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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Again, welcome back! If you need a hand on the ORS side (my PM probably got lost in the mix), I'd happily volunteer to cat herd on that one as I have a very vested interest in ORS
  2. Including all of the SCANSat integration bits? Though the larger is going to be the duplicate key bit that causes older versions of ORS to lag into oblivion. IMO the ideal place to land would be an ORS that is common to KSPI, KSPI-L, and the USI mods (Karbonite, MKS, etc.) and that has more active inclusion of pull requests (as we've seen in the fork we've been using for the past couple of months). Then the only rub comes down to resource definition. Solved most of that during your hiatus with KSPI-L which now is in sync with TAC, US, NFT, MKS, etc. - so the question would be whether the original KSPI plays well in that sandbox. Though that is more of a KSPI issue not an ORS issue. That being said, the one barrier to adoption will be the default resource definitions, as having these bundled gets really weird with CRP (which bundles all of the shared ORS configs in one package). So if those could move to KSPI vs. ORS that would make things easier.
  3. Welcome back! May want to get with Wave as there were other things/pull requests done in his branch of ORS (which is pretty much the same one I use for my entire mod constellation at this point due to the break with 0.24.2). Would be nice to get everyone back on the same canonical version.
  4. At the very least we toss it on the 'stuff people use' list once your mod is released
  5. Hopping in to just give some extra kudos to this. It has made my life as both a player and modder a LOT easier!
  6. Yep, power requirements went up for balancing purposes. Plus the RCS is more powerful so they are a bit more nimble
  7. heh, ironically I've been trying to throttle a bit so folks are not overwhelmed by so many changes at once
  8. Awesome! How are the updated values of the little ducted fan motors treating you?
  9. Hey! Yep, heard of the issue, I'll need to see if that's something Cyrik looked at before his vacation (we use Firespitter as well so it's something we need to sort with the log hub). And yup, Karborundum should not be set in the vab. Volume wise, it uses 5L/unit - let me know if you need more info
  10. Known KSP issue - start with the middle ones. Solution coming in next patch
  11. 0.1.3 is up Adjusted cost and densities of Water, Food, Oxygen, Waste, WasteWater, and CarbonDioxide to correspond to TAC-LS 0.10 9*]Added crustal water to Kerbin and Tylo.
  12. 0.1.2 is up! Small update to the duct fan model - beware this may cause your ships to look weird as some transforms changed. Slight boost to RCS power, texture size reduction, some model updates. CRP Integration USI Tools Refresh Internals tweaks Fixed bug where IVA caused a transparent pod
  13. 0.4.5 is up! Minor release, mostly compatibility stuff. Updated KSP-AVC info Updated FireSpitter plugin Updated USI DLLs
  14. 0.1.3 is up! Multi-colored honeybadgers thanks to HostageTaker who gave us a bunch of new textures. You can color your ship in yellow, gray, orange, or brown. Note some bits have more than one coloration choice, and some are for contents only. Engine tweaks - power requirements are up, props now spin in the right direction Two new ducted fan engines - a radial one with similar characteristics as the inline one we already have, and it's new smaller cousin (smaller than FTT's, larger than Exp Pack's). These all have RCS capabilities, but these are not exactly nimble ships Kontainers - Kerbal-style cargo containers for hauling around raw goods. They fit snugly inside of the bay of a Honeybadger, and are perfect for use with a KAS and IR crane Added CRP integration for resources (config only not maps) Updated to latest USI tool DLLs
  15. 0.1.2 is up! Maintenance release - version file, new DLLs with version checking, and a dummy DLL for folks to use with MM to determine if K+ is present (KarbPlus.dll) Updated to latest USI components
  16. Yep that's ZZZ's greenhouse model - public domain as I recall. The guy did some nice stuff
  17. ... let us assume for a second that Kerbals exhale pure, refined Kethane (to take it to an extreme). They are still breathing something in. So once you're outside of atmosphere you have no mass to breath in, hence you'd see some other mass go down as the exhaled Kethane was collected. So yes, there's a conservation of mass issue because you have no input into the cycle other than light. But as noted, OP's mod He/she is free to do as they wish, merely providing feedback.
  18. Fair enough - assumed OP was interested in feedback on his mod, as with all things he's free to take it or leave it.
  19. No, Ignoring them It's one thing to lose mass (stuff can get vented into space) but you can't create mass. You cam move the bits all over the place in interesting ways, but not make new bits from scratch.
  20. But in your example, guy A either used CRP from the start and we added it in (since he would have done the appropriate research on Nitrogen - note we don't even have a resource, it's just a weird visual artifact from KSPI so it's confusing). Or, guy B did his own thing without being aware CRP existed, then when guy B did use CRP and lobbied to have Nitrogen added, guy A can either choose to adapt, or risk conflict. In both cases, having new resources predefined (that are not in use yet) does little for the process. I mean, I'm not opposed to it - but right now there isn't even a resources, a lot of those are just confusing string text, or string text that one would think is tied to a resource but isn't In other words, no resources are being removed, but no new ones are being added. The issue with oceanic and atmospheric is that they tally up to a percentage, so if we're not careful we end up with 200% atmospheres, hence the need for discussion and to not fill up the definitions with strings not even tied to resources That's why Kerbin will actually get oxygen - right now it converts to oxidizer which is weird - so that I can do things like pull it in for life support. etc. without hackiness.
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