling
  14. Freight Transport Tech. Side note - I think I will stick with 2.75 since it fits this:
  15. 3.75m drive. Based on the fact that I can toss in an FTT freighter, I am going to stick with one warp drive per ship.
  16. Hmmm... how much is a typical chage amount? If it's excessive I have no problem keeping ExoticMatter massless and I can just add a secondary resource to my drive (it has some directional thrusters built in, so it could be XenonGas or something).
  17. 1. Reverse that first question - will KSPI support Regolith, and that one is up to Fractal_UK (remember, this is a framework meant to be used by modders). 2. Sure, it will support any combination you desire. It's just a matter of wiring it up to make whatever recipe you want.
  18. Yep! There will be pretty API documentation once I kick the bees out @Kolago - can you humor me and try it without DDS Loader?
  19. undercoveryankee is correct. It's about to be used for an Alcubierre drive, and given it also runs on ExoticMatter, it will need some kind of mass (a very tiny mass and at least we're not dealing with 500,000 unit tanks of the stuff ) TBH I've never used KSPI's warp drive, but expect it's it's own code, whereas mine is (for a few reasons) tied to the engine throttle before handling the positional translation stuff.
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